How to cook watermelon smoothies in just 2 minutes. Xit next summer!
Adore smoothies? You can not live without watermelon? Then this video filmed just for you! This guy managed to make of this fruit is very refreshing drink, even with such a submission! With this method, the juice of watermelon will no longer flow through the elbows, and you do not get dirty his face from one ear to the other. All you need to do: watermelon, a drill, a plastic cup and wire!
Please wring something like the corolla of wire and secure it to the drill. Take a watermelon and make a small hole in it ... And then, look at the video!
It's just brilliant! Easy, delicious and organic drink just a couple of minutes. Take this way of eating watermelon on a note, because your guests will be delighted when you make a smoothie at the next picnic!
via takprosto cc
Please wring something like the corolla of wire and secure it to the drill. Take a watermelon and make a small hole in it ... And then, look at the video!
It's just brilliant! Easy, delicious and organic drink just a couple of minutes. Take this way of eating watermelon on a note, because your guests will be delighted when you make a smoothie at the next picnic!
via takprosto cc
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