Some methods of manufacturing products from composites
Last office I devoted the history of composite materials. I continue to occupy their leisure time this subject and today I want to talk a little bit about the terms and prototyping techniques using polymer composites. If you have nothing to do long winter evenings, you can always make out of carbon fiber fabric snowboard body for motorcycle or a cover on your smartphone. Of course, the process may eventually come out more expensive than buying a finished product, but it is interesting that some tinkering with his own hands.
Under the cut - overview of the methods of manufacture of composite materials. I would be grateful to you if you are in the comments I supplement, to result in a more complete post.
The composite material is created from at least two components with a sharp boundary between them. There layered composite materials - such as plywood. In all the other components of the composite can be separated by the matrix, or binder, and reinforcing elements - filler. Composites typically separated through sight reinforcing filler or matrix material. Learn more about using composites you can read in the post History composite materials , and this publication is devoted to methods of manufacturing products from composites.
Manual molding h4> In the case of the manufacture of products by single specimens is the most common method of manual molding. The prepared matrix is applied gelcoat - material to get a good finish on the exterior of reinforced material, which allows also to choose a color for the product. Then the matrix is placed in the filler - such as glass fiber - and impregnated with a binder. Remove air bubbles, waiting until all the cool down, and modify a file - cut, drilled, and so on.
Spray h4> Spray does not require cutting the glass, but instead need to use special equipment. This method is often used for large objects, such as boat hulls, vehicles and so on. Similarly, as in the case with manual molding, first annositsya gelcoat, glass material then.
RTM (injection) h4> In the method of injection of polyester resin is used in closed mold tooling from the matrix and the response form - punch. Glass material is placed between matrix and form a response, and then into the mold under pressure flows hardener - polyester resin. And, of course, updating a file after curing - to taste.
Vacuum infusion h4> For the method of vacuum infusion package is required, in which a pump creates a vacuum. In the package, the reinforcing material is, the pores of which are filled with air after the pumping liquid binder.
Winding h4> winding method allows you to make ultra-light composite cylinders for compressed gas, which is used PET liner, Defined to 2-5 atmospheres, as well as composite pipes used in the oil industry, chemical industry and utilities. From the name is easy to see that the glass fiber is wound onto the movable or immovable object.
Pultrusion h4> Pultrusion - a "broach". With this method, there is a continuous process of drawing the composite material through the pulling machine. The process speed of 6 meters per minute. The fibers are passed through a polymer bath, wherein the binder impregnated, and then pass through the device preformovochnoe give the final shape. Then, the mold material is heated and output, we obtain the final hardened product.
Direct pressing h4> Thermoplastic products are manufactured in molds under pressure. For this purpose, high-hydraulic presses with a force of 12 to 100 tons and a maximum temperature of about 650 degrees. In this way, do, for example, a plastic bucket.
Autoclave molding h4> The autoclave necessary for carrying out the processes under heat and pressure above atmospheric in order to accelerate the reaction and increase the yield. Placed inside an autoclave composite materials on special forms.
Products Composite h4> Composite materials are widely used in the aircraft industry. For example, Solar Impulse built from them.
Under the cut - overview of the methods of manufacture of composite materials. I would be grateful to you if you are in the comments I supplement, to result in a more complete post.

The composite material is created from at least two components with a sharp boundary between them. There layered composite materials - such as plywood. In all the other components of the composite can be separated by the matrix, or binder, and reinforcing elements - filler. Composites typically separated through sight reinforcing filler or matrix material. Learn more about using composites you can read in the post History composite materials , and this publication is devoted to methods of manufacturing products from composites.