Chinese scientists predicted the existence of a new type of graphene

Calculations of Chinese scientists показали the possibility of the existence of an unusual variant graphene atoms which form a network of irregular pentagons. Penta-Graf, as suggested researchers call it, is also a structure of one atom thick, but has several advantages over its conventional cousin.
In a typical graphene atoms form a grid of regular hexagons. Penta-graph should be fairly stable, while its strength is projected to exceed the strength of standard graph. Also, it should withstand high temperatures of up to 730 degrees, and be natural semiconductor. Normal graph - conductor, semiconductor and manufacturing of graphene is a non-trivial matter.
Another interesting feature of penta-graphene is that it belongs to ауксетикам. Conventional materials expand in the direction of stretching. Auxetics tensile extend perpendicular to this direction. Penta-graphene should be expanded in both directions.
One of the study's authors, Quen Wong of Peking University, believes that such unusual properties allow penta-graphene applications in very different fields, from electronic circuits to body armor. And also in nano-electronics, biomaterials and space technology.
Unfortunately, this material exists only in the calculations. The team of scientists is in search of a suitable experimental groups with which they will be able to get him in the lab.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/245882/