FBI sees robotic vehicles are not only reliable transportation, but also a "deadly weapon" for the problems of crime

About robotic vehicles Habré wrote a lot. It really intereny project which, we think, will still allow us to easily drink my morning coffee, getting anywhere on the car. Of course, the possibilities of robotic cars represent much more than drinking konfeinsoderzhaschih drinks.
For example, the FBI believe that cars with autopilot will use crime and serve as a "lethal weapon". For example, during the pursuit of someone at a car owner, if this criminal element can safely conduct a gunfight.
In addition, the FBI worried that the system of driving all sorts of craftsmen can customize so that those with no problems driving through a red light. Oh, and another option - is to build a bomb, and drive her anywhere on such a car without a driver.
All these concerns are set out in a multi-page FBI report on robot vehicles. Besides fears FBI see a car like this and the positives. For example, cars with autopilot could reduce the number of road accidents, thanks to robust control system, which is faster than a person reacts to different kinds of problems.
From a purely policing point of view, the use of a car like this for the prosecution of criminals also makes sense as a cop chasing a criminal, can simultaneously engage in reading comics with other things, including a call for reinforcements, request the owner of the car by the number of car, reloading weapons, etc.
According to employees of the FBI, the US Congress may permit the widespread use of such cars in terms from five to seven years.
Via theguardian
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/230211/
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