If the house is no bread, there is a solution! Fires are airy and sweet donuts "baby."
If you're tired of the monotonous breakfast, entertain your family donuts "baby." Their preparation will not take you much time and money do not need a lot, because they are made from readily available ingredients. By adding a bit of imagination, you can experiment with their form. Serve these muffins can be hot, cold and warm the next day, if they are, of course, survive.
250 g yogurt 5 Art. l. sugar 1 h. liter. soda 1/2 ch. l. salt 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil 1 egg 4 tbsp. flour 1 package vanilla Preparation:
1. From the very beginning you need to sift the flour with the vanilla.
2. Then mix yogurt with soda and let them stand for 10 minutes.
3. Vzbey egg with salt and sugar and add the vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly.
4. Connect to the egg mixture and gently mix the yogurt.
5. Gradually add the flour and stir. Flour may take a little less or more.
6. The dough should not stick to hands. If this happens, it smazh vegetable oil.
7. prisyp working surface with flour, roll out dough thickness of about 2 cm. Cut out figures of molds. If no molds, glass Cut out circles and make cuts to 4 sides before reaching the middle. During frying the flowers are obtained.
8. fry in vegetable oil with 2 sides as pancakes. Especially tasty to eat these dumplings with sour cream, as well as jams, jam, jam.
Quick and easy! If the house ended bread made such crumpets. Their preparation will take you less time than a trip to the store. Look forward to your family such a wonderful alternative to pancakes and fritters!
And be sure to tell your friends about this recipe!
via takprosto cc

250 g yogurt 5 Art. l. sugar 1 h. liter. soda 1/2 ch. l. salt 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil 1 egg 4 tbsp. flour 1 package vanilla Preparation:
1. From the very beginning you need to sift the flour with the vanilla.
2. Then mix yogurt with soda and let them stand for 10 minutes.

3. Vzbey egg with salt and sugar and add the vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly.

4. Connect to the egg mixture and gently mix the yogurt.

5. Gradually add the flour and stir. Flour may take a little less or more.

6. The dough should not stick to hands. If this happens, it smazh vegetable oil.
7. prisyp working surface with flour, roll out dough thickness of about 2 cm. Cut out figures of molds. If no molds, glass Cut out circles and make cuts to 4 sides before reaching the middle. During frying the flowers are obtained.

8. fry in vegetable oil with 2 sides as pancakes. Especially tasty to eat these dumplings with sour cream, as well as jams, jam, jam.

Quick and easy! If the house ended bread made such crumpets. Their preparation will take you less time than a trip to the store. Look forward to your family such a wonderful alternative to pancakes and fritters!
And be sure to tell your friends about this recipe!
via takprosto cc
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