As I tidy tyunil

Then I remembered that many do a good tuning and LED backlight, decided to trim left alone, and do

His scheme I was a little changed by selecting the display bigger and better, color, good phone from Nokia Color TV Android 2SIM. Well, a little simplified scheme, translated into Russian and Chinese components. At the same time made the green LED tuning diodes. Napisyval the author in a personal - but firmware he never gave, and generally bastard did not say anything ... so I decided to flash the firmware on the Nokia 5230. In short gathered scheme, including, but not had time to flash the display goes off and everything. At this point I decided not to give up, and continue the search for tuning tomorrow.

Waking up in the morning, I remembered what it was, and so my circuit. thought all the same did not bother to paint and slide into the red, after all, too, Racing, but in the hands of a brush can not hold a child, even with lessons Of remember ... and I remembered that once was the case I did tidy for VAZ-2110 / in 2115, it was the case of bygone days, which, by the way, were confused and stick to my financial purse did not bring any, sold several units, and as it is fashionable to talk about the epic Fail - the project was canceled.

to realize his dream of a plan of the blind spaceship of shit and foams evil Lamborghini drivers. but the plan had to work a little ...
1.skhema blocks
2.skhema in ISIS, a simulation in Proteus
3.plata in ARES
4.The program on Bascom AVR.
5.plata loot
6.zaёbyvanie seller in the store, "but there is no fucking! I need 1210 and not in 1206! but there are also at 35B, only low-profile? »...
8.vkoryachivanie created content in regular housing tidy Viburnum
9.radost and hastovstvo on Yap.
filling was made for many familiar tidy Kalina / Prior / 21104.

Tasks tidy:
1.vyzyvat a - pride in neighbors on Five - envy, in patsanchik on the chisel with sawn springs - the desire to order the same, in the neighbor on the Lexus - a feeling, though small, but fuck that envy though zasraty - but exclusive.
2.pokazyvat speed, speed, temperature and fuel.
3.statistika fuel consumption
4.obschatsya with a brain machine diagnostics, error reset.
5.vklyuchat DRL.
6.vklyuchat cabin heating.
7.navodit Ponte red LEDs
8.dobavit +15 Racing
The scheme was approximately as follows

Dress makes loot, because practically free. Were certainly attempts to order in China or in the factory, but it looked something like this:
- Nidorogo!
- Hello, hello, this is China?
- Yes, yes, yes, nidorogo! Mr. Qiang slusayu!
- It is necessary to produce a printed circuit board. 2 layer, FR-4, size 215h122mm
- Not expensive! Order! Discounts! Haras!
- Price tell
- Stotritsat dollalov plus shipping! Nidorogo! Haras! Delivery of all pidisyat dollalov! Be ordered!
- You there ohueli something all his cross-eyed billion ?!
- No, no! Bremsstrahlung discount! Big discount! Then all pidisyat dollalov! But then delivery stotritsat dollalov! Haras! Quick and easy! Buy!
scratching turnips, decided to try here in Omsk ordered from the factory ...
- Reception, burned ...
- Hello. This is three times a Red Radiozavod peaceful grinders name tovrischa Beria?
- Yes I Am. Listen.
- I would learn about circuit boards
- Minutes, translate ...
- In the apparatus Lieutenant Gromov, head of the design bureau iyasorubok. The fee for the grinder you want to order must spacewalk? what degree of protection from electromagnetic radiation and radiation? Acceptance of the 1st? Compatible with boxes of equipment Tu-160 or T-90 is needed? R & D for half a year, factory testing, state tests, and three years later you will get the finished product. I finished talking.
- Um ... I just used the machine to make a charge for the car ...
- We are with individuals do not work. End of conversation.
then called the "company", which advertised its services in manufacturing electronics
- Che?
- Welcome, I would have to learn the cards.
- SchA, wait ... Myhalych, call here on the boards, go popizdi chёkavo ...
- Hey, wha should be?
- It is necessary to make a double-sided board, small parts and tracks no minimum TQFP-64 to 0, 8mm, size ...
- Well, Che, can iron a fucking ...
- Iron I'm a fucking myself I can dress can make factory-quality, or book somewhere?
- Not until the only way. Che, will be ordered? I'm in the '70s amps are great by the way did for AS-35, steeper lyuoy Vega. we must not? ..
- Thank you, I'll stand on foot ...
so that in addition to loot - Other outputs in fact we do not have, for that is spizzhenny someone's grandfather in Soviet times, a good piece of fiberglass, vymenyany on a bottle of beer ... well huyarim saw produced PCB harvesting

hellish muck and "baffikom" polish, depressed girl, remove deposits 30letnego pigeon shit with copper

iron "translation" from the sheet toner that will cover the tracks of the evil persecution of ferric chloride. remove the photo paper, iron prihuyarennuyu to perfectly smooth copper - a fascinating process it is better to eat and play soothing background Enigma ...

etched We reach, wash off with acetone toner and rejoice that we have received the dress. cleverly thought creeps scratching egg - well, so something Cho, left only to solder, and almost everything is ready! yeah ...

Have you ever cross stitching? I - no, but I think that it's almost as fun and exciting as drilling holes, drill ~ 200, the size of a dick May beetle ...

first solder power supplies, because if it is then - and so you and please chip from 64 feet and cost 5 rubles per foot will have to send to the rats in the garbage disposal to study the reasons why it "has broken in half" 3.3V instead of 12V which PSU decided to give ... one of the blocks on the chip works LM2596HV-ADJ. Once I bought them from the Chinese almost half a kilogram, glad that is not expensive. so here is a miracle of Chinese industry with a loud sound HUYAK decided to share with me the beauty of his inner world in a second after the ... what the fuck is most surprising - climbed with a magnifying glass around the entire structure, I did not find any reason for her proud Chinese harakiri ...

Replace the blown LM2596 from which the extra volts dropped into the hole, slowly begin to solder Circuits. here it is! mosk all tidy, the microcontroller Atmega128A. humanly speaking - is 8bitny computer on a single chip, with all its milipizdrichnosti, figuratively, he was almost as 286y complex, but very many things without binding.

connect display, prepare to enjoy, connect the power and ... ogrebayut car cocks because the Chinese "quality" on the display unit is not soldered "comb" with its 40 contacts ...

unsolder plume unsolder "comb", cleans, solder with their hands, their tin, its flux, my, connect and go to smoke, knowing his nevebennost.

soldered on drivers who run MBI5039 LEDs. Well then solder resist and not some diodikov to see reds lights? Racing around the corner! tuning occurs by leaps and bounds! have a minimum of 5 to the image!

handkerchief acquires detalyushkami. jumpers and wires until the nozzle is now important to work order hover over time ...

picks up the display, fill the test firmware. works! Well, I almost ekzibit now! I not only in the basin Racing, and more, and almost two monitors!

and in the dark so do not like Racing, and direct stritrasing! sticks to not score - not stsat, the brightness is adjusted, the eyes will burn at night not ...

further dismantle the nominal tidy, take familiar milling machine and finalizing housing

a dress in the housing. it withered white - no traces of my joy, this flux so after washing looks. so it is too early to rejoice

Well, on the second side, too, all climbed, now it's grip ...

always with the appearance problem. how many do not Draw - an hour seems that something has to be called to remake ... Lebedev, asked the price, learned to order his design I have 10 times to sell the apartment that I rented to take the initial fee for a loan for the purchase of 9-storey building, and then it to sell, it should suffice. thought that it is not profitable, and that more and go to jail. so here it is, the original sketch. If we compare with this, as my grandmother says: "in general - is similar. like a goat on a bull. Only wool is not so. »

generally throws a new sketch using these sorts your design photoshop, koreldro, 3d Max, etc ... I'm not strong, I fucking car electrician, know how to solder, I can - no soldering. More can screw the nut on the terminal of the battery and the starter bust. many can advise clients hood finger pinch. but the design - it's not mine. this paint everything from simple objects and enough for me to realize that I was going to do ... By the way, thank you very much my favorite because she came up with the location of the scales and the stylized "evil little face."

then simplify, and customize the model board for real accurate dimensions. 3D is already beginning to twitch eyes. At the words "tidy" girl begins to look heavy object to pereebat me if you do not shut up, or not to change the subject ... By the way, when you're reading this - I was quite possibly already kicked out of the house or beaten to death with a plate or sneakers.

get roughly the final appearance

draw layout lining koreldro. I hate it. so he's comfortable, and pleasant to work has become, but I do not like it, the life of me.

then cutting the first prototype of the film. and fascinating procedure "sample." a set of "young surgeon" in the work.

fitting with tears vykolupannogo hour layout

second layout, support for the concept of adaptive scale, up to 80 km / h step 5 km / h, then - 10km / h. well, and the selection of filters for the scales and indicators.

that's the result of development. will continue to be the same pad but higher quality, not deleted by a new body, well lit white icons are not that clear.

Thank you all, I finished
© megajaba