Ten remedies for a perfectly clean house

Soon the New Year and Christmas, which means it’s time to clean up the apartment, get rid of everything superfluous to breathe new life into your home.


Cleaning at the end of the year is the transformation of chaos into order and a kind of ritual for ordering thoughts, internal renewal. This is the starting point for next year’s plans and a symbolic release from the past. In this case, not only visible cleanliness is important, but also detergentwhich can be used without harm to health.

Most of the popular household chemicals in stores can be divided into three types.

Cleaning and detergents
  1. Toxic.
    Bleachers based on chlorine, means with caustic sodium for dissolving old fat and cleaning pipes and the like.
  2. Conditionally toxic
    Means containing surfactants that affect the process of human development and reproduction. Seriously affect the nervous and immune system, as its composition is close to human hormones. These include advertised products for washing dishes, floors, walls and other surfaces. Rubber gloves will not protect you from the harm of these products. After cleaning, a thin film remains, which evaporates, enters the body with air through the lungs. With kitchenware, this film is not completely washed out and then ends up in our stomach.

  3. Safe (natural)
    Products made from natural minerals and labeled with the “bio” icon. These products are often also ethical, that is, they are not tested on animals.


House cleaning facilities The first two categories are designed only for efficiency, manufacturers do not care about the health of customers. Phosphates, synthetic fragrances and flavors can easily cause you and your home to irritate the upper respiratory tract, not to mention the dangers of these products to the environment.

But if you have decided to abandon harmful chemicals, then it is not necessary to empty the budget for the sake of expensive environmentally friendly products. You will be surprised how easy and pleasant it is to do cleaning with the use of penny funds that everyone has in the house.

You can clean up with 10 simple and safe substances.

Natural cleaning products
  1. Liquid soap
    Noble Castilian soap has been known since medieval Europe. In Castile, Spain, it was boiled with just three ingredients: olive oil, water and alkali. It perfectly breaks down fats and washes out dirt. In large volumes, liquid castile It can be purchased in soap shops. It is cheap, safe and leaves no chemical film.


  2. Essential oil
    It is known that essential oils not only kill viruses, bacteria, fight insects, but also relieve stress. For example, if you mix 3 liters of water with 3 tbsp. l. of Castilian soap, add 25 drops of tea tree essential oil, then you get a "healing" floor washing liquid. After all, the aroma of the tea tree helps in the treatment of colds.


  3. Lemons
    Citric acid has disinfectant properties, eliminates unpleasant odor and bleaches. Half a lemon can clean the sink and taps from plaque. Lemon can quickly, simply, effectively remove stains, dirt, fat on any surface. And absolutely safe!


  4. Olive oil
    It is used instead of polish to care for wooden furniture, cook homemade soap and add to cosmetics. With the help of olive oil, you can easily clean your hands of dried paint, because it acts as a natural solvent. A mixture of 2 tbsp of olive oil and 2 tbsp of table salt will help remove dirt and fat from cast iron dishes.


  5. Bura (sodium salt of boric acid)
    This compound is a preservative and disinfectant. Externally, borax is a white crystalline powder. This natural mineral gives medicinal properties to cosmetics, acts as an emulsifier and stabilizer. Buroo is used in home washing powders and for cleaning toilets. Mix 2 parts of borax and 1 part of water and wipe this composition of the surface where there is fat, dirt and plaque.

  6. vinegar
    An indispensable ingredient in cooking and household chemicals. Fights fungi and mold, dissolves dirt and softens the hardness of water. If you do not like its smell, then do this: mix half a glass of vinegar with 5 drops of tea tree essential oil and 5 drops of lemon oil. The resulting mixture is poured into a bottle with a sprayer and used to clean any surfaces. The aroma of essential oils masks the pungent smell of vinegar.


  7. Baking and soda ash
    The first type of soda is used in cooking, cosmetics and as a home detergent. And soda ash is a natural mineral that is used as the safest means for washing and cleaning. If there are small children in the house, then washing the floors with a solution of soda ash is the most prudent decision.


  8. Vodka
    "Fiery water" can serve as the basis of aromatic sprays for processing clothes in the closet and bedding. Vodka perfectly wash mirrors and windows, wipe houseplants to protect against diseases, remove mold in damp rooms.


  9. Hydrogen peroxide
    This cheap pharmacy is indispensable when cleaning rooms. Mix lemon juice with peroxide, and you get a chic stain remover for even the most persistent contaminants. Unlike chlorine, peroxide is absolutely harmless, and whitens and disinfects no worse!


  10. salt
    Salt is good for food and as a home scrub. Salt can also clean the traces of cups on wooden furniture. To obtain a salt cleaning agent, you need to mix 1 part salt with 1 part olive oil and clean this paste surface. To give shine to copper and brass objects, a mixture of salt, flour and vinegar is used in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. This paste is lubricated with metal, left for 1 hour, then easily washed off along with burnt fat and dirt.


Earlier we wrote about how to solve many household problems with the help of ordinary starch. Try it and you will see its benefits!

And an ordinary pharmacy green is able to bleach yellowed curtains. Very simple, isn't it? You won't believe it until you try it. Hopefully, these tips will change your attitude to industrial chemistry, and you will move on to the next step. clean-up. Share this article on your Facebook page!


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