12-year-old boy to see through women is much earlier than other men and wrote "The Book"
For centuries the best minds are trying to find an answer to one question: "How to understand a woman?". Even today, the fact that capture the essence of the relationship between man and woman, has been spent more than one million dollars.
It seems that the 12-year-old boy did it. He cracked the secret code, which was on the way to understanding the female essence.
you are ready to turn your mind?
This is a truly unique discovery!
Maybe someone in the words of the note will seem a bit cynical, but it does not mean that they have no right to exist. No wonder they say that the men - from Mars, and women - are from Venus.
It seems that the 12-year-old boy did it. He cracked the secret code, which was on the way to understanding the female essence.
you are ready to turn your mind?

This is a truly unique discovery!


Maybe someone in the words of the note will seem a bit cynical, but it does not mean that they have no right to exist. No wonder they say that the men - from Mars, and women - are from Venus.
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