The potential of graphene is revealed in a new study

Another revelatory news came this week from abroad. Earlier Japanese scientists were forced to retract his discovery relating to innovative methods of obtaining stem cells. Now we are talking about innovative materials, but rather on the graphene which have dubbed the material of the future.
The appearance of the new material caused a huge stir, as the prospects of its application loomed quite impressive. Graphene has unique characteristics that allow it to be used in almost any industry.
According to the developers, this material is durable, strong and flexible at the same time, almost indefinitely extends the functionality. However, the first detailed examination of its harmfulness showed that graphene in addition is a real danger for human health and the environment.
As you know, graphene is made up of special layers, which give it special strength characteristics. Also, this modification of carbon is perfectly conducts electricity and heat, which reduces losses in comparison with traditional materials at times. The combination of these characteristics allowed to call graphene the new super material of the future.
Those material and labor costs that have been invested in the development of new products, as well as an active interest in the material side of the industry, led to the mass introduction of graphene into production without a serious large-scale studies of its negative effects on health and the environment.

Experts of brown University decided to fill this gap. First tests have shown that graphene is extremely dangerous for human health and the environment. The fact that the smallest particles of this material has one specific property: the surface of the graphene molecules are extremely sharp with high strength characteristics.
Sharp and durable, the molecules easily penetrate into any type of cell in the human body, impaling her without the slightest difficulty. And therefore under threat may be a composite immune cell and normal cells.
In this way graphene molecules can penetrate any living organism or plant. We also learned that if micro-particles of graphene oxide reaches the surface of land or water, they will instantly react, actively interacting with various elements in their environments.
The study is not yet completed but it is already clear that graphene is a very dangerous material that may lead to the disappearance of the pond ecosystem, for example, if it will get microparticles of this super-matter. Experts do not exclude that the active use of graphene may jeopardize the existence of any kind of bacteria, animals or plants.
Source: zeleneet.com