Map rash on the face: the condition of your skin depends on the work of the internal organs!
Technological progress continues its relentless advance, and basic problems people have not learned to deal with. It seems that in ancient times, mankind has a lot of knowledge about how our body than it is now! Follow Ayurveda , we can confidently assert that the causes of any problems with the skin are to malfunction of the internal organs. To look attractive, it is necessary to monitor their health. This map, created by Ayurvedic laws will help you to understand the causes of unpleasant rashes. Knowing the cause of the fight with the effects of a lot easier!
1. Forehead: liver and gallbladder. Violations of the nervous system, prolonged stress, digestive problems and a slow metabolism - the main causes of acne, including on the forehead. Be sure to watch your diet if you have this area - a problem. Excluded from the diet are processed, sugary and fatty foods.
2, and 3. The area between the eyebrows: the suppression of emotions. Nervous tension is always a failure in the body that are manifested as skin problems. Meditation, relaxing baths, herbal sedatives will do you good. Do not forget that all experiences are not worth a damn really. Do everything that depends on you and adjusts to positive.
4. Zone Eyes: thyroid, joints, intestines. Strange rash around the eyes indicate problems with the thyroid gland. Changes in the color of the iris often arise due to degenerative processes in the joints. If the sclera yellow eyes - surely you suffer from liver, and it is very often causes skin problems.
5. The area under the eyes: the kidneys. Eruptions and flow off the area under the eyes is a violation in the kidneys. You need to add spice in food, including sharp and very chew everything you eat.
6. Cheeks: slow metabolism, lungs, intestines. pay attention to sports exercises, try to breathe correctly. If you smoke - to drop the habit. Rashes on the cheeks may indicate poor absorption of nutrients from the gut, going to the doctor is not exactly hurt.
7. Nose: the heart and the blood. Skin Problems in the nose arise if a person has problems with the heart and blood pressure. We need to give up alcohol, coffee, spicy food and be sure to add to the diet of olive oil and avocado, and another - the nuts.
8. Lips: gut. The rash around the lips indicate bowel problems, then help preparations with lactobacilli. If the lips are pale in color - this indicates anemia, you need to eat foods that contain iron. Changes in the color of the lips on the edges suggests a poor kidney function.
9. Language toxins. The raid on the language spoken by the accumulation of toxins in the body. Drink more water and eat organic foods - a good way out of this situation.
10. Chin: hormonal balance. hormonal imbalance leads to a rash on the chin. Consult your doctor - a gynecologist or urologist, respectively solve your problem by assigning the appropriate treatment.
To solve problems with the skin can be, the main thing - to ask for this purpose and not to be lazy. The doctor always tells you the best way to get rid of diseases of internal organs, the recommendations should be made clear, and everything will be fine. Sometimes it is enough just to adjust the diet, stop smoking and drinking alcohol, and the skin is significantly improved.
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1. Forehead: liver and gallbladder. Violations of the nervous system, prolonged stress, digestive problems and a slow metabolism - the main causes of acne, including on the forehead. Be sure to watch your diet if you have this area - a problem. Excluded from the diet are processed, sugary and fatty foods.
2, and 3. The area between the eyebrows: the suppression of emotions. Nervous tension is always a failure in the body that are manifested as skin problems. Meditation, relaxing baths, herbal sedatives will do you good. Do not forget that all experiences are not worth a damn really. Do everything that depends on you and adjusts to positive.
4. Zone Eyes: thyroid, joints, intestines. Strange rash around the eyes indicate problems with the thyroid gland. Changes in the color of the iris often arise due to degenerative processes in the joints. If the sclera yellow eyes - surely you suffer from liver, and it is very often causes skin problems.
5. The area under the eyes: the kidneys. Eruptions and flow off the area under the eyes is a violation in the kidneys. You need to add spice in food, including sharp and very chew everything you eat.

6. Cheeks: slow metabolism, lungs, intestines. pay attention to sports exercises, try to breathe correctly. If you smoke - to drop the habit. Rashes on the cheeks may indicate poor absorption of nutrients from the gut, going to the doctor is not exactly hurt.
7. Nose: the heart and the blood. Skin Problems in the nose arise if a person has problems with the heart and blood pressure. We need to give up alcohol, coffee, spicy food and be sure to add to the diet of olive oil and avocado, and another - the nuts.
8. Lips: gut. The rash around the lips indicate bowel problems, then help preparations with lactobacilli. If the lips are pale in color - this indicates anemia, you need to eat foods that contain iron. Changes in the color of the lips on the edges suggests a poor kidney function.
9. Language toxins. The raid on the language spoken by the accumulation of toxins in the body. Drink more water and eat organic foods - a good way out of this situation.
10. Chin: hormonal balance. hormonal imbalance leads to a rash on the chin. Consult your doctor - a gynecologist or urologist, respectively solve your problem by assigning the appropriate treatment.
To solve problems with the skin can be, the main thing - to ask for this purpose and not to be lazy. The doctor always tells you the best way to get rid of diseases of internal organs, the recommendations should be made clear, and everything will be fine. Sometimes it is enough just to adjust the diet, stop smoking and drinking alcohol, and the skin is significantly improved.
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