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Seven curious and unexpected facts about sleep

About a third of my life we ​​spend in a dream. By the way, it is unique in that unlike other animals, able to fight with sleep: none of our younger brothers and it would never come. < Website has collected the most interesting facts about sleep. Some of them sound quite unexpectedly.

1. Why you can wake up screaming h3> Night terrors - a sleep disorder associated with abnormal physical movements, behaviors, emotions, perceptions and dreams. At night the fear of people do not realize what is happening to them. The main difference of the night for fear of the nightmare is that in the first case, the person wakes up in part and in the second - continues to sleep.

During an attack of night terrors man suddenly straightens up and starts to cry, often something quite meaningful like "They will kill me!" The person sleeping is distorted with rage, and people seem to protect themselves from an unseen threat, or is afraid of something like worms in bed . Heartbeat - palpitations, perspiration on the body, the pupils - expanded. This state can last from ten to twenty minutes.

Most often suffer from night terrors boys from five to seven years, but this girl is also subject to, though less often - according to statistics, about 17% of young children experience night terrors. As a general rule, as they grow older night terrors occur less often, and then completely pass.

2. Optional sleep a lot - enough to believe that you slept h3> There is a placebo effect of sleep: just believe that you slept well enough to be productive and energetic during the day. Especially well this technique works when people say that they slept well, any reputable psychologist or a doctor.

The experiment was conducted on a group of seniors. Students spoke briefly in lectures about the nature of sleep, and then connect them to the equipment, which supposedly should give researchers information about the quality of their sleep last night (actually the equipment simply measures the brain frequency). Then one of the experimenters allegedly coefficient calculated how well the students slept. Those who said they slept well, the tests performed better and faster than those who said they slept poorly.

3. Only 3% of people are able to feel normal, if not sleep more than six hours per day h3> There are two factors that affect the sleep time: according to research by scientists from the Department of Medicine at the Harvard School, is the age and genetics.

Genetics not only affects how much sleep you need, but also the structure of sleep and wake-up time as well as your preferences for certain tasks at different times of the day. Most adults need about eight hours of sleep a night, and a very small percentage of people (about 3%) can be productive during the day, emptying the entire six hours - that they owe to their genetics.

Generally, the older you get, the less you need to sleep. We give a short list of how many hours on average to sleep people of different ages:

  • neonates (from one month to two) - 10, 5 to 18 hours;
  • infants (three to 11 months) - from 10 to 14 hours;
  • small children (from one year to three years) - from 12 to 14 hours;
  • children of preschool age (three to five years) - from 12 minute to 14 hours;
  • children (five to 12 years) - from 10 to 11 hours;
  • teenagers (from 12 to 18 ti s) - 8, 5 to 9, 5:00;
  • adults (from 18 years up to the end of life) - from 7, 5 to 8, 5:00.

    4. Hungarian soldiers had not slept for 40 years and felt perfectly h3> Paul Kern was a Hungarian soldier who participated in the First World War. He was an excellent soldier and fought, even when all the others were killed by soldiers from his company, for which he was awarded the medal.

    One day Paul was shot in the head. The bullet destroyed a part of the frontal lobe - a wound would have killed anyone. But the only thing that has changed in the life of Paul after the injury - he was no longer able to sleep. Generally.

    The doctors carefully examined it and could not understand how he managed to survive. In fact, the inability to sleep is the only problem of the soldier. Hypnotics and sedatives pills did not help. But Paul and not suffering - part of his nervous system was also destroyed. The man did not take depletion and assured everyone that feels great. Kern had not slept for 40 years - until his death in 1955, the year.

    5. Your dreams really affect your real life h3> According to research, the contents of our dreams reflect our real relationship with other people while you are awake - for example, a matter of controversy and doubts the next day.

    The researchers asked more than 60 men and women to record details of their dreams as soon wake up and keep a personal diary and pay special attention to the records relating to the relationship with their other half.

    If people saw in your sleep partner, then the next day it leads to problems in the relationship, and then dreams in which there was a conflict with a partner, followed by serious difficulties in the relationship. If the dreamer in the dream changed the second half, it led to a decrease of love and trust, and the effect is kept for several days.

    However, not all results have been negative: those who in a dream saw something relatively pleasant partner, spent more time with him and approached him in real life.

    6. Sleep on your left side can relieve heartburn h3> The acid indigestion or heartburn - a burning sensation in the chest. The reason for this unpleasant phenomenon is involuntary regurgitation of gastric acid. Most of us are familiar with this unpleasant feeling, but keep in mind - sleep on the left side of the body can help to cope with heartburn, while sleeping on the right will only exacerbate the situation.

    Presumably, this is because while sleeping on the right side of the circular muscle that prevents the penetration of food residues from the stomach into the esophagus, relaxes ceases to perform its function, and the acidity of the esophagus thus increasing.

    7. If you suddenly awaken a sleepwalker, nothing wrong with it does not happen h3> In the own awakening a person suffering from sleepwalking, nothing dangerous to his health is not, but there is a possibility that man by surprise may hurt himself and harm to the person who I awakened. Normally lunatic starts to go in the third stage of REM sleep, also known as "REM sleep." At this stage, very deep sleep and wake up at this time is difficult, though possible. However, the awakening may lead to cognitive impairment (scientists call this state "sleepy inertia"), which may last up to 30 minutes.

    Experts in the field of disorders associated with sleep, argue that a man suddenly awakened from a deep sleep, may be very frightened, could not understand where he is or come in a very excited state. He simply can not find you, kick or strike. But even if such a person did not respond aggressively, he still may be harmful to you and to myself many sleepwalkers dream go to the kitchen to cook, or even try to get in the car with all the ensuing consequences.

    Instead of walking in a dream to wake the person, experts advise gently and slowly bring him back to bed.

    8. Lack of sleep spoils you with privacy h3> Poor sleep dramatically affects your everyday relationships in pairs usually one of the partners, which is less than enough sleep or frequent dreams nightmares become grouchy, begins to complain about life and blaming the other that They did not appreciate or do not pay enough attention. Researchers from the University of Berkeley wondered why this is so.

    The scientists asked 60 couples of all ages, from 18 to 56 years, keep a sleep diary. Participants had to write every morning, how well they slept, and added that they feel towards their partner. Also during the settlement of disputes in the family was conducted video recording. Those people whose sleep was worse are much more impatient and irritable.

    It was recalled that the full sleep is extremely important for the physical and mental health, and to feel vigorous and active person needs from 5 to 8 hours of sleep every night.
    Today, one in three people in the world suffering from insomnia. Normally poured only 40% of the population.

    via factroom.ru