She committed theft ... But the police has set an example to all, how to act in these situations!
In America, a recent increase in bad history with police and racist attacks. But New Year's Eve this happened with a white policeman and a female African-American woman who became known far beyond the country.
Helen Johnson wanted to buy eggs at the supermarket. The woman is unemployed and lives on an allowance of $ 120, which she pays a monthly state. But the fact is that the money she has yet to feed two children, a niece and two grandchildren. B>
Helen Johnson wanted to buy eggs at the supermarket. The woman is unemployed and lives on an allowance of $ 120, which she pays a monthly state. But the fact is that the money she has yet to feed two children, a niece and two grandchildren. B>
To delay Helen Johnson, called police. But when the officer William Stacey heard her story, he went straight to the leadership of the store, and asked them not to file an application at the woman. Then he bought a pack of eggs and gave Helen. B>
By stealing Helen Johnson pushed need. For the first time the idea of starving children (her grandchildren 1 and 2 years) forced a woman to do something like that. All her body was shaking, and my head is spinning the idea that it is now going to jail. But then who will take care of the kiddies? B>
Instead colleague William Stacy held a rally, and that the woman's family did not starve before Christmas, they bought so much food that they barely fits two trunk. Good spread, but that's not all. B>
The campaign involved not only police. Rumors about this event went far beyond the city, and was based fund to collect donations for the woman who single-handedly takes care of five children. B>
This case is not brought her wealth, but in a small apartment, where sleeping on the mattress lying on the floor, already precisely nobody will starve. Officer William Stacey just listen to your heart. He did good, and it instantly multiply and spread. B>
Helen Johnson argues that this man has forever changed her life. Good work has led to even more good deeds. Sometimes, to change the world, quite a small step. B>
What did the police for this woman - beautiful. His action did not cost him anything, but radically changed the lives of the whole family. This is true happiness.
Share the story of the good deeds with your friends.
Helen Johnson wanted to buy eggs at the supermarket. The woman is unemployed and lives on an allowance of $ 120, which she pays a monthly state. But the fact is that the money she has yet to feed two children, a niece and two grandchildren. B>

Helen Johnson wanted to buy eggs at the supermarket. The woman is unemployed and lives on an allowance of $ 120, which she pays a monthly state. But the fact is that the money she has yet to feed two children, a niece and two grandchildren. B>

To delay Helen Johnson, called police. But when the officer William Stacey heard her story, he went straight to the leadership of the store, and asked them not to file an application at the woman. Then he bought a pack of eggs and gave Helen. B>

By stealing Helen Johnson pushed need. For the first time the idea of starving children (her grandchildren 1 and 2 years) forced a woman to do something like that. All her body was shaking, and my head is spinning the idea that it is now going to jail. But then who will take care of the kiddies? B>

Instead colleague William Stacy held a rally, and that the woman's family did not starve before Christmas, they bought so much food that they barely fits two trunk. Good spread, but that's not all. B>

The campaign involved not only police. Rumors about this event went far beyond the city, and was based fund to collect donations for the woman who single-handedly takes care of five children. B>

This case is not brought her wealth, but in a small apartment, where sleeping on the mattress lying on the floor, already precisely nobody will starve. Officer William Stacey just listen to your heart. He did good, and it instantly multiply and spread. B>

Helen Johnson argues that this man has forever changed her life. Good work has led to even more good deeds. Sometimes, to change the world, quite a small step. B>

What did the police for this woman - beautiful. His action did not cost him anything, but radically changed the lives of the whole family. This is true happiness.
Share the story of the good deeds with your friends.
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One magically important detail that you are guaranteed not noticed before in the movie "Home Alone"!