5 reasons due to which you never have enough power
Where to take it for the accomplishment of his great deeds. This article is about this.
1. Ignoring the hints of the brain
If you are constantly creating a mess in your room, although the entire soul hate him, it means that somewhere in the subconscious shouts a very important outstanding matter, even more important than the fact that you're busy at the moment. Your laziness and unwillingness to get out at this point, it's not even laziness, no, but rather a signal of potential energy, which you can get after completing their work.
This signal is emitted with the aim to get as much inspiration as you need in order to deal with all their urgent issues when you ignore it, you start to postpone the question for later (especially if you don't believe the case at all) — the blind subconscious decides that you're already fulfilled (spiritual discomfort nevertheless remains, it too, eats his own) and slowly begin the energy to eat as an empty stomach is eating itself.
Energy consumed in exactly what should be obtained as the result — broken weak-willed person, yourself. In the end, pleasure from neglected cases does not work for a second, you're in space, "the lone fault of the time" — do not want anything but the slightest pleasure from razdolbaystva does not work.
All the energy hidden in the action, and it is most difficult to understand. Where to get the energy to begin to act? Just take and start to roll down this hill, filled with from and to so you need. If you ever watched the movie "Men in Black", you must remember the scene where the main characters open the skull of one of the tiny aliens, which controls the man in his head.
So imagine yourself in this alien creature here, relax and just instinctively see how you perform actions, allow yourself the luxury of mistakes, you just learn, train your muscle of willpower, so give it to work in a comfortable mode for her, but don't deny her the pleasure to become strong so she can do it.
2. Contradictions
Reluctance to do things can also be associated with fear to move forward in life. Our whole life is a struggle with their own body and it is much deeper disease — it's about the fact that if you live in the service of solely your body that needs it the only basic needs (warmth, food, bed), the soul of this loses. The needs of the soul must be put on a par with the needs of the body, this is the perfect bundle of this happiness is, however, of course, all is not so simple, because there are also contradictions.
Contradiction is the most ugly compromise in the battle between soul and mind — though no one ever wins in this battle. Contradictions — those barriers that never allow a person to become themselves. They are all created by the external world, huge gatherings of people who once said something to the man with the qualities of a leader. I probably don't need to explain that such a person could also be wrong.
One of the contradictions, a common phrase is "to become somebody". Someone. Anyone. However, as is all of our surroundings meant that we could not be anyone except who they need? How they like if you start to introduce new rules? And they did it will not like it, and you're they like will cease very, very quickly. I do not for one second do not doubt, even being a stranger to you personally that you have such things in the image, personality, Hobbies, which you can't change because there is entourage, which you will not allow this to be done. So, by "someone" automatically means a successful millionaire with his business, stylishly dressed and all handsome and no one else. But what about other options?
If anything, remember from time to time to take a picture of yourself on camera, it was something shameful to the appearance of the word selfie. Don't wait for everything you love come into fashion, it works very strange and you can not wait.
Now imagine that you are sitting with your friends at some bar and obmusolivat this subject, "to be somebody", "Yes", "yeah". And now the million-dollar question from the piggy banks of the very successful millionaire — what if one of you still become a millionaire? Whether to continue the relationship with such friends? No, but seriously, no nonsense, let's at least this one time won't deceive anyone. That's one of the guys takes it and becomes a millionaire, no matter what. Happy friends is also not so important, people are inherently selfish when it comes to the superiority of one above him in all possible areas which you can buy for the money, no joy can not be.
We can rejoice only for unknown people, because their success does not affect our lives — a friend was staying with you in the same plane, he shared with you their problems, he took you to the same place, and You are certainly in something similar. And here it is, a kind of an asshole, takes and rises to the step where he can now do everything you only dreamed of. It can you — no. He should immediately offer a ton of friends? No, he earned it, it's his money and he don't have to give just like that, and besides, friends are more likely to rather die than ask it of you. Offer — find them below. Not offered, snickering and threw all. Friends can be like anyone, the results are the same.
I repeat my question: whether to continue their relationship? Never. For anything in the world. The options may be different, but a relationship that's not going to happen. And now again, back to friends at the bar, nobody got rich. "We need to make sure that you my eyes have not seen, annoy me your disgusting faces, I would have traded them for a lot of money", "yeah", "yeah". And these people are friends? Yes, it is, perhaps, that's funny, not friendship.
It is necessary to live today, and if you have any desire, it is better not to desire them, but simply slowly but to do. So at least You do not create contradictions with the current world and the soul remains calm.
Well, if someone is close to you only from time to time, and brazenly says so, then maybe it's time this time to attack right now?
3. Feeding the energy vampires
The man can spin like a whirligig around other people for many reasons. One of the most important of his childhood simply did not doljubili, hence an ardent desire to please others. Such a person becomes ridiculous and absurd, he's trying too hard to get approval from sometimes complete strangers that looks very strange from the side.
It is also very important not to fall into the label of eternal asylum, because there is a huge amount of people whose interaction with others is based solely on the achievement of their own Affairs. Such people are likely to shit yourself than to chat with you another minute in about you, not about them. Respond to such people not as they want, and they will fall off by themselves. The person you "calculated", will immediately begin to behave very strangely, he seemed to forcibly show a reaction that will immediately reveal all your cards costs you only once behave non-trivial.
Most likely, it will be some impossible blatant insult or a very despicable act, but would you began to do everything possible to be saved if you cut off the legs, isn't it? If a person does this, it means you took an important part of its energy, without which he becomes disabled. You "cut off his legs", and actually return your own. These energy vampires are caught weak, they don't always do it consciously, it happens only because otherwise energy would not have them. Don't need very much to be angry with them, attend calmly to those who can not live, but in no case do not let him eat, and it's so close and die.
4. The reluctance to let go
Anyway, keeping in mind something, what are you sorry for, you're doing what you devour itself from within. Energy is created and not going away, and to put it somewhere it is necessary, these are the rules. Therefore, one way or another start to happen bad things that this energy is suppressed, so that such "free time" to do all this shit you have no longer remained. So, energy is really so touchy to those who doesn't appreciate it.
Now try to imagine that the past does not exist. There is no past, no future. All our fears vanished at the same moment, because of fears about the future is the result of a bad past and nothing else. If you are not afraid of dogs, then most likely you have never attacked a gang of stray rabid animals, if your house never burns and you weren't running in terror, it is unlikely that you have installed a smoke detector and a fire extinguisher is not necessary. But these risks are always.
On the head can fall a brick, icicle, guest workers, whatever, are not afraid of you just because the logical mind does not allow this possibility, because people generally only learn from your own mistakes. But be honest, how fear helps? No, it doesn't, it eats at the soul. Regrets about the past, about what more and there is stupidity, which you need to get rid of if you want to live a normal life. Fear about the future is also stupid, because there is no future. This is just a strange word, and you are free to compromise accepted norms and "cheat" (and maybe to tell him the truth?) your brain as they think fit. And if the realization that is only now going to help you, then why the hell you should listen to those who supposedly call themselves logical? Anything that helps is not strange.
5. Non-existent boundaries
The last point is directly continues the fourth. As soon as you realize that there is only now, it turns out that the past never happened. And now there's only you. The little alien inside the skull of this strange human machine. Maybe you have some kind of higher intelligence, which aims to shoot this car and to make her life amazing, no matter what? Well here is that you have your alien buddies strange entertainment, what can you do, only raise his hands.
You can either change slowly, or do it instantly. Tell the story: one day, returning from a long trip me and a buddy stopped in intermediate on the way home the city and decided to communicate with everyone, and each other, we will be exclusively in English. I immediately convinced myself that I new York American, and a huge Hiking backpack helped to create the image. We asked directions in English, order food and catch phrase, whispering passers-by and restaurant customers about what to them looked foreign.
Along the way I began to sing the song, I no longer remember what, but the views were great. Passing an elderly woman blurted out under her breath, "American", and some happy girls took pictures with us. The transformation happened instantly and all this only because the past has ceased to exist. For me there is only the present in which surprising way wasn't meant to be and nothing was resolved. In this shell I could do something I didn't know that you can do in your. But what has changed? And the main question — what will change for you and change? It's up to you.
PS Troubles with changes are always scary, but if you feel that they will save your life, then please don't be afraid of change. Actually, the way you feel while thinking about it, worse than the actions themselves, the feelings will create a soft soil, you don't need to hear about how difficult it is to live, live as you want really. Because it is difficult to live only when you agree. published
Author: Maria Nikonenko
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: creu.ru/5-prichin-iz-za-kotory-h-v-tebe-nikogda-ne-budet-dostatochno-e-nergii-33712/
1. Ignoring the hints of the brain
If you are constantly creating a mess in your room, although the entire soul hate him, it means that somewhere in the subconscious shouts a very important outstanding matter, even more important than the fact that you're busy at the moment. Your laziness and unwillingness to get out at this point, it's not even laziness, no, but rather a signal of potential energy, which you can get after completing their work.
This signal is emitted with the aim to get as much inspiration as you need in order to deal with all their urgent issues when you ignore it, you start to postpone the question for later (especially if you don't believe the case at all) — the blind subconscious decides that you're already fulfilled (spiritual discomfort nevertheless remains, it too, eats his own) and slowly begin the energy to eat as an empty stomach is eating itself.
Energy consumed in exactly what should be obtained as the result — broken weak-willed person, yourself. In the end, pleasure from neglected cases does not work for a second, you're in space, "the lone fault of the time" — do not want anything but the slightest pleasure from razdolbaystva does not work.
All the energy hidden in the action, and it is most difficult to understand. Where to get the energy to begin to act? Just take and start to roll down this hill, filled with from and to so you need. If you ever watched the movie "Men in Black", you must remember the scene where the main characters open the skull of one of the tiny aliens, which controls the man in his head.
So imagine yourself in this alien creature here, relax and just instinctively see how you perform actions, allow yourself the luxury of mistakes, you just learn, train your muscle of willpower, so give it to work in a comfortable mode for her, but don't deny her the pleasure to become strong so she can do it.

2. Contradictions
Reluctance to do things can also be associated with fear to move forward in life. Our whole life is a struggle with their own body and it is much deeper disease — it's about the fact that if you live in the service of solely your body that needs it the only basic needs (warmth, food, bed), the soul of this loses. The needs of the soul must be put on a par with the needs of the body, this is the perfect bundle of this happiness is, however, of course, all is not so simple, because there are also contradictions.
Contradiction is the most ugly compromise in the battle between soul and mind — though no one ever wins in this battle. Contradictions — those barriers that never allow a person to become themselves. They are all created by the external world, huge gatherings of people who once said something to the man with the qualities of a leader. I probably don't need to explain that such a person could also be wrong.
One of the contradictions, a common phrase is "to become somebody". Someone. Anyone. However, as is all of our surroundings meant that we could not be anyone except who they need? How they like if you start to introduce new rules? And they did it will not like it, and you're they like will cease very, very quickly. I do not for one second do not doubt, even being a stranger to you personally that you have such things in the image, personality, Hobbies, which you can't change because there is entourage, which you will not allow this to be done. So, by "someone" automatically means a successful millionaire with his business, stylishly dressed and all handsome and no one else. But what about other options?
If anything, remember from time to time to take a picture of yourself on camera, it was something shameful to the appearance of the word selfie. Don't wait for everything you love come into fashion, it works very strange and you can not wait.
Now imagine that you are sitting with your friends at some bar and obmusolivat this subject, "to be somebody", "Yes", "yeah". And now the million-dollar question from the piggy banks of the very successful millionaire — what if one of you still become a millionaire? Whether to continue the relationship with such friends? No, but seriously, no nonsense, let's at least this one time won't deceive anyone. That's one of the guys takes it and becomes a millionaire, no matter what. Happy friends is also not so important, people are inherently selfish when it comes to the superiority of one above him in all possible areas which you can buy for the money, no joy can not be.
We can rejoice only for unknown people, because their success does not affect our lives — a friend was staying with you in the same plane, he shared with you their problems, he took you to the same place, and You are certainly in something similar. And here it is, a kind of an asshole, takes and rises to the step where he can now do everything you only dreamed of. It can you — no. He should immediately offer a ton of friends? No, he earned it, it's his money and he don't have to give just like that, and besides, friends are more likely to rather die than ask it of you. Offer — find them below. Not offered, snickering and threw all. Friends can be like anyone, the results are the same.
I repeat my question: whether to continue their relationship? Never. For anything in the world. The options may be different, but a relationship that's not going to happen. And now again, back to friends at the bar, nobody got rich. "We need to make sure that you my eyes have not seen, annoy me your disgusting faces, I would have traded them for a lot of money", "yeah", "yeah". And these people are friends? Yes, it is, perhaps, that's funny, not friendship.
It is necessary to live today, and if you have any desire, it is better not to desire them, but simply slowly but to do. So at least You do not create contradictions with the current world and the soul remains calm.
Well, if someone is close to you only from time to time, and brazenly says so, then maybe it's time this time to attack right now?
3. Feeding the energy vampires
The man can spin like a whirligig around other people for many reasons. One of the most important of his childhood simply did not doljubili, hence an ardent desire to please others. Such a person becomes ridiculous and absurd, he's trying too hard to get approval from sometimes complete strangers that looks very strange from the side.
It is also very important not to fall into the label of eternal asylum, because there is a huge amount of people whose interaction with others is based solely on the achievement of their own Affairs. Such people are likely to shit yourself than to chat with you another minute in about you, not about them. Respond to such people not as they want, and they will fall off by themselves. The person you "calculated", will immediately begin to behave very strangely, he seemed to forcibly show a reaction that will immediately reveal all your cards costs you only once behave non-trivial.
Most likely, it will be some impossible blatant insult or a very despicable act, but would you began to do everything possible to be saved if you cut off the legs, isn't it? If a person does this, it means you took an important part of its energy, without which he becomes disabled. You "cut off his legs", and actually return your own. These energy vampires are caught weak, they don't always do it consciously, it happens only because otherwise energy would not have them. Don't need very much to be angry with them, attend calmly to those who can not live, but in no case do not let him eat, and it's so close and die.
4. The reluctance to let go
Anyway, keeping in mind something, what are you sorry for, you're doing what you devour itself from within. Energy is created and not going away, and to put it somewhere it is necessary, these are the rules. Therefore, one way or another start to happen bad things that this energy is suppressed, so that such "free time" to do all this shit you have no longer remained. So, energy is really so touchy to those who doesn't appreciate it.
Now try to imagine that the past does not exist. There is no past, no future. All our fears vanished at the same moment, because of fears about the future is the result of a bad past and nothing else. If you are not afraid of dogs, then most likely you have never attacked a gang of stray rabid animals, if your house never burns and you weren't running in terror, it is unlikely that you have installed a smoke detector and a fire extinguisher is not necessary. But these risks are always.
On the head can fall a brick, icicle, guest workers, whatever, are not afraid of you just because the logical mind does not allow this possibility, because people generally only learn from your own mistakes. But be honest, how fear helps? No, it doesn't, it eats at the soul. Regrets about the past, about what more and there is stupidity, which you need to get rid of if you want to live a normal life. Fear about the future is also stupid, because there is no future. This is just a strange word, and you are free to compromise accepted norms and "cheat" (and maybe to tell him the truth?) your brain as they think fit. And if the realization that is only now going to help you, then why the hell you should listen to those who supposedly call themselves logical? Anything that helps is not strange.
5. Non-existent boundaries
The last point is directly continues the fourth. As soon as you realize that there is only now, it turns out that the past never happened. And now there's only you. The little alien inside the skull of this strange human machine. Maybe you have some kind of higher intelligence, which aims to shoot this car and to make her life amazing, no matter what? Well here is that you have your alien buddies strange entertainment, what can you do, only raise his hands.
You can either change slowly, or do it instantly. Tell the story: one day, returning from a long trip me and a buddy stopped in intermediate on the way home the city and decided to communicate with everyone, and each other, we will be exclusively in English. I immediately convinced myself that I new York American, and a huge Hiking backpack helped to create the image. We asked directions in English, order food and catch phrase, whispering passers-by and restaurant customers about what to them looked foreign.
Along the way I began to sing the song, I no longer remember what, but the views were great. Passing an elderly woman blurted out under her breath, "American", and some happy girls took pictures with us. The transformation happened instantly and all this only because the past has ceased to exist. For me there is only the present in which surprising way wasn't meant to be and nothing was resolved. In this shell I could do something I didn't know that you can do in your. But what has changed? And the main question — what will change for you and change? It's up to you.
PS Troubles with changes are always scary, but if you feel that they will save your life, then please don't be afraid of change. Actually, the way you feel while thinking about it, worse than the actions themselves, the feelings will create a soft soil, you don't need to hear about how difficult it is to live, live as you want really. Because it is difficult to live only when you agree. published
Author: Maria Nikonenko
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: creu.ru/5-prichin-iz-za-kotory-h-v-tebe-nikogda-ne-budet-dostatochno-e-nergii-33712/