If walking people waving their arms, walking would be difficult to 12%

It turns out, waving his arms while walking facilitates walking upright, as it turned out the experiment.

The experiment was conducted with the participation of robots and humans: first a simple spring mechanisms allowed by almost inclined plane, but without "hands", the robots begin to sway and fall. Then the "machine" has attached some sort of limb, they were free to swing, and as a result the robots began to move more steadily. After that connect the people to experiment ten volunteers were asked to walk on a treadmill, first as usual, waving his arms, and then keeping them motionless along the trunk.
By counting the cost of energy on movement in the first and second cases, the researchers found that, waving his arms while walking, a person spends 12% less energy, and taking his hand in the direction opposite to the direction of travel, it is easier to keep the balance, therefore, it requires less effort for bipedal locomotion. Holding hands at his sides, in contrast, takes too much effort and complicated balancing act. Thus it was finally debunked the myth that waving your hands is an evolutionary relic, took out people from the ancestors of monkeys.
via factroom.ru
Soma can hunt doves
Ukrainian astronomers called the opening in 2008, the asteroid belt, "Wikipedia"