How to make a crystal candy house: now you know what you want to do with your baby in the evening!
This original experiment madly like any child! Just a week at home, you can grow a real magic crystal candy. Not only beautiful, but also sweet. To do this, create a small chemistry laboratory in his kitchen. Great activity for the recital.
To make crystal candy, you'll need:

To make crystal candy, you'll need:
- 2 glasses of water;
- 5 cups sugar;
- wooden sticks for a mini-barbeque;
- thick paper; < transparent glass;
- pan;
- food coloring. 1. Take the fourth of a cup of water and a couple of tablespoons of sugar. On fire boil sugar syrup. Emptying a little sugar to paper. Dip the wand in sugar syrup, sticky stick gather saharinki. Distribute them evenly on a stick, then turn crystal flat.
2. The sticks have to dry completely. It is better to do in the evening and leave to dry overnight.
3. Pour into a saucepan 2 cups water and 2 cups sugar 5. Dissolve the sugar over medium heat. The resulting syrup eruption remaining 2, 5 cups of sugar and boil until completely dissolved. Turn off the heat and leave the syrup on the stove minute 15.
4. While the syrup cools, prepare sticks. Secure them to the clothespin as shown in the picture. In order to stick better to keep on the clothespin, use extra paper for fixation.
5. spilling hot syrup into glasses. The syrup should not cool down, otherwise the crystals will not grow. For multi-colored crystals add food coloring to the syrup. Put the prepared sticks in a jar of syrup so that they do not touch the walls and bottom of the can.
Now you just wait! The crystals will grow with each passing day, the children interesting to watch the process.
You need to be alert to the possibility that some of the crystals grow slowly, and the other - faster. But this is so exciting!
Create a beautiful home with the child - a very simple, it's a good idea for the development of observation and accuracy. Replace evening TV with cartoons original scientific experiment! And do not forget to treat something sweet young experimenter.
Tell other parents about how you can make a child's leisure magic!
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