Scientists have adapted the graphene oxide particles to water purification from radionuclides

Number of amazing properties of graphene is compensated only by the absence of the results of its practical application. And while some scientists are trying to get graphene in industrial quantities , others make amazing new discoveries. For example, James Tour of Rice University, Stepan Kalmykov from Moscow State University and their colleagues обнаружили, graphene oxide nanoparticles that perfectly blend into nuclear ecstasy with радионуклидами.
If these particles are added to water containing a radionuclide (such as water nuclear power plant generates enough) they actively bind together. A new method of purifying water from the extremely toxic impurities is much more effective current methods using бентонита, at the same time getting graphene oxide can be in large quantities now.
Kalmyks explained that the particles of graphene can effectively capture the toxins out of the water due to its planar structure. And according to the Tour, the observed effect can not only help in cleaning up contaminated nuclear waste areas, but also reduce the cost of oil production by гидроразрыва formation and increase the efficiency of extraction of rare earth metals. In addition, on the basis of graphene oxide may create water filter in nuclear power plants.
After the reaction of graphene oxide with radionkulidami that occurs within minutes, the resulting slurry was easily removed from the water. Then it may, for example, burn as well lit graphene oxide, and reuse the remaining radioactive materials.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249026/
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