6 best ways to wake up refreshed
Tips charging the vivacity and energy for the whole day, no matter how difficult it may seem to you utra
Many of us immediately after waking up feeling no better - and pulls back into bed and sleep for a couple of hours. Nevertheless, life dictates its own rules: for example, to go to work or to carry out the child in kindergarten. There is a way: there are many effective ways to wake up quickly and then feel cheerful and energetic throughout the day.
1. Easy uzhinZhelatelno dinner no later than three hours before bedtime, at the same time should not eat heavy food, otherwise your body will need more energy to digest it, that disrupt sleep and make him restless. Also, dinner should ideally be rich in trace elements, calcium and vitamin B, influencing the decrease in stress state. To do this, perfectly suited broccoli, soy sprouts or cauliflower. It will also be helpful to drink a glass of warm milk or yogurt.
Remember that night you need to have a little, even if you eat the most useful products - preferably limited to 300 grams of food.
2. ZaryadkaV childhood, many do exercises in the instruction of their parents, but with age, this good habit is lost, and people are more and more often it is neglected. However, many studies confirm the fact that the charge in the morning helps the body to wake up, gives cheerfulness and strengthens muscles and, consequently, the formation of a good figure.
The only condition - not to overdo it: If your body will receive the excess load, the effect will be counterproductive - fatigue from exercise only strengthen your desire to sleep.
3. Contrast dushVo morning time water treatment is best to start with warm water - it will help your body to wake up. Next is, on the contrary, to reduce the temperature of the water and a couple of minutes to stand under the cool streams that will give you an extra energy boost. Then again, make the water warm, then cold again, and repeat the procedure for at least ten minutes.
4. Wiping the face ldomEsli wipe face with ice after water treatment, you are sure to cheer up. In addition, wiping ice tones the skin, so as a result you will not only save yourself from sleepiness, but also donate their skin youth and beauty.
5. Green tea for breakfast chayZelёny only good for your health, because not only invigorating, but also brings undoubted benefits - in green tea contains the amino acids, fluorine, iodine, iron, phosphorus and potassium. In addition, green tea can serve as a natural absorbent, as cleanses the intestines, kidneys and stomach, displays the body of accumulated harmful substances in it.
6. Morning progulkaEsli outside is beautiful weather, and you have a little extra time, then take a morning walk - if you need to work, carve out some time to leave home half an hour earlier. Morning coolness will invigorating effect on you, in addition, these trips are beneficial to your health, as they contribute to keeping a good shape and help to stay in good shape all day.

Many of us immediately after waking up feeling no better - and pulls back into bed and sleep for a couple of hours. Nevertheless, life dictates its own rules: for example, to go to work or to carry out the child in kindergarten. There is a way: there are many effective ways to wake up quickly and then feel cheerful and energetic throughout the day.

1. Easy uzhinZhelatelno dinner no later than three hours before bedtime, at the same time should not eat heavy food, otherwise your body will need more energy to digest it, that disrupt sleep and make him restless. Also, dinner should ideally be rich in trace elements, calcium and vitamin B, influencing the decrease in stress state. To do this, perfectly suited broccoli, soy sprouts or cauliflower. It will also be helpful to drink a glass of warm milk or yogurt.
Remember that night you need to have a little, even if you eat the most useful products - preferably limited to 300 grams of food.
2. ZaryadkaV childhood, many do exercises in the instruction of their parents, but with age, this good habit is lost, and people are more and more often it is neglected. However, many studies confirm the fact that the charge in the morning helps the body to wake up, gives cheerfulness and strengthens muscles and, consequently, the formation of a good figure.
The only condition - not to overdo it: If your body will receive the excess load, the effect will be counterproductive - fatigue from exercise only strengthen your desire to sleep.
3. Contrast dushVo morning time water treatment is best to start with warm water - it will help your body to wake up. Next is, on the contrary, to reduce the temperature of the water and a couple of minutes to stand under the cool streams that will give you an extra energy boost. Then again, make the water warm, then cold again, and repeat the procedure for at least ten minutes.
4. Wiping the face ldomEsli wipe face with ice after water treatment, you are sure to cheer up. In addition, wiping ice tones the skin, so as a result you will not only save yourself from sleepiness, but also donate their skin youth and beauty.
5. Green tea for breakfast chayZelёny only good for your health, because not only invigorating, but also brings undoubted benefits - in green tea contains the amino acids, fluorine, iodine, iron, phosphorus and potassium. In addition, green tea can serve as a natural absorbent, as cleanses the intestines, kidneys and stomach, displays the body of accumulated harmful substances in it.
6. Morning progulkaEsli outside is beautiful weather, and you have a little extra time, then take a morning walk - if you need to work, carve out some time to leave home half an hour earlier. Morning coolness will invigorating effect on you, in addition, these trips are beneficial to your health, as they contribute to keeping a good shape and help to stay in good shape all day.
Fast wake up those who are watching their health and a pleasant awakening and a great figure - a guarantee of good mood and self-confidence, which is so important to us. Always be in good shape and spirits will help innovative drug to reduce weight and keep «XL-S Medical», three times increases the effectiveness of any diet. Enjoy life and always remain beautiful and energetic!
via factroom.ru