17 pupils, who can not believe that they do not take on a trip. They already packed ...
It's no secret that pets can not live without your favorite hosts. Therefore, pets are always keenly experiencing long-term absence of the owner. Not surprisingly, they are not averse to join us in the journey and literally crawl into our suitcases.
1. You've just put to me a new bed? You're not going anywhere? B>
Photo: Reddit
2. So where are you going? B>
Photo: Reddit
3. Just got. Do not pay attention to me! B>
Photo: Reddit
4. I noticed that you have not packed my toys, so I decided to help you. B>
Photo: Reddit
5. But why? .. I can not go in your suitcase! B>
Photo: Reddit
6. I thought, you go without me? Ha! Naive ...
Photo: Reddit
7. Your suitcase is not available, so you're not going anywhere. B>
Photo: Reddit
8. Yes this is the ideal bag for cats! We are ready to go! B>
Photo: Reddit
9. I pulled those stupid jeans, to make room for themselves. You do not mind? B>
Photo: Reddit
10. Nice try. But without us, you still will not get you anywhere. B>
Photo: Reddit
11. No, no, everything is fine ... as long as I lie down here and wait until you get back ... Even if you have to wait forever. B>
Photo: Reddit
12. In principle, you can go ... But your suitcase will stay with me. B>
Photo: Reddit
13. Do not even think about it! We've already packed my pillow. B>
Photo: Reddit
14. Shhh, be quiet! .. You'll see, will not notice ...
Photo: Reddit
15. I'm not moving from this spot until you promise to stay at home. B>
Photo: Reddit
16. You do not see me. I am your luggage. B>
Photo: Reddit
17. If you think that I can not sit here and wait for a long time, while you zagryzet conscience - you are very wrong. B>
Photo: Reddit
Well, what to do in such a situation? How to resist these Crafty? Sometimes, and I want to spit on everything and take a pet along for the ride, but it is, alas, in most cases impossible. But it's nothing important, so that after a brief separation pets and their owners were together again!
via ofigenno ru
1. You've just put to me a new bed? You're not going anywhere? B>

Photo: Reddit
2. So where are you going? B>

Photo: Reddit
3. Just got. Do not pay attention to me! B>

Photo: Reddit
4. I noticed that you have not packed my toys, so I decided to help you. B>

Photo: Reddit
5. But why? .. I can not go in your suitcase! B>

Photo: Reddit
6. I thought, you go without me? Ha! Naive ...

Photo: Reddit
7. Your suitcase is not available, so you're not going anywhere. B>

Photo: Reddit
8. Yes this is the ideal bag for cats! We are ready to go! B>

Photo: Reddit
9. I pulled those stupid jeans, to make room for themselves. You do not mind? B>

Photo: Reddit
10. Nice try. But without us, you still will not get you anywhere. B>

Photo: Reddit
11. No, no, everything is fine ... as long as I lie down here and wait until you get back ... Even if you have to wait forever. B>

Photo: Reddit
12. In principle, you can go ... But your suitcase will stay with me. B>

Photo: Reddit
13. Do not even think about it! We've already packed my pillow. B>

Photo: Reddit
14. Shhh, be quiet! .. You'll see, will not notice ...

Photo: Reddit
15. I'm not moving from this spot until you promise to stay at home. B>

Photo: Reddit
16. You do not see me. I am your luggage. B>

Photo: Reddit
17. If you think that I can not sit here and wait for a long time, while you zagryzet conscience - you are very wrong. B>

Photo: Reddit
Well, what to do in such a situation? How to resist these Crafty? Sometimes, and I want to spit on everything and take a pet along for the ride, but it is, alas, in most cases impossible. But it's nothing important, so that after a brief separation pets and their owners were together again!
via ofigenno ru
29 most ridiculous family photos. Just do not try this again!
Mummy 2-year-old girl took off the camera. The fact that we managed to secure - can not fail to shock!