Very want something? With this instruction your wish will come true. Believe me!
If you want your desires are fulfilled, it is necessary to learn how to properly order. You may not believe it, but if you do something you want badly, the whole universe will help you in carrying out your wishes. .cc has prepared for you detailed instructions for making wishes.
1. Choose your fondest wish.
Usually zagadyvaya desire, we are trying to "grab more." For example, you wish for a million dollars, for which you buy an apartment, car, etc. But the desire to be one. That it turned, it should not have multiple layers. Why?
Imagine that suits to your child and ask a hundred rubles. He wants to build a bird feeder. It is estimated that this amount should be enough for him to board, hammer and nails. But you know perfectly well that in your house you can find all of these materials. The child, without having made a hundred rubles feeder, and you have the satisfaction of saving money.
So it is with the universe. It will also look for the most simple and efficient solution to your question. Therefore, their need to disassemble multi desire to simple elementary components.
2. Your desire should not be a prerequisite for the execution of other desires.
We need to ask ourselves the question, why do I need the execution of this desire? For example: Why do I need a million dollars? Answer: to buy an apartment, car, etc. Then ask questions to each of the lower will. Question: Why do I need an apartment? The answer is: get rid of parental care. Question: Why do I get rid of care? Answer: As soon as I ... can you describe your sense of desire, it can be considered is the desire that you want to think.
3. Desire should cause only feelings.
Let's go back to the money. When you get the money, you can get an apartment and a car. It will not cause you any emotion, except the feeling that with the money you need something else to do. This means that you chose the wrong desire. If you want a lot of money just to admire them - order the money. If you need an apartment, to live there - guessing apartment. If you need to get rid of parental care, the order should be just that, because even if this apartment is in Africa - it does not mean that parents will no longer take care of you. If you want to meet a prince on a white horse to marry him, you have to be willing to not meet and marry a prince.
4. The desire not to hurt anyone.
The universe is always looking for the most rational way. It is possible that, wishing an apartment, you'll get it in the inheritance from a deceased relative. Completely avoid the negative consequences of your desire is impossible. I speak a little bit of something else. You should not wish harm to anyone, even if they annoy you much. Desires tend to come back, so take care of the "Boomerang", which you ask the universe.
4. Your desire shall apply only to you.
We must always be willing to own, and not someone close. Desire, which had read as follows: "I want my child ..." is not going to work. There is a way out. You can rephrase it a little to put the "arrow" on himself: "I want to be proud of their child, who is studying at one five." When you put your feelings in the first place - the desire to be fulfilled.
6. Wanting it is necessary to the maximum.
Always wished much as possible. Anyway, not all will not come true. But the more you want, the more you get. If you want an apartment - a welcome stay in the most prestigious area of the city. If you dream about the car - I wish the best car brands. The universe is limitless, so your desires and there should be no barriers.
Additional tips:
The desire not to have time limits. The universe does not care exactly when you want to get your apartment, it will fulfill it at the right time for this. Do not give up on the chance! I am always ready for a change, because it can be a way to fulfill your desires. The universe always knows best, does not prevent it. Start small. Try to start with small desires. After all, the larger it is, the harder it is to perform and the less you have faith in their own strength. Performing small desire, you believe in yourself. You are responsible for your desires. Therefore, ordering something, try to avoid any negative feelings and actions towards other people. Do not tell everyone about their desires. The fewer people who know about your dreams, the less they can affect their performance. Lead recording desires. Well understood in their true desire, it is best to record and periodically review.
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1. Choose your fondest wish.
Usually zagadyvaya desire, we are trying to "grab more." For example, you wish for a million dollars, for which you buy an apartment, car, etc. But the desire to be one. That it turned, it should not have multiple layers. Why?
Imagine that suits to your child and ask a hundred rubles. He wants to build a bird feeder. It is estimated that this amount should be enough for him to board, hammer and nails. But you know perfectly well that in your house you can find all of these materials. The child, without having made a hundred rubles feeder, and you have the satisfaction of saving money.
So it is with the universe. It will also look for the most simple and efficient solution to your question. Therefore, their need to disassemble multi desire to simple elementary components.
2. Your desire should not be a prerequisite for the execution of other desires.
We need to ask ourselves the question, why do I need the execution of this desire? For example: Why do I need a million dollars? Answer: to buy an apartment, car, etc. Then ask questions to each of the lower will. Question: Why do I need an apartment? The answer is: get rid of parental care. Question: Why do I get rid of care? Answer: As soon as I ... can you describe your sense of desire, it can be considered is the desire that you want to think.
3. Desire should cause only feelings.
Let's go back to the money. When you get the money, you can get an apartment and a car. It will not cause you any emotion, except the feeling that with the money you need something else to do. This means that you chose the wrong desire. If you want a lot of money just to admire them - order the money. If you need an apartment, to live there - guessing apartment. If you need to get rid of parental care, the order should be just that, because even if this apartment is in Africa - it does not mean that parents will no longer take care of you. If you want to meet a prince on a white horse to marry him, you have to be willing to not meet and marry a prince.
4. The desire not to hurt anyone.
The universe is always looking for the most rational way. It is possible that, wishing an apartment, you'll get it in the inheritance from a deceased relative. Completely avoid the negative consequences of your desire is impossible. I speak a little bit of something else. You should not wish harm to anyone, even if they annoy you much. Desires tend to come back, so take care of the "Boomerang", which you ask the universe.
4. Your desire shall apply only to you.
We must always be willing to own, and not someone close. Desire, which had read as follows: "I want my child ..." is not going to work. There is a way out. You can rephrase it a little to put the "arrow" on himself: "I want to be proud of their child, who is studying at one five." When you put your feelings in the first place - the desire to be fulfilled.
6. Wanting it is necessary to the maximum.
Always wished much as possible. Anyway, not all will not come true. But the more you want, the more you get. If you want an apartment - a welcome stay in the most prestigious area of the city. If you dream about the car - I wish the best car brands. The universe is limitless, so your desires and there should be no barriers.
Additional tips:
The desire not to have time limits. The universe does not care exactly when you want to get your apartment, it will fulfill it at the right time for this. Do not give up on the chance! I am always ready for a change, because it can be a way to fulfill your desires. The universe always knows best, does not prevent it. Start small. Try to start with small desires. After all, the larger it is, the harder it is to perform and the less you have faith in their own strength. Performing small desire, you believe in yourself. You are responsible for your desires. Therefore, ordering something, try to avoid any negative feelings and actions towards other people. Do not tell everyone about their desires. The fewer people who know about your dreams, the less they can affect their performance. Lead recording desires. Well understood in their true desire, it is best to record and periodically review.
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