So figure you have not eaten! Superretseptov 5, after which you fall in love with this product!
Rice can be considered a unique product because of it you can cook anything from soups to desserts and. And the great advantage of this product is its budgetary. I brought to you 5 creative dishes of rice and step by step recipes of cooking. These meals can be prepared in the normal way, and at a gala dinner. Be sure to keep these recipes themselves, they tell you exactly come in handy!
Rice balls
200 g rice; 150 ml cream; 100 g of hard cheese; 2 eggs; flour; breadcrumbs.
Heat the cream and mix them with grated cheese. Stir the mass until the cheese has melted. Then add the rice and stir. Laid out in the form of rice, good Xpress and put in the fridge to cool. When cool, cut myself into pieces of any shape. Before you fry them, roll each piece must be first in flour, then in egg, then in breadcrumbs. Fry on all sides until golden brown.
Rice with garlic Japanese
200 g rice; 5 cloves of garlic; 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil; 1 bunch green onions; 2 eggs.
Decoction of rice until half. We shall cut and fry the garlic. Add it to the rice and fry them together. Then vbey eggs and mix well. Add green onions and fry for 2 minutes, add a little water and cover with a lid. Cook for 10 minutes.
Fish pie with rice
For the dough:
180 g flour; 250 g cream with a fat content of 15%; 50 ml of vegetable oil; 4 eggs; li > 1 h. liter. mustard; 1 h. liter. salt; 1 h. liter. baking powder.
400 g cooked or canned fish; 1 tbsp. rice; 1 bunch green onions; 3 eggs; salt and pepper - to taste.
Preheat oven to 180 ° C. The bottom one-piece bumpers and form smazh oil. If you use fresh fish, cook it in boiling water with a bay leaf, salt and pepper 7-9 minutes under the lid. Then Get out of the water, cool, remove the bones and disassemble into small pieces. If you use canned, just Slay water or oil. Eggs for filling broths and chop. Green onions finely seldom enough. Figure zaley two cups of boiling water, add salt, bring to a boil, put the heat to low, cover and cook 10 minutes. Lay out all the stuffing ingredients in a bowl, add salt and pepper to your taste. Stir well. In a bowl, lightly vzbey eggs. Continuing to whisk, add sour cream and mustard and pour vegetable oil. On a piece of parchment Sift the flour together with baking powder and salt. Vsyp sifted dry ingredients in a bowl with batter and stir well. Laid out in a one-piece part of the test form, put the stuffing. It will sink in the test - this is normal. Pour the remaining batter on top and place in the oven to bake for 30 minutes.
Rice pudding
100 g kruglozernistogo rice; 600 ml milk; 60 g sugar; 2 eggs; zest of one lemon; cinnamon.
In milk add sugar, grated zest of one small lemon. Put the milk on the fire, wait until the milk comes to a boil, boil rice and vsyp 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Preheat oven to 120 degrees and place the pot with the rice to 40 minutes. A couple of times to mix. Get the pan from the oven, check the readiness of - rice should be fully prepared. Set aside the pan to cool down a little rice. Two eggs divide the yolks and whites. Yolks pour into the rice and mix the mass. The proteins add a few drops of lemon juice, vzbey in the solid foam and mix gently with the rest mass. Put in the oven for 10-15 minutes. You can just spread out on small pudding molds, bake them and serve them well.
Rice Cookies
125 g rice; 80 g butter; 90 g of powdered sugar; 3 egg yolks; < 1, 5 hours. l. milk; 0, 25 h. liter. baking powder; 80 g of corn flour.
Warm up the rice in a dry frying pan and then Peremel it in a blender. Oil vzbey with powdered sugar into a homogeneous mass. Add egg yolks one at a time, beating well each time. Add milk and baking powder, vzbey. Vsyp rice and corn flour, knead the dough quickly. Gather dough into a ball, flatten with a thick layer and store it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. The dough turns out quite crumbly, so before you roll, you must hold it for 10 minutes at room temperature. Roll out the dough gently into the layer thickness of about 5 mm on a silicone mat or baking paper slightly pripyliv surface cornmeal. Cut out cookies using molds. Cookies spread out on a baking sheet greased with butter and bake in a preheated 150 degree oven for 12-15 minutes.
The preparation of these dishes will not take you a lot of effort, time and money, but it will take a lot of pleasure. Surprise your friends with these unusual dishes of the conventional product!
via takprosto cc
Rice balls

200 g rice; 150 ml cream; 100 g of hard cheese; 2 eggs; flour; breadcrumbs.
Heat the cream and mix them with grated cheese. Stir the mass until the cheese has melted. Then add the rice and stir. Laid out in the form of rice, good Xpress and put in the fridge to cool. When cool, cut myself into pieces of any shape. Before you fry them, roll each piece must be first in flour, then in egg, then in breadcrumbs. Fry on all sides until golden brown.
Rice with garlic Japanese

200 g rice; 5 cloves of garlic; 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil; 1 bunch green onions; 2 eggs.
Decoction of rice until half. We shall cut and fry the garlic. Add it to the rice and fry them together. Then vbey eggs and mix well. Add green onions and fry for 2 minutes, add a little water and cover with a lid. Cook for 10 minutes.
Fish pie with rice

For the dough:
180 g flour; 250 g cream with a fat content of 15%; 50 ml of vegetable oil; 4 eggs; li > 1 h. liter. mustard; 1 h. liter. salt; 1 h. liter. baking powder.
400 g cooked or canned fish; 1 tbsp. rice; 1 bunch green onions; 3 eggs; salt and pepper - to taste.
Preheat oven to 180 ° C. The bottom one-piece bumpers and form smazh oil. If you use fresh fish, cook it in boiling water with a bay leaf, salt and pepper 7-9 minutes under the lid. Then Get out of the water, cool, remove the bones and disassemble into small pieces. If you use canned, just Slay water or oil. Eggs for filling broths and chop. Green onions finely seldom enough. Figure zaley two cups of boiling water, add salt, bring to a boil, put the heat to low, cover and cook 10 minutes. Lay out all the stuffing ingredients in a bowl, add salt and pepper to your taste. Stir well. In a bowl, lightly vzbey eggs. Continuing to whisk, add sour cream and mustard and pour vegetable oil. On a piece of parchment Sift the flour together with baking powder and salt. Vsyp sifted dry ingredients in a bowl with batter and stir well. Laid out in a one-piece part of the test form, put the stuffing. It will sink in the test - this is normal. Pour the remaining batter on top and place in the oven to bake for 30 minutes.
Rice pudding

100 g kruglozernistogo rice; 600 ml milk; 60 g sugar; 2 eggs; zest of one lemon; cinnamon.
In milk add sugar, grated zest of one small lemon. Put the milk on the fire, wait until the milk comes to a boil, boil rice and vsyp 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Preheat oven to 120 degrees and place the pot with the rice to 40 minutes. A couple of times to mix. Get the pan from the oven, check the readiness of - rice should be fully prepared. Set aside the pan to cool down a little rice. Two eggs divide the yolks and whites. Yolks pour into the rice and mix the mass. The proteins add a few drops of lemon juice, vzbey in the solid foam and mix gently with the rest mass. Put in the oven for 10-15 minutes. You can just spread out on small pudding molds, bake them and serve them well.
Rice Cookies

125 g rice; 80 g butter; 90 g of powdered sugar; 3 egg yolks; < 1, 5 hours. l. milk; 0, 25 h. liter. baking powder; 80 g of corn flour.
Warm up the rice in a dry frying pan and then Peremel it in a blender. Oil vzbey with powdered sugar into a homogeneous mass. Add egg yolks one at a time, beating well each time. Add milk and baking powder, vzbey. Vsyp rice and corn flour, knead the dough quickly. Gather dough into a ball, flatten with a thick layer and store it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. The dough turns out quite crumbly, so before you roll, you must hold it for 10 minutes at room temperature. Roll out the dough gently into the layer thickness of about 5 mm on a silicone mat or baking paper slightly pripyliv surface cornmeal. Cut out cookies using molds. Cookies spread out on a baking sheet greased with butter and bake in a preheated 150 degree oven for 12-15 minutes.
The preparation of these dishes will not take you a lot of effort, time and money, but it will take a lot of pleasure. Surprise your friends with these unusual dishes of the conventional product!
via takprosto cc
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