Rescue team. Episode 2.
Anatoly Golubovsky
Last February, I was introduced to the first aid training: bashny.net/san-anatol/2014/02/08/komanda-spaseniya.html.
Since nothing is random in this world, soon acquired skills were in demand: bashny.net/san-anatol/2014/05/29/spasibo-koste-biryukovu-i-kursam-dovrachebki-sluchay-1.html
And here's the second approach. Officially, it is called “First Aid in a War Zone”.
I do not want to draw analogies, but for a year in our life there was so much new that we did not want and did not call and did not know that I would not take a vow either.
Moreover, the training itself is designed in such a way that if you exclude the features of inspection and evacuation from under fire (that is, in the supine and reclining position),
The knowledge and skills acquired on it are quite applicable in our daily lives. Especially when you consider the tendency of most of us to move around countries and continents. Nothing happens on the road.
We abstract from the name of the training and pay attention to the problems covered by it.
Yes, not everyone will be saved. It's true. If simplified - then of the total number of potentially preventable deaths, 60% are due to blood loss from the limbs, 33% - to pneumothorax, 6% - to upper respiratory tract patency.
Now let’s breathe out and admit that dealing with such injuries is acceptable in our daily lives. Pay attention to the features of inspection and transportation. And find out that if you exclude the need to wander on the ground, then such a skill may well be in demand in a tourist trip.
That is, the value of acquired skills increases significantly due to the expansion of the possible range of their application.
I also realized:
Even big men can be carried alone.
- and the two of you carry.
I am in decent physical shape.
- that the American tourniquet to stop bleeding (in the photo - a wide dark gray with a diamond) - it is a tourniquet to stop bleeding, unlike the well-known orange domestic freak, from which the feeling that the skin has already peeled off
- that my first-aid kit needs an upgrade.
The latter is a serious bell for those who are not too puzzled by the contents of this device.
Man is an amazingly resilient creature. But sometimes he's defenseless. And, even just at the right moment, holding the place of arterial bleeding, or an open hole in the sternum, you can save it.
Let's live.
Thank you to the entire rescue team. Without pathos and stars, the necessary work is done.
We were saved:
Andrei, Ekaterina, Ruslan

Last February, I was introduced to the first aid training: bashny.net/san-anatol/2014/02/08/komanda-spaseniya.html.
Since nothing is random in this world, soon acquired skills were in demand: bashny.net/san-anatol/2014/05/29/spasibo-koste-biryukovu-i-kursam-dovrachebki-sluchay-1.html
And here's the second approach. Officially, it is called “First Aid in a War Zone”.
I do not want to draw analogies, but for a year in our life there was so much new that we did not want and did not call and did not know that I would not take a vow either.
Moreover, the training itself is designed in such a way that if you exclude the features of inspection and evacuation from under fire (that is, in the supine and reclining position),

The knowledge and skills acquired on it are quite applicable in our daily lives. Especially when you consider the tendency of most of us to move around countries and continents. Nothing happens on the road.
We abstract from the name of the training and pay attention to the problems covered by it.
Yes, not everyone will be saved. It's true. If simplified - then of the total number of potentially preventable deaths, 60% are due to blood loss from the limbs, 33% - to pneumothorax, 6% - to upper respiratory tract patency.
Now let’s breathe out and admit that dealing with such injuries is acceptable in our daily lives. Pay attention to the features of inspection and transportation. And find out that if you exclude the need to wander on the ground, then such a skill may well be in demand in a tourist trip.
That is, the value of acquired skills increases significantly due to the expansion of the possible range of their application.
I also realized:
Even big men can be carried alone.
- and the two of you carry.
I am in decent physical shape.
- that the American tourniquet to stop bleeding (in the photo - a wide dark gray with a diamond) - it is a tourniquet to stop bleeding, unlike the well-known orange domestic freak, from which the feeling that the skin has already peeled off

- that my first-aid kit needs an upgrade.
The latter is a serious bell for those who are not too puzzled by the contents of this device.
Man is an amazingly resilient creature. But sometimes he's defenseless. And, even just at the right moment, holding the place of arterial bleeding, or an open hole in the sternum, you can save it.
Let's live.
Thank you to the entire rescue team. Without pathos and stars, the necessary work is done.
We were saved:
Andrei, Ekaterina, Ruslan