Severe Iranian justice
The brutal methods of fighting against the law in Iran. Not for the faint of heart.
Excerpts from the Criminal Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Article 88. Adultery is committed by a person, not married, shall be punished with whipping of one hundred lashes.
Article 121. The act of sodomy committed without copulation in any other way, shall be normalized punishment of one hundred lashes. Note. If in this case an active participant in the act is a person who is not Muslim, and passive - a person professing Islam, the first appointed normalized punished by death.
Article 129. Persons who committed an act of lesbianism is assigned a normalized penalty of one hundred lashes.
Article 131. The act of lesbianism committed for the fourth time, is punishable by death, if for every such act prior to the guilty person applied valuation punishment.
Article 174. The use of alcohol is subject to penalty in the amount of normalized eighty lashes, regardless of gender perpetrator.
Article 176. During the scourging punishable male person should be in the standing position and the clothes have to afford only one that covers the genitals, and punishable by a female person must be seated and wear a garment that covers the entire body. Note. Lashes should not be applied on the head, face and genitals offense.
Article 201. The normalized punishment for theft is executed as follows:
A. For the first theft cut off four fingers of his right hand offense, so as to remain intact thumb and palm.
B. In the second half of the theft cut off the left foot to left untouched part of the place that is wetted during the ritual ablution.
C. During the third theft will be punished by life imprisonment.
D. For the fourth theft will be punished by the death penalty, even if the theft committed in prison.
Article 630. The husband has the right to cause death or bodily harm to his wife and another man at the time they committed the act of adultery by mutual consent. If a woman was forcibly compelled to commit an act of adultery, the husband has the right to cause death or bodily harm to another man only.
Corporal punishment is mostly carried out in public to deter people from committing similar acts in the future.

Excerpts from the Criminal Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Article 88. Adultery is committed by a person, not married, shall be punished with whipping of one hundred lashes.
Article 121. The act of sodomy committed without copulation in any other way, shall be normalized punishment of one hundred lashes. Note. If in this case an active participant in the act is a person who is not Muslim, and passive - a person professing Islam, the first appointed normalized punished by death.
Article 129. Persons who committed an act of lesbianism is assigned a normalized penalty of one hundred lashes.

Article 131. The act of lesbianism committed for the fourth time, is punishable by death, if for every such act prior to the guilty person applied valuation punishment.
Article 174. The use of alcohol is subject to penalty in the amount of normalized eighty lashes, regardless of gender perpetrator.
Article 176. During the scourging punishable male person should be in the standing position and the clothes have to afford only one that covers the genitals, and punishable by a female person must be seated and wear a garment that covers the entire body. Note. Lashes should not be applied on the head, face and genitals offense.

Article 201. The normalized punishment for theft is executed as follows:
A. For the first theft cut off four fingers of his right hand offense, so as to remain intact thumb and palm.
B. In the second half of the theft cut off the left foot to left untouched part of the place that is wetted during the ritual ablution.
C. During the third theft will be punished by life imprisonment.
D. For the fourth theft will be punished by the death penalty, even if the theft committed in prison.
Article 630. The husband has the right to cause death or bodily harm to his wife and another man at the time they committed the act of adultery by mutual consent. If a woman was forcibly compelled to commit an act of adultery, the husband has the right to cause death or bodily harm to another man only.
Corporal punishment is mostly carried out in public to deter people from committing similar acts in the future.