25 witty gems for lovers of black humor to laugh heartily ... Here's how to make jokes!
According to many researchers, the key components are laconic humor, sharp contrast, spontaneity and surprise. Why, for example, one joke provokes wild laughter, while the other does not cause you any emotion? I'll tell you, humor - is to some extent work, should be able to make jokes. It is believed that the wit - it is not only a sign of a great sense of humor, but also high intellectual abilities. Do not worry if you can not boast this quality, it can be developed. To do this, you would do well to read more and watch life. This 25 pearls of black humor, which might help you. If you are tired of others and other sentiments of vanilla, definitely read it!
Now I will also laugh others to colic, and I will love the girls ... I for myself have learned from this very important truth: we must be able to laugh not only at others but at himself. Teach other jokes - jokes to share these with your friends!
via ofigenno ru

Now I will also laugh others to colic, and I will love the girls ... I for myself have learned from this very important truth: we must be able to laugh not only at others but at himself. Teach other jokes - jokes to share these with your friends!
via ofigenno ru
Normal video lesson turned into a complete failure and brought the girl of 37 million. Views on YouTube.
He thought it would be eaten alive ... Instead, he managed to make a triumphant picture!