10 life hacking house, it is worth paying attention! Simple ways to improve the way of life.
There are many things that can be used in different ways. Those who know at least three destinations for one thing, certainly live in interesting-furnished house, where a special atmosphere. People who think outside the box, turning their home into a strange place where all things are unique. If you want to be original, consider these 10 cool life hacking. These ideas will not only help to decorate your home, but can make life easier.
1. Inverted table may be unusual for a baby bed.
2. At the bottom of a large plastic bottle can be diluted or mixed paint and neck used as a stand for the brush.
3. From the old cot can be made comfortable and original table.
4. Decorate the wire, which can not hide the rope.
5. Unusual pictures of cans.
6. Make a nice little vase bottle of cologne or perfume under.
7. Close your bags stoppers of wine.
8. jewelery lovers can keep their decorations on the old candlestick.
9. From baby bottles can make beautiful vases.
10. squeeze toothpaste dispenser, so as not to take too much. This is especially good for children.
These unusual ideas to make your home more original, and life more interesting and easier.
Share with your friends by these 10 life hacking!
via takprosto cc
1. Inverted table may be unusual for a baby bed.

2. At the bottom of a large plastic bottle can be diluted or mixed paint and neck used as a stand for the brush.

3. From the old cot can be made comfortable and original table.

4. Decorate the wire, which can not hide the rope.

5. Unusual pictures of cans.

6. Make a nice little vase bottle of cologne or perfume under.

7. Close your bags stoppers of wine.

8. jewelery lovers can keep their decorations on the old candlestick.

9. From baby bottles can make beautiful vases.

10. squeeze toothpaste dispenser, so as not to take too much. This is especially good for children.

These unusual ideas to make your home more original, and life more interesting and easier.
Share with your friends by these 10 life hacking!
via takprosto cc
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