He razed his village from the ground, and then ... People sang him as a hero!
His name Xiong Shuyhua (Xiong Shuihua) and during his career in the construction business, he managed to earn a multi-million dollar fortune. One day, Xiong returned to his native village to raze houses to the ground. What for?
Despite its status multimillion tycoon Shuyhua Xiong has a good heart and gratitude to the people who have done him good. Xiong was a good boy since childhood, which began in a village in southern China Xiongkeng.
In this village I was born and raised Xiong surrounded by good neighbors, who supported him and his family. For all the good deeds Xiong promised to someday repay the villagers and then came the moment ...
Xiong returned to his native village to raze it to the ground and give its residents that can not be bought in any store in the world - completely new gorod
This is how Xiong decided to thank his former villagers for their kindness and care they darili
72 families moved into new homes, and can not convey the feelings of boundless gratitude they feel towards Syunu
A 18 families who were particularly close to the millionaire and his family, he gave the villa the cost of 4 million pounds each. Also, older people and families below the poverty line, living in the village due to Xiong, the multimillionaire offers free meals 3 times a den
Sam Xiong said that earned so much money that literally did not know what to do with. And looking at his old village with nezaasfaltirovannymi roads and rickety fences, he decided to invest in it. According to him it is the most profitable of his attachment in his life, what he was extremely happy.
Xiong also added: "I always pay its debts and is very happy that all the people who helped me and my family have received something in return" .

Despite its status multimillion tycoon Shuyhua Xiong has a good heart and gratitude to the people who have done him good. Xiong was a good boy since childhood, which began in a village in southern China Xiongkeng.

In this village I was born and raised Xiong surrounded by good neighbors, who supported him and his family. For all the good deeds Xiong promised to someday repay the villagers and then came the moment ...

Xiong returned to his native village to raze it to the ground and give its residents that can not be bought in any store in the world - completely new gorod

This is how Xiong decided to thank his former villagers for their kindness and care they darili

72 families moved into new homes, and can not convey the feelings of boundless gratitude they feel towards Syunu

A 18 families who were particularly close to the millionaire and his family, he gave the villa the cost of 4 million pounds each. Also, older people and families below the poverty line, living in the village due to Xiong, the multimillionaire offers free meals 3 times a den

Sam Xiong said that earned so much money that literally did not know what to do with. And looking at his old village with nezaasfaltirovannymi roads and rickety fences, he decided to invest in it. According to him it is the most profitable of his attachment in his life, what he was extremely happy.
Xiong also added: "I always pay its debts and is very happy that all the people who helped me and my family have received something in return" .

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