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Why falling in love makes you behave strangely

To love and be wise at the same time nevozmozhno

Everyone knows that falling in love makes even the mature, intelligent and balanced people behave like characters in Shakespeare's plays. What stupidity is not only pushes people love desire! But this every one of you can tell when the event itself. Now we offer you pay attention to the mechanisms of vlyublёnnosti.Chto is attractive from the point of view of scientists fiziologiiDlya largely remains a mystery why people find someone attractive. It is influenced by many factors, including personal preferences, cultural trends, the impact of the community and the availability of sexual partners. However, there are several chemically active substances that alter the state of consciousness of a person when he finds someone privlekatelnym.Govorya simply, there are many similarities between the effects of drugs and addiction to anyone - both mental and physical changes state, causing to behave unusually. Here are the main psychoactive substances that are released in your brain when you like someone: AdrenalinKogda you notice attractive from your point of view of a person in the brain occur adrenaline - a substance makes your heart beat faster and cause intense sweating. Adrenaline causes the body to a state of "alert", increasing the circulation of oxygen-rich blood to the body and increasing the level of tension and stress. Adrena also promotes the release of dopamine and endorfinov.DofaminVy you elation, you feel dizzy and experience the fun of anything? So your brain to produce dopamine started strongly. Dopamine is included in the "reward system" of the brain, a sense of satisfaction that it causes, it contributes to learning and motivation. Dopamine plays a positive role when a person in love, causing him to feel great, but it is also responsible for the development of alcohol dependence and narkotikov.SerotoninKogda you feel that you just can not throw out the idea of ​​the object of attraction, this fault serotonin. Specifically, the need for it. Lack of serotonin is also observed in people suffering from obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, in other words - falling in love can be compared with the treatment of mental illness. In both cases, the chemical processes occurring in the brain is very similar. Think romantic comedy - the behavior of the main characters is somewhat similar to the situation in the crazy dome.TestosteronTestosteron affect the attractiveness of both sexes for each other. Men with high testosterone levels like the fair sex with the "feminine" faces. Women, in turn, attracted to men with high testosterone levels, although it concerns mainly the first impression of any muzhchine.EstrogenRazlichnye studies show that women's attractiveness depends largely on the level of estrogen in a woman's body and her ovulation cycle. For example, in one experiment, men smell underwear woman that she wore during ovulation period, there has been increasing production testosterona.Konechno, your personality is much more complex than the usual combination of chemical reactions, so a complete picture of your behavior during the drive to someone based only on the influence of psychoactive substances produced by the brain, it is impossible. But in many ways the state of love with a man is a complex fusion of fun, stress and various conflicting feelings caused by the above-described chemical faktorami.

How to drive a toll on your povedeniiItak, we have found that when a person is in love, in his brain there are various chemical reactions. They are often the result of a variety of side effects, which you probably do not know ponaslyshke.Muzhchina becomes stupid when he thinks that he was looking for zhenschinaTakova unpleasant truth of the stronger sex. During some experiments, the men offered to cope with a variety of tests on intelligence, and when they are informed that their work will be watching the woman, the subjects showed worse results than in the case where the observer was a man. At the same time, female participants showed approximately the same results, regardless of sex observers. Now experts are trying to find out the reason for this curious effect - it caused by biological or social faktorami.Lyudi believe that similar to those to whom they have vlechenieSoglasno results of a study conducted at the University of Iowa, the man to whom someone like inclined to believe that he has a lot to do with the object of desire, besides being vlyulёnnym, a man appreciates okruzhayuschih.My adopt at their beloved harmful privychkiPo data published in the journal «Experimental Social Psychology», people often borrow from the object of his desire is not too positive quality, such as carelessness in the home, the habit of spending a lot of time on the computer and so on. Fortunately, this is also the case with a positive slope. It is worth noting that this phenomenon affects mainly small, everyday habits and does not affect the fundamental nedostatki.Chtoby avoid loneliness, people reduce the "quality standards" In other words, the fear of being alone makes a person a compromise relate to the shortcomings of a potential partner, increasing its the chances of finding a second polovinki.Iz for fear of losing the relationship, many do not hold on to the most deserving partnёrovLyuboy economist will tell you that if the goods are in short supply, the price of it will inevitably grow. According to Dan Ariely, a specialist in behavioral economics, about the same mechanism works in relationship. If the person does not have to take long-term option for the start of the new novel, he is unlikely to sever the same, no matter how much it satisfied with the current partnёr.Eto just some examples of how the desire obscures the mind and affects your behavior. In fact, far more options - if the relationship between two people interfering hormones, a certain amount of dopamine, a little bit of adrenaline and other substances, room for all sorts of follies and extravagant antics tsanovitsya almost neogranichennym.

How not to go on about vlecheniyaEst two news - good and bad. The good: you can make intelligent decisions contrary emotions. Understand your anxiety, obsessions and anxiety - just the state of your own psyche, and not an objective reality. Focus on your own experiences can only exacerbate the problem. "Most of the problems caused by negative emotions, is due to your attempts to hide the painful experiences, to resist them. When you act in this way, you will return again and again to the negative experience, securing it in memory. Do not focus on the negative, let new experiences and feelings to oust him ".Umenie aware of their emotions and manage them is called emotional intelligence. According to some studies, this ability can have a noticeable impact on the adoption of human-effective solutions. At the same time you can improve your emotional intelligence, recording his experiences in the book, or discussing them with others. Here are a few exercises for the development of emotional intelligence, published in saqte HelpGuide.org:Осознав, what you are experiencing stress, try to breathe deeply, relax your muscles - it will help a little to cool the ardor of your feelings and avoid making hasty actions. Control your emotions. This applies not only to obviously destructive emotional impulses such as anger, but also to express their romantic feelings - do not give in every time their provocations and make something out of the ordinary. Be aware his actions. Learn the basics of nonverbal communication. Ambient, without realizing it, you send a lot of silent signals. Learn to understand them, you will be able to objectively assess the situation and clever strategy to build their behavior. Use humor to solve problems and networking with people. To do this, you do not have to be a stand-up comedian world level. Mess often and most importantly, to the point - people like it, so we can reduce some of the looming conflict to an end. Structurally it resolves disputes. It is not necessary to turn the discussion of problems in the clarification of the question, "Who's in charge here ?!" or an ordinary quarrel, your task - to work together to find a way out of the situation. There is also bad news, you have not forgotten? Developing emotional intelligence and coaching skills of effective decision-making, you undoubtedly will benefit themselves and others, but in the end, really effective cure for the fever of love does not exist. Knowing the mechanisms of its occurrence, you will be able to behave a little more sensible, but still can not ignore the "disease", which is millions of years old.

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