With these simple tools you will forget all about the harmful household chemicals!
Today, almost every house you can find a myriad of expensive household chemicals that everything else and harm human health. We buy these funds again and again, because we believe that there is no alternative. But our mothers and grandmothers knew that the most common tools that are in the house of everyone - soda, salt, vinegar, ammonia - can be a great alternative to household chemicals. And segodnyarasskazhet you how you can replace harmful and costly means of harmless and inexpensive.
1. Ammonia with soap help glasses in your house shine with cleanliness.
2. Mix water with vinegar in the ratio of 1: 1 and add to the mixture a few drops of lavender oil. This tool will become an irreplaceable universal assistant during cleaning.
3. A mixture of vinegar and water in equal proportions - ideal for polishing mirrors.
4. Mustard powder will be a great alternative dishwashing detergent. Mound powder on a damp sponge, wash off the fat instantly!
5. To wash the windows, kindle vinegar and water in the ratio of 1: 5, apply to the glass and wipe with paper or a soft cloth. Instead of vinegar, you can also use lemon juice
6. Baking Soda - an effective tool for cleaning ovens. To remove the fat left on the night of a quarter cup of ammonia in the oven, and the next morning, wipe the baking soda.
7. Corn starch will help you clean the carpets. To do this, it needs to be scattered on the surface of the pile, and then vacuum.
8. To clean the sewer pipe is used salt
9. In order to combat lime spots on the sink, tub, toilet: fields of vinegar , a little mound of ash and give it all the time. Then plaque is easy to clean ordinary brush.
10. bleach fabric can be as follows: 10 liters Water Add 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of ammonia
Try to get rid of household chemicals, and you will very soon be able to afford to buy a dress, which had long dreamed of, because you can save a lot of money!
via takprosto cc

1. Ammonia with soap help glasses in your house shine with cleanliness.
2. Mix water with vinegar in the ratio of 1: 1 and add to the mixture a few drops of lavender oil. This tool will become an irreplaceable universal assistant during cleaning.
3. A mixture of vinegar and water in equal proportions - ideal for polishing mirrors.
4. Mustard powder will be a great alternative dishwashing detergent. Mound powder on a damp sponge, wash off the fat instantly!
5. To wash the windows, kindle vinegar and water in the ratio of 1: 5, apply to the glass and wipe with paper or a soft cloth. Instead of vinegar, you can also use lemon juice
6. Baking Soda - an effective tool for cleaning ovens. To remove the fat left on the night of a quarter cup of ammonia in the oven, and the next morning, wipe the baking soda.
7. Corn starch will help you clean the carpets. To do this, it needs to be scattered on the surface of the pile, and then vacuum.
8. To clean the sewer pipe is used salt
9. In order to combat lime spots on the sink, tub, toilet: fields of vinegar , a little mound of ash and give it all the time. Then plaque is easy to clean ordinary brush.
10. bleach fabric can be as follows: 10 liters Water Add 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of ammonia
Try to get rid of household chemicals, and you will very soon be able to afford to buy a dress, which had long dreamed of, because you can save a lot of money!
via takprosto cc
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