11 places in Russia, from visiting which you will run shivers
Ferris Cemetery - a round naked clearing 250 m in diameter. It is located in the middle of the taiga, 100 km from the confluence of the Cova in the hangar. It is noteworthy that there are no clearing of vegetation and surrounded her charred trees, though here raging fire. According to one version, it is here, not near the Stony Tunguska, the Tunguska meteorite fell.
In the 20s and 30s of the last century, the clearing often strayed cattle. And die. Locals come to pull his hooks, because come on clearing themselves they were afraid. Meat from fallen cattle was abnormally red. It is believed that people died here - before the Great Patriotic War near the meadow or on the deaths of several hundred people. Walk there is not recommended. To put it mildly.
Meat boron, aka Death Valley, located in the Novgorod region. Find this place is not so simple: it is now overgrown with forest, swamped, and lead to it only remains of the railway wartime.
At first glance, nothing terrible in the meat no boron. But there is a story: during the Great Patriotic War are killed tens of thousands of soldiers and Russian, and German. The remains have not yet been buried. They say that you can find terrible wartime artifacts: bayonets, helmets, skeletons and skulls.
The ruins of an abandoned resort is 15 km from MKAD. Earlier resort is perhaps the work of art in the courtyard park was installed sculptures. The building itself was once a beautiful two-storey building. And outside, it still seems to conventional buildings, except that a little repair would not hurt.
Inside the picture is different. Everywhere there was garbage, windows smashed. The rooms - broken in furniture, tattered old books and photographs. Now the building is almost destroyed, and half of it was burnt up, and even in this part of the walls is almost gone.
Kadykchan (translated from the language evenkskogo "Valley of Death") was built in 1943. At this point, at a depth of 400 m find the highest quality coal. Prior to 1996, in the village lived a few thousand people. In Stalin's time there was even one of the camps of the Gulag. And in 1996, the mine was an explosion and people started to leave.
By 2006, the ninth year in the village was 791 people. In a few years - only 400. They refused to leave, but government even in the year 2003 decided to close unprofitable and closed the only village in the boiler room. Living in the city has become impossible, and kadychkantsy departed. Evacuate the authorities did not deem it necessary.
Now Kadychkan - ghost mining town. The houses were books and furniture, on the streets - the broken benches and monuments.
The bay is located in the city of Petropavlovsk-54. The official name of the bay - "Bechevinskaya", but because of the secrecy of its renamed "Finval." Previously there were subs: from 1971, the composition of the division has changed several times, until in 1996 he decided to close the base is not. All property taken, electricity and water supply cut off. Along with the base closed and rocket settlement Shipunsky.
Only the abandoned houses. Submarines distilled in another bay.
25108 military unit disbanded in 2001, the year. Russian island for a long time had the status of the closed area. In Soviet times there was a lot of military camps - in fact, the island was the largest training base of the Soviet Navy.
In 1993, the year in parts of the Pacific Fleet starved to death four soldiers and sailors were still 250 in the hospital with a diagnosis of "degeneration." Main Military Prosecutor's Office filed a criminal case, the investigation was conducted before the 1998. Punished only senior midshipman Vytrischaka, in whose house found stolen from the warehouse products. The rest of the involved persons escaped fines. Now part of the disbanded and abandoned, and inside buildings strewn remnants of furniture and equipment soldier. Some wags sometimes "decorate" the housing additionally - hang cape so that by the thought that the man in the loop hanging.
The cave system has arisen due to the extraction of silica sand from the 18th to the 20th century. In 1922 the mine closed and abandoned cave.
Sablinskie cave until the end of the 1970s were classified object. Then in the catacombs were hiding fugitive prisoners, and every year in these places people disappeared ten. The matter is that there were bandits, and quicksand, and crumbling corridors. But attempts to take entrenched in caves bandits were useless: Sablinskie caves stretch for several kilometers, and looking for someone in the natural labyrinths was impossible.
In the 1980s the caves were home to 200 people living communities. Now active underground groups already there, and terrible Sablinskie cave turned into a tourist attraction. Excursion on a secure part of the caves cost only 600 rubles. In an insecure tourists are not allowed.
Death Valley in Kamchatka was found in 1975 year. There are often found corpses of animals and birds. Animals are dying because of the high concentration of toxic gases - hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and carbon disulfide. Dead animals in this place saved unusually long and do not decompose even outdoors - a poisonous atmosphere inhibits oxidative processes caused by bacteria.
People here, too, it is not necessary to stay for long. Scientists and tourists after Death Valley suffer from headaches, fever, dizziness and general weakness. But if the time to leave a dangerous place, it will come back to normal pretty quickly.
Walking along this natural 'hell' - not for the faint of heart. It's too great a chance to stumble upon the corpses of unwary animals. People usually have time to get away.
Hovrinskuyu hospital was started in 1980 on the site of the cemetery. Five years later, the construction stopped, and threw a huge unfinished building. Now basements flooded, and the building slowly sinks into the ground.
Place overgrown with numerous urban legends. People come here to thrill seekers - still, a sort of gateway to another world right in the middle of Moscow!
Refuge began to build in 1960 Tide years. Construction was carried out 20 years, but in 1980-ies famous decayed, and the base was never finished. All concrete work was completed, was done only interior trim. But in 1991, the United States and the Soviet Union signed an agreement on strategic arms limitation and the submarine base in the Primorye Territory Pavlovsk got a list of objects that the Soviet Union pledged to close.
Asylum creepy. The central part of it - the two parallel tunnels connected by walkways. Both of the tunnel, so huge that there easily enters submarine flooded. Only refuge leads eight inputs. Assess its true dimensions is difficult: many passages are flooded, and no one knows where they lead. Yes, one more thing: on the military base there are sources of radiation and elevated background radiation, so that no special costume is better not to walk.