Why we are drawn there at night?
The evolutionary reason for the night perekusov
According to a recent study published in the journal "Obesity" craving a snack late at night are the work of the body's circadian system, acting as an internal clock - it controls exactly when the body needs to perform certain habitual tasks.
This circadian system increases the craving for sweet or salty food in the evenings. This desire - a relic of the now working mechanism of survival when food is abundant at night helped our ancestors to store energy in times of famine.
In many ways, this is similar to the appendix: the evolution and change in diet did circadian system unnecessary, but, unlike almost harmless appendix, a tactic once necessary for survival, now contributes to obesity. Consumption of food during the night for the body is counter-productive, because during sleep the body does not require as much energy and calories, as in daily activities.
Dr. Steven Shea, one of the organizers of the study, concluded that the circadian system is peak hunger at night, which contributes to eat more high-calorie food before bedtime. Due to the internal circadian regulation we have a natural tendency to skip breakfast and have great calorie meals in the evening - so, by the way, comes sumo wrestlers to gain weight.
via factroom.ru
According to a recent study published in the journal "Obesity" craving a snack late at night are the work of the body's circadian system, acting as an internal clock - it controls exactly when the body needs to perform certain habitual tasks.
This circadian system increases the craving for sweet or salty food in the evenings. This desire - a relic of the now working mechanism of survival when food is abundant at night helped our ancestors to store energy in times of famine.
In many ways, this is similar to the appendix: the evolution and change in diet did circadian system unnecessary, but, unlike almost harmless appendix, a tactic once necessary for survival, now contributes to obesity. Consumption of food during the night for the body is counter-productive, because during sleep the body does not require as much energy and calories, as in daily activities.
Dr. Steven Shea, one of the organizers of the study, concluded that the circadian system is peak hunger at night, which contributes to eat more high-calorie food before bedtime. Due to the internal circadian regulation we have a natural tendency to skip breakfast and have great calorie meals in the evening - so, by the way, comes sumo wrestlers to gain weight.
via factroom.ru
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