I live like always wanted.
The first few weeks I had to be very tight. I slept on a small blanket, which I had brought with him, and ate on food stamps (stamps are issued in the US in need within the social program; approx. Mixstuff). This is my bedroom. The remaining money from me, I bought a laptop, the only source of entertainment at that time. Internet I could not afford. In this photo, all property, which I then owned.
The first month I slept on this blanket, and then bought an inflatable mattress (this gray thing that lies at the foot), where I slept for the next month, has not been able to buy a normal bed.
This is my bicycle. I bought it for $ 200, as I could not afford it. For eight months, he was my main means of transport. Go shopping was very uncomfortable.
Every day, get up at five in the morning and went to work by bike. Month I was on probation, but then got a job as a full-time and was able to get credit for the car. The work, though not the most prestigious, but I like it. This is the first car in my life that I could afford to buy.
During this year, I've come a long way, but in the end, after years of depression and darkness, I live like I always wanted.
Source: dymontiger.livejournal.com