10 couples married more than half a century, will show how to maintain real feelings ... Love for all ages!
All the skeptics who do not believe in eternal love, it is easy to drive to a standstill. Just show them a couple of oldies lovers who slowly walk on the square, anxiously holding each other's hands. Or pay attention to the unbeliever to a veteran who gets all the money from her purse with trembling hands, to buy his beloved rose. Yes, these feelings are not passed away with the death of Romeo and Juliet. There are in this world prove that love is still there!
He believes that all ages can love, and trying to convey that message to everyone. Just look at this amazing Pictures of the elderly couples who were able to carry all the sincerity of their feelings through the year. Looking at them, I understand the meaning of words: in sickness and in health, till death do us part ... I wonder whether they are willing to share the secrets of how to maintain a relationship after half a century or longer.
1. Evgeny Kissin remembers that he met his wife at a dance in 1938. A friend invited him to a dance, and promised that there will be many beautiful girls. For future wife Kissin came one guy, but he refused to dance. After what he saw Eugene was very much afraid, but took a chance. So it all started to happen. B>
2. Gold Pollack were familiar with her future husband before the war. However, he was much older, and did not pay attention to the girl. After returning from the war, young to know each other closer. In other words, it was not a love at first sight. But in August this year the pair will celebrate the 63rd anniversary of living together. What else need proof? B>
3. Jacob Shapirshteyn extremely reticent in love affairs: «What is the secret of love? Sorry, I do not reveal their secrets ». I>
4. Jin Lin Chen and Lai Mei Chen met by chance. The man was only three days on vacation in another city, where he met the love. These love doves were very far apart, so when Jin came home, started a correspondence between them. While they do not even have phones! The couple wrote letters every week, but they were 20 days. So the pair corresponded for five years. Would love to have any obstacles? B>
5. Abe and Jean Small This year will mark the 68 th anniversary. Yes, you did not hear right! Friends ask how Abe managed to find a woman like Jean. He has only one explanation - it is a good prayer. B>
6. Sheila Newman recalls how she had to write a paper on music. My mother advised her to turn to David. He said that will help, but only on condition that the work she still will write itself. Music - is that they pull together. B>
7. Leila Ramos believes that despite glimmers of gray in her hair, with her husband, they do not change the heart, and every day their feelings only become stronger. This is understandable when your husband - your first and only love. B>
8. Moses Rubinstein 88 years old and his wife 85. All what they want - to live together for at least another year 5. «We hope to wait weddings of her grandchildren. This is the most important thing after the unwillingness to stand alone ». I> Add just nothing. B>
9. Terranova Angie confesses that when you live together with her husband for decades, it is not notice of aging. This is very important. Nobody thinks that tomorrow he will be 84, and he has more old. You just have to enjoy every instant sharing! B>
10. Fred and Fran Futterman remember well they met in 1939 when they did not have any money. The company, whose members are the future spouses, always met in the apartment of their mutual friend Betty. There was no such thing as dating or a romantic dinner in a restaurant - it's not enough money. But they had each other, and this is important! B>
Following these revelations frames and I understand that the secret of one of these pairs - they just loved each other no matter what. Delightfully, that true love does not live only in fairy tales and films. And these old people love proof.
If even one of your friends doubt that love is in the world - just show them these pictures!
via ofigenno ru
He believes that all ages can love, and trying to convey that message to everyone. Just look at this amazing Pictures of the elderly couples who were able to carry all the sincerity of their feelings through the year. Looking at them, I understand the meaning of words: in sickness and in health, till death do us part ... I wonder whether they are willing to share the secrets of how to maintain a relationship after half a century or longer.
1. Evgeny Kissin remembers that he met his wife at a dance in 1938. A friend invited him to a dance, and promised that there will be many beautiful girls. For future wife Kissin came one guy, but he refused to dance. After what he saw Eugene was very much afraid, but took a chance. So it all started to happen. B>

2. Gold Pollack were familiar with her future husband before the war. However, he was much older, and did not pay attention to the girl. After returning from the war, young to know each other closer. In other words, it was not a love at first sight. But in August this year the pair will celebrate the 63rd anniversary of living together. What else need proof? B>

3. Jacob Shapirshteyn extremely reticent in love affairs: «What is the secret of love? Sorry, I do not reveal their secrets ». I>

4. Jin Lin Chen and Lai Mei Chen met by chance. The man was only three days on vacation in another city, where he met the love. These love doves were very far apart, so when Jin came home, started a correspondence between them. While they do not even have phones! The couple wrote letters every week, but they were 20 days. So the pair corresponded for five years. Would love to have any obstacles? B>

5. Abe and Jean Small This year will mark the 68 th anniversary. Yes, you did not hear right! Friends ask how Abe managed to find a woman like Jean. He has only one explanation - it is a good prayer. B>

6. Sheila Newman recalls how she had to write a paper on music. My mother advised her to turn to David. He said that will help, but only on condition that the work she still will write itself. Music - is that they pull together. B>

7. Leila Ramos believes that despite glimmers of gray in her hair, with her husband, they do not change the heart, and every day their feelings only become stronger. This is understandable when your husband - your first and only love. B>

8. Moses Rubinstein 88 years old and his wife 85. All what they want - to live together for at least another year 5. «We hope to wait weddings of her grandchildren. This is the most important thing after the unwillingness to stand alone ». I> Add just nothing. B>

9. Terranova Angie confesses that when you live together with her husband for decades, it is not notice of aging. This is very important. Nobody thinks that tomorrow he will be 84, and he has more old. You just have to enjoy every instant sharing! B>

10. Fred and Fran Futterman remember well they met in 1939 when they did not have any money. The company, whose members are the future spouses, always met in the apartment of their mutual friend Betty. There was no such thing as dating or a romantic dinner in a restaurant - it's not enough money. But they had each other, and this is important! B>

Following these revelations frames and I understand that the secret of one of these pairs - they just loved each other no matter what. Delightfully, that true love does not live only in fairy tales and films. And these old people love proof.
If even one of your friends doubt that love is in the world - just show them these pictures!
via ofigenno ru
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