25 damn useful inventions for the house, which had long dreamed of every woman!
"Everything flows, everything changes," - once said Heraclitus was, of course, right! He would know the famous Greek philosopher, the speed with which everything changes today, he probably would have picked up his head. Progress does not stand still, and every day the designers come up with new and useful invention, which are designed to simplify our life. Thus the fact that yesterday was a dream, today is the most that neither is true.
Today, the team .cc to introduce you to the amazing things from the world's top designers. On many of these inventions had long dreamed of any hostess. I bet some of the little things from this collection you want to buy immediately. And no wonder, because it's all about what we dreamed of so long ago.
1. Two in one: the flash drive from the microchamber.
2. Transparent Toaster: Now your toast just do not Undermountain!
3. Convenient spoon salad - brilliant!
4. And what about the device to measure the distance your fingers?
5. Device for dostavaniya chips.
6. Printer-crumb is placed on the palm.
7. The brewing urging spoon. Say "no" stains from tea bags!
8. Cook Chef: special silicone bag for cooking.
9. Just add water: mini-fountain mouthwash.
10. Tidbit: the knife-holder for the cake.
11. Fruit salad in a jiffy: plastic bananorezka.
12. Special device for cleaning pepper.
13. Ingenious invention for sealing packages.
14. Brush cactus - not to miss in places of solitude.
15. Cutting board with a secret.
16. Sleep, my darling, go to sleep: an inflatable mattress in the back seat.
17. Halt, who goes: online monitoring of the door lock.
18. Chic and shine: Stand for drinks in the bathroom.
19. Pure, like it or not: self-cleaning brush.
20. Frying pan with separate sections.
21. There is nothing superfluous: the device for separating the seeds from the berries.
22. Now drain the water from the pan - simple!
23. Summer is just around the corner: a colander to wash berries.
24. Goldfish separating the yolk from the protein.
25. Squeeze all the juice from a lemon literally!
I bastard from the pan with individual sections and transparent toaster! These inventions and useful, and stylish - they are indispensable in any home. If your mind has some ideas, you probably bring them to life! Invent something new so cool ...
If you are struck by these inventions, show these brilliant little things others!
via takprosto cc
Today, the team .cc to introduce you to the amazing things from the world's top designers. On many of these inventions had long dreamed of any hostess. I bet some of the little things from this collection you want to buy immediately. And no wonder, because it's all about what we dreamed of so long ago.
1. Two in one: the flash drive from the microchamber.

2. Transparent Toaster: Now your toast just do not Undermountain!

3. Convenient spoon salad - brilliant!

4. And what about the device to measure the distance your fingers?

5. Device for dostavaniya chips.

6. Printer-crumb is placed on the palm.

7. The brewing urging spoon. Say "no" stains from tea bags!

8. Cook Chef: special silicone bag for cooking.

9. Just add water: mini-fountain mouthwash.

10. Tidbit: the knife-holder for the cake.

11. Fruit salad in a jiffy: plastic bananorezka.

12. Special device for cleaning pepper.

13. Ingenious invention for sealing packages.

14. Brush cactus - not to miss in places of solitude.

15. Cutting board with a secret.

16. Sleep, my darling, go to sleep: an inflatable mattress in the back seat.

17. Halt, who goes: online monitoring of the door lock.

18. Chic and shine: Stand for drinks in the bathroom.

19. Pure, like it or not: self-cleaning brush.

20. Frying pan with separate sections.

21. There is nothing superfluous: the device for separating the seeds from the berries.

22. Now drain the water from the pan - simple!

23. Summer is just around the corner: a colander to wash berries.

24. Goldfish separating the yolk from the protein.

25. Squeeze all the juice from a lemon literally!

I bastard from the pan with individual sections and transparent toaster! These inventions and useful, and stylish - they are indispensable in any home. If your mind has some ideas, you probably bring them to life! Invent something new so cool ...
If you are struck by these inventions, show these brilliant little things others!
via takprosto cc
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