"Chemistry" or "natural": the truth about modern food
Mythology Food "We want to know the truth about the food!" - Under such slogans are the natural food advocates and opponents of the chemical. Everyone wants to know the truth about food. They want to find out which product is more chemistry. In natural yogurt with no flavorings, preservatives and dyes with bifidobacteria, supposedly very useful, as indicated on the package? Or, maybe more chemistry in orange, which is carried from the warm countries, treated with pesticides? And maybe more in chemistry hamburger known network that do not like, because they add the chemistry? Or, more in chemistry copper sulfate, which is used as fungicides in agriculture? Perhaps more in chemistry bundle salt in which zero calorie, no cholesterol stones? So where are still more chemistry?
To answer this question, we look at the scientific journal Chemistry, which examined all products and made a list of those that do not contain chemicals. The list was empty, because the question of how many chemicals in the food, there is one answer. Chemistry eating exactly 100%. Everything in the world is made up of chemicals. Table of our compatriot Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev tells us that even the cheese, who wants to eat the fox consists of chemistry, because it has a specific chemical substance, the fox may not be aware about the fact that they are there, but they somehow fall into a fox with this cheese.
The DNA molecule is the basic molecule of life on the planet. Even on the basis of the name, is a chemical molecule, as well as the ubiquitous bacterium, and all that happens in it: the movement of flagella, the discharge of substances and so on. D. - The result of any specific chemical reactions. And even the man consists of chemistry, it has a chemical formula, the chemical elements of the table, his body takes a lot of chemical processes every minute. Therefore, fear of horror stories about the "chemical food" is not worth it. But this does not mean that you can have any chemistry, because it is different. And to find out that you can eat and what is not, you need to understand what chemistry is added to food.
OguretsVozmem, for example, is a very useful vegetable, in which a lot of vitamins and water, namely cucumber. His pimples containing liquids - very strong poison for protection against insects and silnopahnuschih substances that have the feature to lure parasitic wasps.
ChipsyEsche one example - potato chips. Everyone is aware of the fact that this product is very harmful because of the fact that it consists of glutamate and flavoring t. D. Chips also have any toxic solanine. It is important not toxic or non-toxic substance, and in what quantities it is contained in the product. And if you compare the toxicity SOLONIN, glutamate, and flavor, which is in the chips, taking into account their actual number, it turns out that the most poisonous in the potato chips will itself of which they are composed, the most natural part! And the fact that the artificially produced - much less harmful.
KlyukvaV cranberries has its own preservative - sodium benzoate, which protects and prevents mold and bacteria to eat berries and seeds. Cranberries in the process of biological evolution has developed the ability to create acid in their composition. A man later this property cranberries started to exploit, realizing that if cranberries could protect their berries, then we can also protect the soda. This does not mean that the benzoic acid useful or harmful. But the fact remains: "harmful preservative" appeared in the nature.
GorchitsaGorchitsa - a unique chemical weapons. With the help of millions of years of evolution has developed mustard allyl isothiocyanate, which it owes its pungency. This substance is formed only when damaged plant tissue is a natural remedy against pests, why not take advantage of the achievements of human natural evolution?
MindalMnogie heard that if you eat a handful of almonds, it may be poisonous. And they say that if you feel the smell of almond, then close hydrocyanic acid, is to run away from this place. In fact, almonds, as well as apples, cherries, peaches and some other plants, actually it produces hydrocyanic acid, which is a plant protection chemicals. As hydrocyanic acid - a substance sufficiently reactive and toxic, the plant can not hold it in the form of the molecule of hydrocyanic acid, it converts it to a glycoside which can emit in the decomposition hydrocyanic acid. And if you eat a handful of almonds - you have used the number of glycoside is contained in it, and inside you, he broke into the aldehyde and prussic acid. The aldehyde smells like almonds and hydrocyanic acid is to kill you. Therefore, if we are talking about the flavors, the smell and taste of natural almond, you always eat a small amount of poison and eating flavor identical to natural, you absorb only without the smell of prussic acid.
Read more on the website «T & P»
via theoryandpractice.ru/posts/10637-food-chemistry

To answer this question, we look at the scientific journal Chemistry, which examined all products and made a list of those that do not contain chemicals. The list was empty, because the question of how many chemicals in the food, there is one answer. Chemistry eating exactly 100%. Everything in the world is made up of chemicals. Table of our compatriot Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev tells us that even the cheese, who wants to eat the fox consists of chemistry, because it has a specific chemical substance, the fox may not be aware about the fact that they are there, but they somehow fall into a fox with this cheese.
The DNA molecule is the basic molecule of life on the planet. Even on the basis of the name, is a chemical molecule, as well as the ubiquitous bacterium, and all that happens in it: the movement of flagella, the discharge of substances and so on. D. - The result of any specific chemical reactions. And even the man consists of chemistry, it has a chemical formula, the chemical elements of the table, his body takes a lot of chemical processes every minute. Therefore, fear of horror stories about the "chemical food" is not worth it. But this does not mean that you can have any chemistry, because it is different. And to find out that you can eat and what is not, you need to understand what chemistry is added to food.
OguretsVozmem, for example, is a very useful vegetable, in which a lot of vitamins and water, namely cucumber. His pimples containing liquids - very strong poison for protection against insects and silnopahnuschih substances that have the feature to lure parasitic wasps.
ChipsyEsche one example - potato chips. Everyone is aware of the fact that this product is very harmful because of the fact that it consists of glutamate and flavoring t. D. Chips also have any toxic solanine. It is important not toxic or non-toxic substance, and in what quantities it is contained in the product. And if you compare the toxicity SOLONIN, glutamate, and flavor, which is in the chips, taking into account their actual number, it turns out that the most poisonous in the potato chips will itself of which they are composed, the most natural part! And the fact that the artificially produced - much less harmful.
KlyukvaV cranberries has its own preservative - sodium benzoate, which protects and prevents mold and bacteria to eat berries and seeds. Cranberries in the process of biological evolution has developed the ability to create acid in their composition. A man later this property cranberries started to exploit, realizing that if cranberries could protect their berries, then we can also protect the soda. This does not mean that the benzoic acid useful or harmful. But the fact remains: "harmful preservative" appeared in the nature.
GorchitsaGorchitsa - a unique chemical weapons. With the help of millions of years of evolution has developed mustard allyl isothiocyanate, which it owes its pungency. This substance is formed only when damaged plant tissue is a natural remedy against pests, why not take advantage of the achievements of human natural evolution?
MindalMnogie heard that if you eat a handful of almonds, it may be poisonous. And they say that if you feel the smell of almond, then close hydrocyanic acid, is to run away from this place. In fact, almonds, as well as apples, cherries, peaches and some other plants, actually it produces hydrocyanic acid, which is a plant protection chemicals. As hydrocyanic acid - a substance sufficiently reactive and toxic, the plant can not hold it in the form of the molecule of hydrocyanic acid, it converts it to a glycoside which can emit in the decomposition hydrocyanic acid. And if you eat a handful of almonds - you have used the number of glycoside is contained in it, and inside you, he broke into the aldehyde and prussic acid. The aldehyde smells like almonds and hydrocyanic acid is to kill you. Therefore, if we are talking about the flavors, the smell and taste of natural almond, you always eat a small amount of poison and eating flavor identical to natural, you absorb only without the smell of prussic acid.
Read more on the website «T & P»
via theoryandpractice.ru/posts/10637-food-chemistry
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