Quotes from a famous physiologist
Few living Russian physiologists have studied a person as thoroughly as Natalia Bekhtereva – a world-renowned scientist, academician and granddaughter of no less famous physiologist, psychiatrist and neurologist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev did.
Academician Bekhtereva She believed that the human brain was a living being and knew more about the labyrinths of thought than any other. She always wanted to look beyond the border, to go where no one has ever been, to understand, in the end, what makes a person human. She seems to have succeeded.
"Site" Recalls the best quotes of the physiologist Natalia Bekhterova, after reading which much falls into place. A strong word can heal no worse than drugs!
Betereva Natalia Petrovna
Brain physiology To which Natalia Bekhtereva devoted her whole life. Shortly before leaving for the other world, academician Bekhtereva published a scientific work “Smart Live Long”, the ideas of which are worth reading to everyone who wants to live long and prosperous.
If you liked our inspiring article based on the thoughts of the outstanding researcher Natalia Bekhtereva, do not forget to share information with friends.
Academician Bekhtereva She believed that the human brain was a living being and knew more about the labyrinths of thought than any other. She always wanted to look beyond the border, to go where no one has ever been, to understand, in the end, what makes a person human. She seems to have succeeded.

"Site" Recalls the best quotes of the physiologist Natalia Bekhterova, after reading which much falls into place. A strong word can heal no worse than drugs!
Betereva Natalia Petrovna
- I often think of the brain as if it were a separate organism, as if it were a being in being. The brain protects itself from a barrage of negative emotions. When I realized this, I felt like I had found a pearl.
- “The factor that most often and significantly affects the state of the brain of a healthy person is emotions. An educated balance of emotions, reasonable pride and perseverance are the most important conditions for the full realization of talent.”
DepositPhotos - “Years take away everything external. With age, the human soul gradually frees itself from cover and appears in its original form. There is no need to like or play games anymore. You can be yourself, say what you think and how you feel. Finally, you realize that happiness is something that you can share with others right now, something tiny, fragile and terribly important - a cut of the best hair for a dear friend, a warm autograph on a gift book or ten of the tastiest cakes from a French pastry store.
. - It is generally said that we only have 5-7 percent of brain cells involved. Personally, on the basis of my research, I tend to believe that almost all 100% work in a creative, intelligent person, but not at once, but like the lights of a Christmas tree garland – in turn, in groups, patterns.
- “In emotional disorders, walks, various kinds of motor activity are very good. What can swimming, movement in water do to a person? After water treatments, you become a different person.”
- “If people were healthy and, let’s say, less often depressed or overexcited by problems, humanity’s creativity would increase significantly. Especially now, in a phase of increasing information flow.”
DepositPhotos - “I assume that thought exists separately from the brain, and that it only picks it up from space and reads it. We see a lot that we cannot explain. I met with Vanga - she read the past, saw the future. According to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the number of her predictions came true is 80%. How did she do that? ?
- “Another mystery of the brain is dreams. Could the brain have arranged itself so as not to sleep? I think so. For example, dolphins sleep in turn left and right hemispheres. What can explain the “dreams with continuation” and similar oddities? Let’s say that this is not the first time you dream of a very good, but unfamiliar place, for example, a city. Most likely, “fairytale cities” of dreams are formed in the brain under the influence of books, movies, become a permanent place of dreams. We are drawn to something not yet experienced, but very good. Or do prophetic dreams mean receiving information from outside, foresight of the future, or coincidences? I myself two weeks before the event with all the details saw in a dream the departure of my mother.
DepositPhotos - “Without a super-task, human existence is meaningless. Animals are born, give birth to new generations, then the reproduction function fades and life ends. And we, we do not leave while we have a goal - to wait for grandchildren and great-grandchildren, to write a book, to see the world. Old age does not exist and nothing ends until you want it.”
- “It turns out that when someone says, ‘After all the experience, I became completely different,’ he is absolutely right – all the work of his brain has been rebuilt, even some centers have moved.” We see how people think, how individual active cells flash lights, but have not yet decoded the code of thinking and are not able to read from the picture on the screen what you are thinking. Maybe we'll never decipher it.
. - “Almost all people are afraid of dying. They say that the fear of waiting is many times worse than the end. It is not the end that is terrible, but its approach. I'm not afraid.
- I always wanted to look beyond the border, to go where no one has ever been, to understand what makes a person human.
DepositPhotos - Do you know that you have an error detector in your brain all the time? He reminds you that you have not turned off the light in the bathroom, draws your attention to the incorrect expression “blue tape” and invites other parts of the brain to analyze it. The tape is blue, but what lies behind the mistake - the irony, ignorance or negligence of someone's quick speech, betraying excitement? You need to know and understand not one, but many plans.
. - “We struggle with life, thinking that we will get a prize, buy an apartment, a car, win a position – then we will be satisfied! And remember forever another: how a young and handsome dad plays on the piano an old waltz “Autumn Dream”, and you – spinning, spinning to music, like a leaf in the wind.
Brain physiology To which Natalia Bekhtereva devoted her whole life. Shortly before leaving for the other world, academician Bekhtereva published a scientific work “Smart Live Long”, the ideas of which are worth reading to everyone who wants to live long and prosperous.
If you liked our inspiring article based on the thoughts of the outstanding researcher Natalia Bekhtereva, do not forget to share information with friends.