It make your life easier
We offer you a selection of the useful tips that will make your life easier. We read and lazy - apply. [b] 1. How to tear the price tag, leaving no trace on the product? [/ B]
Certainly, each of us bought a thing, which in itself is not a suitable place firmly glued price tag or barcode. Remember how uncomfortable you feel, giving a gift, which is glued a price tag, but it's better than a broken package at present!
So, we need boiling water or normal hair - hold the stuck place with a price tag of steam or hot air stream before and immediately tear off the price tag!
[b] 2. The unusual properties of toothpaste: [/ b]
- Relieves irritation from insect bites, cuts and blisters from.
- Soothes the pain of burns.
- Allows you to hide skin imperfections. It accelerates the healing process of damaged skin after removal of acne on his face.
- Allows you to clean fingernails polished.
- Helps to smooth hair. Gel toothpastes - is hair gel.
- Helps to get rid of the corrosive smell of garlic, fish and onions.
- Removes stubborn stains from clothing and carpets.
- Tidies dirty shoes.
- Removes stains from colored pencils and markers painted on the walls.
- Scrubbed to a shine silver jewelry.
- Remove scratches from computer disks.
- Suitable for cleaning instruments keys.
- Removes unpleasant smell from the bottle feeding babies.
- Clears the scorched metal and cast iron surfaces.
- Prevents fogging of glasses for swimming.
[b] 3. If the soup is too salty [/ b]
It dipped a piece of sugar on a spoon. Once the sugar begins to dissolve, the spoon is removed - the sugar absorbs the excess salt.
You can also wrap in a cloth a little flour or rice and boil in a soup. Flour and rice also absorb salt. You can put in soup and whole raw potato, and a few minutes to remove it.
[b] 4. If you will be going on a trip to second-class car [/ b]
Keep in mind that buying a ticket, it is always better to know the original numbering of seats in the car, not to get in not the most pleasant situation, for example, if you place it next to the toilet ...
[b] 5. How can I see the rust from the laundry: [/ b]
Chronic rust on the laundry can be derived with the help of salt dissolved in lemon juice. To do this, moisten the stain with lemon juice, sprinkle a thin layer of salt and leave for a day, then rinsing.
[b] 6. If you do not have a toaster - no problem! [/ B]
Hot sandwiches can be done with iron!
- Put the iron on the heating. The best temperature corresponds to the ironing woolen clothes, so turn the temperature switch to the mark «wool» (wool).
- Smear on the upper part of the upper and lower slice portion of the bottom slice of bread little oil. Less than a conventional sandwich. The smoother will cut slices from the loaf so they fry evenly. Between slices put a piece of fragrant cheese.
- To not have to wash or iron a shirt from oil and cheese sandwich wrap plump better food with foil or paper.
- Put the bundle on the board (chopping will be more convenient ironing) and push it to the iron so for thirty seconds. Then flip and do the same procedure.
- Hot sandwiches prepared with the help of the iron is ready!
[b] 7. How to determine the frozen potatoes? [/ B]
To purchase when not to be trapped - blow to the potato. We ate with her flying dust, the potatoes are frozen. If the dust does not fly - frozen potatoes.
[b] 8. Be unique [/ b]
[b] 9. How to make a brisk morning? [/ B]
Usually the morning begins with a boring alarm clock, which is nothing but disappointment quickly ended the sleep brings. And as we get up refreshed, but still in a good mood. It's simple, we just need to apply an elementary-Life hack "a cheerful morning».
Life hacking is simple enough, but very useful exercise for the eyes. You should begin from the very beginning in the morning when the awareness of the inevitability of complete dream has already come, and then it is not moved. So, before you get out of bed, you need to: greatly narrow eyes, clenched eyelids. To be in this position must be as long as ever and do not relax, this is usually 12-15 seconds.
After applying Life-hack "cheerful eyes," you absolutely rashochetsya sleep, the morning will be cheerful and fun))
[b] 10. Life hacking in Russian: if there is no skewers [/ b]
[b] 11. Fresh ink stains on their clothes quickly reduced milk [/ b]
[b] 12. If you are being robbed at an ATM [/ b]
If you try to rob in obtaining money from an ATM, do not resist. Just type your PIN on the contrary. For example, instead of 1234, type 4321. As a result, the machine will alert the police and secretly puts out money, but they will be tightly clamped dispenser as if "stuck».
This feature is available in all ATMs, but not everyone knows about it. Tell a friend, someone it can be helpful.
[b] 13. Sudden loss of strength? Legs of steel with cotton? - Eat a green apple! [/ B] It includes a large number of carbohydrates and iron - the material lift you on your feet!
[b] 14. How to make 'anti »[/ b]
For such a simple and delicious snacks need:
- Soft bread
- Soft cheese (like Philadelphia)
- Ham
- Cucumbers
- Carrots
Very convenient for the office and "away" holidays, devices do not need.
The stuffing can be changed at their discretion.
[b] 15. Calculator You do hardly need [/ b]
[b] 16. House for the cat with his own hands [/ b]
[b] 17. Blankets)) [/ b]
[b] 18. The idea for the battery in the children [/ b]
[b] 19. How to cook crispy and delicious chips in a microwave oven [/ b]
You will need:
medium potato (2-3 pieces)
spices (to taste)
Salt (to taste)
Potatoes cut into circles or slices as thin as possible.
On the baking paper (parchment) Put one layer of potato slices.
Paper can be a little grease with butter.
If desired, potatoes can salt, add spices to your taste.
Turn on the microwave power is 700 W, cook for 3-5 minutes. It all depends on your microwave
As soon as you see that the surface of the slices become slightly brown, remove and immediately passed on to paper towels.
But not before, or chips will not be crisp.
Repeat this procedure until the end of the potato.
Bon appetit!
[b] 20. Toothache? Hackney her! [/ B]
The face has left 2 and right 2 points where the nerves are suitable so that, making a circular massage, it is possible for a short time period (usually not less than half an hour, there is also half-day, day) to get rid of toothache.
Blue circle - around there looking for the nerve of the upper teeth.
Red circle - the lower teeth.
[b] 21. Here's a crackers)) [/ b]
Source: dymontiger.livejournal.com

Certainly, each of us bought a thing, which in itself is not a suitable place firmly glued price tag or barcode. Remember how uncomfortable you feel, giving a gift, which is glued a price tag, but it's better than a broken package at present!
So, we need boiling water or normal hair - hold the stuck place with a price tag of steam or hot air stream before and immediately tear off the price tag!
[b] 2. The unusual properties of toothpaste: [/ b]

- Relieves irritation from insect bites, cuts and blisters from.
- Soothes the pain of burns.
- Allows you to hide skin imperfections. It accelerates the healing process of damaged skin after removal of acne on his face.
- Allows you to clean fingernails polished.
- Helps to smooth hair. Gel toothpastes - is hair gel.
- Helps to get rid of the corrosive smell of garlic, fish and onions.
- Removes stubborn stains from clothing and carpets.
- Tidies dirty shoes.
- Removes stains from colored pencils and markers painted on the walls.
- Scrubbed to a shine silver jewelry.
- Remove scratches from computer disks.
- Suitable for cleaning instruments keys.
- Removes unpleasant smell from the bottle feeding babies.
- Clears the scorched metal and cast iron surfaces.
- Prevents fogging of glasses for swimming.
[b] 3. If the soup is too salty [/ b]

It dipped a piece of sugar on a spoon. Once the sugar begins to dissolve, the spoon is removed - the sugar absorbs the excess salt.
You can also wrap in a cloth a little flour or rice and boil in a soup. Flour and rice also absorb salt. You can put in soup and whole raw potato, and a few minutes to remove it.
[b] 4. If you will be going on a trip to second-class car [/ b]

Keep in mind that buying a ticket, it is always better to know the original numbering of seats in the car, not to get in not the most pleasant situation, for example, if you place it next to the toilet ...
[b] 5. How can I see the rust from the laundry: [/ b]

Chronic rust on the laundry can be derived with the help of salt dissolved in lemon juice. To do this, moisten the stain with lemon juice, sprinkle a thin layer of salt and leave for a day, then rinsing.
[b] 6. If you do not have a toaster - no problem! [/ B]

Hot sandwiches can be done with iron!
- Put the iron on the heating. The best temperature corresponds to the ironing woolen clothes, so turn the temperature switch to the mark «wool» (wool).
- Smear on the upper part of the upper and lower slice portion of the bottom slice of bread little oil. Less than a conventional sandwich. The smoother will cut slices from the loaf so they fry evenly. Between slices put a piece of fragrant cheese.
- To not have to wash or iron a shirt from oil and cheese sandwich wrap plump better food with foil or paper.
- Put the bundle on the board (chopping will be more convenient ironing) and push it to the iron so for thirty seconds. Then flip and do the same procedure.
- Hot sandwiches prepared with the help of the iron is ready!
[b] 7. How to determine the frozen potatoes? [/ B]

To purchase when not to be trapped - blow to the potato. We ate with her flying dust, the potatoes are frozen. If the dust does not fly - frozen potatoes.
[b] 8. Be unique [/ b]

[b] 9. How to make a brisk morning? [/ B]

Usually the morning begins with a boring alarm clock, which is nothing but disappointment quickly ended the sleep brings. And as we get up refreshed, but still in a good mood. It's simple, we just need to apply an elementary-Life hack "a cheerful morning».
Life hacking is simple enough, but very useful exercise for the eyes. You should begin from the very beginning in the morning when the awareness of the inevitability of complete dream has already come, and then it is not moved. So, before you get out of bed, you need to: greatly narrow eyes, clenched eyelids. To be in this position must be as long as ever and do not relax, this is usually 12-15 seconds.
After applying Life-hack "cheerful eyes," you absolutely rashochetsya sleep, the morning will be cheerful and fun))
[b] 10. Life hacking in Russian: if there is no skewers [/ b]

[b] 11. Fresh ink stains on their clothes quickly reduced milk [/ b]

[b] 12. If you are being robbed at an ATM [/ b]

If you try to rob in obtaining money from an ATM, do not resist. Just type your PIN on the contrary. For example, instead of 1234, type 4321. As a result, the machine will alert the police and secretly puts out money, but they will be tightly clamped dispenser as if "stuck».
This feature is available in all ATMs, but not everyone knows about it. Tell a friend, someone it can be helpful.
[b] 13. Sudden loss of strength? Legs of steel with cotton? - Eat a green apple! [/ B] It includes a large number of carbohydrates and iron - the material lift you on your feet!

[b] 14. How to make 'anti »[/ b]

For such a simple and delicious snacks need:
- Soft bread
- Soft cheese (like Philadelphia)
- Ham
- Cucumbers
- Carrots
Very convenient for the office and "away" holidays, devices do not need.
The stuffing can be changed at their discretion.
[b] 15. Calculator You do hardly need [/ b]

[b] 16. House for the cat with his own hands [/ b]

[b] 17. Blankets)) [/ b]

[b] 18. The idea for the battery in the children [/ b]

[b] 19. How to cook crispy and delicious chips in a microwave oven [/ b]

You will need:
medium potato (2-3 pieces)
spices (to taste)
Salt (to taste)
Potatoes cut into circles or slices as thin as possible.
On the baking paper (parchment) Put one layer of potato slices.
Paper can be a little grease with butter.
If desired, potatoes can salt, add spices to your taste.
Turn on the microwave power is 700 W, cook for 3-5 minutes. It all depends on your microwave
As soon as you see that the surface of the slices become slightly brown, remove and immediately passed on to paper towels.
But not before, or chips will not be crisp.
Repeat this procedure until the end of the potato.
Bon appetit!
[b] 20. Toothache? Hackney her! [/ B]

The face has left 2 and right 2 points where the nerves are suitable so that, making a circular massage, it is possible for a short time period (usually not less than half an hour, there is also half-day, day) to get rid of toothache.
Blue circle - around there looking for the nerve of the upper teeth.
Red circle - the lower teeth.
[b] 21. Here's a crackers)) [/ b]

Source: dymontiger.livejournal.com