I never refuse a girl! Otherwise, you may happen the same thing, and this poor guy ...
This girl is clearly hoping for a nice evening in the company of a young man. And, apparently, she was not accustomed to failure. In vain, of course, the boy did not accept her offer to have fun, because it is not a joke postaradal. In short, this is what happens when a woman is refused. Motel on a mustache!
has never seen such fury and indignation. Poor guy, what else to say. Be sure to show this video to friends, as it can in the future to protect them from such scenes.
has never seen such fury and indignation. Poor guy, what else to say. Be sure to show this video to friends, as it can in the future to protect them from such scenes.
Life in Nepal is just collecting firewood ... but unexpected meeting turned into a tragedy.
You fall off the chair when you see these striking similarities! It's funny to horror.