WHAT IS BETRAYAL on the energy level
They say that the traitor must be regarded as an enemy, but is it? If you have been betrayed - so help your growth!
If you betray - then transmitted to energouroven above.
In other words, let the person that he moved on.
With the departure of the old life of the program at the same time open up new possibilities. Every time a person experiences extreme pain point, it opens and the maximum grace.
Going through physical suffering - opens the astral vehicle emotional pain - opens the mental vehicle.
The mental frustration - opens a spiritual way, respectively spiritual frustration leads to more subtle worlds and so endlessly.
Many people often hang for a long time in some situations, the image, and only through the pain and suffering can shift their focus of attention in a wider range of vital objectivity.
Do not suffer? It is not possible - this condition is inherent in human DNA by the Creator for the ascent of the soul (or descent - that does not give out) and active development.
Whenever people want to raise, to reveal his inner essence - it loses something ...
But why? This is the process of choosing between the past and the future.
Fear of losing the comfortable, familiar, familiar ... it is always necessary to choose: Fear or Love. After all, if people do not trust in God - he starts playing games with yourself.
The alignment of the strategic objectives are not consistent with the program of the Creator - leads to frustration in terms of life. Man wants to manage the day to day, minute, and again begins to suffer when fall plans. His almost forced to take a canvas and paint and draw in a new life.
Again, fear, stress ... that's why it is impossible not to feel the pain, as long as there binding conventions have, but do not trust fate.
Therefore, betrayal - a test of confidence in your higher 'I'. Inter - passed into the hands of God. And here is no choice when the lead Fear must give way to love and acceptance.

If you betray - then transmitted to energouroven above.
In other words, let the person that he moved on.
With the departure of the old life of the program at the same time open up new possibilities. Every time a person experiences extreme pain point, it opens and the maximum grace.
Going through physical suffering - opens the astral vehicle emotional pain - opens the mental vehicle.
The mental frustration - opens a spiritual way, respectively spiritual frustration leads to more subtle worlds and so endlessly.
Many people often hang for a long time in some situations, the image, and only through the pain and suffering can shift their focus of attention in a wider range of vital objectivity.
Do not suffer? It is not possible - this condition is inherent in human DNA by the Creator for the ascent of the soul (or descent - that does not give out) and active development.
Whenever people want to raise, to reveal his inner essence - it loses something ...
But why? This is the process of choosing between the past and the future.
Fear of losing the comfortable, familiar, familiar ... it is always necessary to choose: Fear or Love. After all, if people do not trust in God - he starts playing games with yourself.
The alignment of the strategic objectives are not consistent with the program of the Creator - leads to frustration in terms of life. Man wants to manage the day to day, minute, and again begins to suffer when fall plans. His almost forced to take a canvas and paint and draw in a new life.
Again, fear, stress ... that's why it is impossible not to feel the pain, as long as there binding conventions have, but do not trust fate.
Therefore, betrayal - a test of confidence in your higher 'I'. Inter - passed into the hands of God. And here is no choice when the lead Fear must give way to love and acceptance.
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