Rescue Team. Episode 2.

< Anatoly Golubovskii

In February last year, took my acquaintance with training in providing first aid:
Because nothing accidental in this world happens soon acquired skills were in demand:
And the second run. Officially it is called the "First aid in a war zone».
Do not want to draw an analogy, but for the year in our lives there are so many new things we did not want and did not call and did not know about that, too, I do not undertake to renounce.
The more that training itself is designed in such a way that if we exclude particular inspection and evacuation from the fire (that is, in the supine position and reclining),

knowledge and skills acquired on it quite useful in our daily lives. Especially when you consider the tendency of most of us are actively moving across countries and continents. And in a way that just does not happen.
Abstracting from the title of the training and draw attention to the problems they illuminated.
Yes, it is able to save not all. It's true. If simplistic - that of the total number of potentially preventable deaths occur in 60% of blood loss from the limbs, 33% - for pneumothorax, 6% - in the upper airway patency.
Now exhale and recognize - the clash with similar injuries are quite acceptable in our everyday lives. Pay attention to the features of the inspection and transportation. And found that if we exclude the need for travel along the ground, such a skill can be quite a hike to be in demand.
That is, the value of the acquired skills has grown significantly since the expansion of their possible range of applications.
And I realized:
-even huge men quite real drag alone
s together even carry
What I am in decent shape
What American tourniquet to stop the bleeding (in foto - a dark gray with a diamond) - a tourniquet to stop the bleeding is in contrast to the well familiar to us orange domestic monster, which feel that the skin had peeled

What is my avtoaptechka needs upgrading.
The latter - a serious warning bell for those who are not too perplexing questions the content of this device.
The man - a surprisingly tenacious creature. But sometimes it is defenseless. And, even just at the right moment by holding his hand the place of arterial bleeding, or open a hole in the sternum, can save him.
Let us live.
Welcome to my Blog.
The whole team of rescuers thank you. Without pathos and stars make the necessary thing.


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