How do fitness, if you're over 40. The rules, which do not tolerate objections!
When we are young, many get away with it. Eaten in store sweets, lack of training, the night without sleep. But reaching a 40-year-old features you know: everything changed. Metabolism already plays in your favor! You have to watch every morsel eaten, starting with health problems, which are called age, appearance is not the same ... editors strongly believes that to stay healthy and sporting possible even in adulthood! Sometimes it is even easier than in his youth - because there is more time for yourself. By following these rules, including gym, you speed up your metabolism and you will feel as great as in the early years. Do not hesitate - it is better to verify!
1. Do regular exercise. Get ready to work on a long-term, do not expect instant results. If you're going to engage in 3-4 times a week - then the effect will be! For mature people regular employment is extremely important.
2. Choose the strength exercises. It would seem, why? Work with heavy weights - is not it dangerous for my constantly aching back? It is important for strength training of people over the age of 40. They increase the percentage of muscle in the body, this will automatically improve metabolism. Through strength training muscles are strengthened - so that the back pain you leave, because often it is the cause of too shabby, untrained muscles. Strength training has a positive effect on the skin - it is smoothed, tightened. The main rule - to avoid injury, do not strain yourself too, working on the simulator. Protect the joints - it is strictly following technical exercise. For greater security, better work under the supervision of a trainer.
3. Do not despise cardio. It is best to combine strength training with cardio - except that it is beneficial for the heart, it is important to fill the blood with oxygen. Cardio prevents the development of respiratory diseases. For people ages important to monitor heart rate during vigorous exercise - every 10 minutes of exercise to measure the pulse, counting the number of strokes. Fix a stopwatch for 30 seconds. During this time, count the number of strokes, multiply them by 2. 140-150 beats per minute - the average heart rate during moderate physical activity for people of mature age. Find more information and calculate their optimum heart rate for sports - it depends on the exact age, weight, level of fitness and health. Monitor the activity of the heart during exercise in adulthood a must!
4. Warm-up and stretching! is always performed before any kind of warm-up exercise and doing stretching after strength training.
Best sports schedule for the week for those over 40:
1. 2 weight training for 30 minutes. Em>
2. 2 cardio for 45 minutes. Em>
3. 15-minute warm-up and stretch before and after each workout. Em>
Do not deal with every day - between workouts should be a break of 1-2 days. 5 hours per week will leave for training. But it makes you look much younger than his age, enjoying excellent health and be energetic, full of energy person.
Eat rationally! The proteins in the human diet of mature age, who regularly trains must be at least 30%. More fruits, vegetables, oily fish, less fatty meat. Try to eat complex carbohydrates - cereals - and the possibility to exclude from the diet, bakery products and sweets. It is important to consume adequate amounts of dairy products - for strong bones. Do not forget to drink water, but tried to forget about alcohol ... A glass of dry red wine a week you can afford a maximum of 2 glasses.
These common rules will help you to train not only for beauty but also for the health! Regular exercise - a real elixir of youth. Share this article with your loved ones for many, this information will be relevant!
via takprosto cc

1. Do regular exercise. Get ready to work on a long-term, do not expect instant results. If you're going to engage in 3-4 times a week - then the effect will be! For mature people regular employment is extremely important.
2. Choose the strength exercises. It would seem, why? Work with heavy weights - is not it dangerous for my constantly aching back? It is important for strength training of people over the age of 40. They increase the percentage of muscle in the body, this will automatically improve metabolism. Through strength training muscles are strengthened - so that the back pain you leave, because often it is the cause of too shabby, untrained muscles. Strength training has a positive effect on the skin - it is smoothed, tightened. The main rule - to avoid injury, do not strain yourself too, working on the simulator. Protect the joints - it is strictly following technical exercise. For greater security, better work under the supervision of a trainer.
3. Do not despise cardio. It is best to combine strength training with cardio - except that it is beneficial for the heart, it is important to fill the blood with oxygen. Cardio prevents the development of respiratory diseases. For people ages important to monitor heart rate during vigorous exercise - every 10 minutes of exercise to measure the pulse, counting the number of strokes. Fix a stopwatch for 30 seconds. During this time, count the number of strokes, multiply them by 2. 140-150 beats per minute - the average heart rate during moderate physical activity for people of mature age. Find more information and calculate their optimum heart rate for sports - it depends on the exact age, weight, level of fitness and health. Monitor the activity of the heart during exercise in adulthood a must!
4. Warm-up and stretching! is always performed before any kind of warm-up exercise and doing stretching after strength training.

Best sports schedule for the week for those over 40:
1. 2 weight training for 30 minutes. Em>
2. 2 cardio for 45 minutes. Em>
3. 15-minute warm-up and stretch before and after each workout. Em>
Do not deal with every day - between workouts should be a break of 1-2 days. 5 hours per week will leave for training. But it makes you look much younger than his age, enjoying excellent health and be energetic, full of energy person.

Eat rationally! The proteins in the human diet of mature age, who regularly trains must be at least 30%. More fruits, vegetables, oily fish, less fatty meat. Try to eat complex carbohydrates - cereals - and the possibility to exclude from the diet, bakery products and sweets. It is important to consume adequate amounts of dairy products - for strong bones. Do not forget to drink water, but tried to forget about alcohol ... A glass of dry red wine a week you can afford a maximum of 2 glasses.

These common rules will help you to train not only for beauty but also for the health! Regular exercise - a real elixir of youth. Share this article with your loved ones for many, this information will be relevant!
via takprosto cc
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