7 morning habits, which you should give up

Your morning sets the tone for the day. If you got out of bed, cheerful and fresh, and the mood is good, and work a much. If somehow dragged himself to the kitchen to SIP coffee, then it will definitely be unproductive.
When this is repeated day after day, you may want to reconsider their morning habits. Newspaper the Independent has examined the opinion of scientists about how not to start your day, and the Website translated for you this useful information. So, what are some common habits you should give up:

Sometimes (okay, almost always) when you hear the alarm, we realize that to get up no desire. And then the clock will be safely 10 minutes later, and again we fall into a blissful sleep.
The doctors say it's not a good idea. The fact is that, falling asleep, a person enters into a new sleep cycle, which, of course, to complete not be able. That's why we Wake up overwhelmed and lethargic, not alert and fresh as it should be.

So, you by a great effort, suppressed the urge to rearrange the alarm (congrats!) and now lie, struggling not to close my eyes. At this point, so want to have a little lie down under a blanket, curled in a ball like a kitten.
Psychologists recommend to do differently: to stretch arms and legs in different directions, as if trying to capture as much space. The more you stretch, the more energized you will feel and the more happy and confident you meet the new day.

I bet the night your phone is somewhere nearby? And then, delaying the moment when you have to get out from under the blanket, itself turns out to take him in hand and start checking work email and instant messengers?
It's not a good idea. Consultant time management Julie Morgenstern warns: "Writing, the deadlines, the problems are never — ending. They immediately fell on you, spoil your mood and download full. All of this can wait another hour or two until you get to work."
Morning best be configured to perform one or two of the most important tasks and not worry so much informational noise.

Why make the bed? Still again in the evening to lie in it.
It seems to be true, but not quite. First, order in the house, and it's nice. Second, tucking the bed, we complete one, albeit small thing that sets the brain on a productive day. Scientists say that making the bed is a good habit and sticking to it, we feel better and more confident. This will help us to accustom ourselves to other good habits.

If you're subhuman until you drink coffee, have something to think about. Between 8 and 9 am, the body produces a hormone called cortisol which regulates our natural circadian cycle, which wakes us in the morning and lulls at night. When cortisol is produced, we feel awake and vigorous.
Caffeine interferes with this process, and the body starts to produce less of the important hormone and relies more on coffee. And in addition, it creates a tolerance to caffeine, and over time, we note that it is no longer working. It is best to drink coffee later — somewhere between 10 and 12 am, at the moment of decline in cortisol levels. So we get the full benefit from caffeine and do not violate the natural circadian rhythms.

Some believe that dim light in the apartment in the morning is a good way to move seamlessly from night to day. But, as the scientists explain, our biological clock is sensitive to illumination level. Darkness is a signal that it was time to sleep. Accordingly, and feel awake in the dark is impossible. To truly Wake up, we need bright light.

So, drink some water or do gymnastics? A better way to listen to music and drink tea? Take a shower and maybe just wash with cool water? Psychologists say that the morning is best to follow a particular ritual: I got up, drank warm water with lemon, then immediately into the bathroom.
The fact that our life force will run out, and if you painfully in the morning, deciding what and in what sequence to do, you are partially spent. Better to follow the routine routine, without thinking, and core strength and energy to leave for the day.

Source The Independent
See also
"How I became a "bird" and loved the morning"
9 secrets that will teach you to easily get up in the morning
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