Exemption from the program "expectations."

Sometimes we are very keen to achieve something and waiting tensely certain result.
Voltage power.
It is the result of fear of the unknown, anxiety, restlessness (and suddenly desires come true?). Therefore, the expectation and belief in the fulfillment of a wish (if appropriate) - two different states with consequences.
As a result, stress is reduced in touch with the universe, we lower your vibration. Tension - a consequence of distrust of the universe, the Creator.
"Closing the biofield" - again a consequence of stress and fear. We become "invisible" in their lower vibrations. We are not showing its unique magnetism (which, in fact, attracted the materialization of desires).
The outflow of energy. Violate the free flow of energy through the channels.
Identification with the desires - affection for his "obsession". But it's pretty serious. Some people wait years for something, someone - work who - husband, who - more money and so on. D.
Perseverance is necessary not waiting, it would be directed to strengthening of faith and action. Since the wait = waste energy in vain, then, respectively, and the result is zero. Depending on the idea leads to:
The creation of the emotional pendulum "from sadness to joy," "believe it, do not believe", "the love, the hate," and the like. That is exactly the mentality shaken. Force is getting smaller and smaller, and finally:
Any expectation (in 100% of cases) leads to disappointment - unfulfilled desires (and therefore mentioned in the techniques of "magic" that in no case do not need to be anchored in the time and the way of materialization of intentions).
The disappointment is that it was not the desire or our or its execution would harm (and we have a happy alternative), or need to relax and let go of the desire (to lift the ban to keep everything under control).
That is disappointing brings healing energy. Rather, the ability to heal.
But if a person has decided to continue to beat my head against the wall and still wait, everything will start all over again. We can only guess how much he or she could make magic in your life, be able razotozhdestvlyatsya with his obsession.
How much goes to the "nowhere" of health, energy, opportunities like sand through your fingers - that's what it is, this program "expectation»!
How to get rid of the "expectation»?
Step 1. Is it our desire?
The soul wants or program affection for "obsession"? If ours continue.
Step 2. Eco whether my desire?
Am I willing to be responsible for its implementation? As for whether it was me or other people? Is it appropriate to my desire? If yes, continue.
Final "relevance" will be seen by the result. If we have expectations of others - saving relationship conflict, giving freedom of choice and the will of neighbors!
And again, wait a favorite of the army - it means to believe that it will be all right, it's a state of giving love energy. The wait in anxiety and worry - means to attract your loved one in trouble.
Step 3: Return the state of faith.
Remembering one of the most magical resource states - the state of the Inner Child. It helps us to believe in miracles, believe in luck, believe in the "impossible».
Bottom line: we feel that we are not alone, we feel the support and love of Heaven - the result of the gain (or occurrence) of connection with the universe.
Step 4. Desire - is a desire, there is only one party - get. And what about the donation? What is the mission of my desire? What can I give to people as a result of his performance?
If we do not even think about it, it may be a false alarm, "ego" is nothing - even getting accustomed to harmony-giving. Everything is fine.
Step 5. Thanks.
And not for the fact that come to pass (it will be a "self-serving" thanks, but also a good start) and for all. Why in this state I want to sincerely thank? As in the movie: "Announce please the entire list!" That's all he wants to announce - and the list, from the heart.
Step 6. Not so fast to get rid of the program expectations, is not it?
But it is certainly better than that released by the frustration that can lead to depression. And this technique because so long she can not beat 'tsigel, tsigel, ah-lu-lu, "it helps the potential his, to get rid of the influence of selfish principles in making wishes, well, if it's done honestly, of course. < br />
So the next step - the actual release. It will help any nice visualization or ritual as much someone like that. For example, you can imagine that we run our desire as a bird in the sky.
If our dream come true - the bird will fly back. Let go, easily, freely, simply and without problems. The main thing here - bright, memorable image and condition!
What else can you imagine? For example, autumn tree - our desire was a sheet, which fertilize the ground. And when spring comes - the execution of the dream - the tree will have new leaves and flowers - among them can be performance and our desire!
You can let go of the desire through the ritual of "launch" paper boats float freely. But, first, the winter, and secondly - why littering our environmentally desire? You can make it easier: a desire to say to the wind, he will take it. And we are free.
Step 7. We wish all the people fulfill their covenant, pure dreams!
Step 8. Now engaged in life.
The "expectation" is dangerous because a person starts to live a life of desire: to eat when thinking about whatever it will or will not, can not sleep sometimes, communicating with friends is in the thoughts of his obsession. She actually directs all of his life!
Man waiting for - a person is not living.
While not burst disappointment.
It is, by the way, clap, not in order to enter into a state of sorrow - sorrow (the result of not wanting to "rip" the peg you for choosing the longer resistance - the longer the period of depression), and to awaken, to cheer, to release, to remind you that we - are not slaves, slaves - not us (their desires).
How wonderful it is - to live my life, do good works, be happy for people to thank and believe! Mmm ... freedom!
Wish you happiness!