Dehydration leads to disease: 10 signs that you drink enough water.
Every day you should drink at least 8 glasses of plain water, in addition to coffee, tea, juices, compotes and so on. But often we ignore this need of the body, which leads to dehydration. Due to the fact that the body is not enough water, the metabolism is disturbed, and also toxins. It is especially important to drink a lot in the summer, as the hot days lost a lot of fluid, with the possible occurrence of syncope and other disease states.
To find out if you drink enough, check yourself for the following 10 traits:
1. Dry eyes. If you feel an itch in his eyes, like a bloodshot whites, then be sure to drink water. When it is lacking in the body, dry tear ducts. This can lead to various eye diseases.
2. Periodically, there is a strong thirst. If you have a strong craving arises, the brain sends signals and require active liquid. This means that the dehydrated.
3. Heart palpitations. When there is not enough water, the blood becomes viscous, and it starts to slowly circulate. This increases the load on the heart.
4. Dry mouth. If you're healthy, but you feel dry mouth, most likely, your body begins to experience dehydration.
5. Reducing the amount of urine and change its color. Another sign of water shortage: a decrease in urine output and its darkening.
6. Pain in the joints. The joints ache, not only in people. Some are hurt after running and jumping. If you did not have any injuries and illnesses, then most likely you have dehydration. The cartilage disks person consist of 80% water. If it is missing, the joints rub against each other, it causes pain.
7. Dry skin. The state of our health is reflected in our skin. If you have very dry skin, certain body lacks water.
8. Lose muscle mass. Muscles are made up half of the water, so drink during a workout and a little sip a must.
9. Constant fatigue and drowsiness. If you do not get enough sleep, even after a long sleep and all the time you feel tired, then you need to pay attention to how much you drink. Lack of water leads to a lack of oxygen, hence there is such a state.
10. Deterioration of digestion. If you feel heartburn, be sure to drink water. Without the right amount of moisture mucus in the stomach is reduced and a concentrated stomach acid causes damage to internal organs.
With age, the body becomes more and more difficult to hold water. Therefore it is necessary to increase its consumption.
To be healthy and look young, you need to adhere to the correct drinking regime throughout their lives.
We share this important information with your friends, take care of their health!
via takprosto cc
To find out if you drink enough, check yourself for the following 10 traits:
1. Dry eyes. If you feel an itch in his eyes, like a bloodshot whites, then be sure to drink water. When it is lacking in the body, dry tear ducts. This can lead to various eye diseases.
2. Periodically, there is a strong thirst. If you have a strong craving arises, the brain sends signals and require active liquid. This means that the dehydrated.

3. Heart palpitations. When there is not enough water, the blood becomes viscous, and it starts to slowly circulate. This increases the load on the heart.
4. Dry mouth. If you're healthy, but you feel dry mouth, most likely, your body begins to experience dehydration.
5. Reducing the amount of urine and change its color. Another sign of water shortage: a decrease in urine output and its darkening.
6. Pain in the joints. The joints ache, not only in people. Some are hurt after running and jumping. If you did not have any injuries and illnesses, then most likely you have dehydration. The cartilage disks person consist of 80% water. If it is missing, the joints rub against each other, it causes pain.
7. Dry skin. The state of our health is reflected in our skin. If you have very dry skin, certain body lacks water.

8. Lose muscle mass. Muscles are made up half of the water, so drink during a workout and a little sip a must.
9. Constant fatigue and drowsiness. If you do not get enough sleep, even after a long sleep and all the time you feel tired, then you need to pay attention to how much you drink. Lack of water leads to a lack of oxygen, hence there is such a state.
10. Deterioration of digestion. If you feel heartburn, be sure to drink water. Without the right amount of moisture mucus in the stomach is reduced and a concentrated stomach acid causes damage to internal organs.
With age, the body becomes more and more difficult to hold water. Therefore it is necessary to increase its consumption.
To be healthy and look young, you need to adhere to the correct drinking regime throughout their lives.
We share this important information with your friends, take care of their health!
via takprosto cc
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