Top 10 reasons to stay inconclusive for poor performance
If you are unhappy with your job, you probably sometimes comes up with the idea: « It's time to throw this thing i>». So why do not you quit?
Even if you madly want to leave, to escape from this terrible company, hated by colleagues and superiors arrogant, you will still linger, because immediately after the impulsive desire to quit comes a host of other thoughts that prevent you decide to take this step.
All these excuses cleverly disguised as reasonable arguments about why you should stay and wait a little. But if you listen closely, this is not the voice of reason and self-deception that makes you hold on to the place of work in which you slowly but surely wasting yourself.
We are in the Alconost Translations transferred to you an article by Alexander Kjerulf who calls himself one of the world's experts on happiness at work. He analyzed 10 of the most common excuses that prevent people throw hateful workplace.
№1 «Someday will be better». H5> This idiot chief someday be transferred to another post. That stupid colleague ever fired. These inhuman and endless amounts of processing ever end.
№2 «My boss - an idiot, but if I do go, it turns out that he won i>». H5> Who cares. There are no winners and losers. It's about your life. It is time to move forward.
№3 «I'm not one of those who gives up». H5> Do you know what do these, put it mildly i>, successful people: Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Tiger Woods, Rice Witherspoon, John McHenry and John Steinbeck?
№4 «I do not take on another job». H5> Of course not, if you will sit on the old, which gradually drains of you all the vital juices. Change jobs now, while self-confidence, motivation and energy are not yet exhausted.
№5 «If fired, lost wages, status, company car, the respect of colleagues and so on. N.» H5> Yes, for a change of work have to pay a price, and it's scary. We all understand that in my heart.
№6 «Well, where we do not have». H5> Nonsense. In every area there are many excellent jobs that are waiting just for you.
№7 «I have too much invested in this work». H5> You may have spent a lot of time, effort and nerves on something to improve the situation. And you will be really hard to give it up.
№8 «I lose my health insurance». H5> I am sympathetic to this argument. In Denmark, where I live, everyone is entitled to free medical care, regardless of whether he has a job or not. Therefore, it is difficult to judge how much weight this trump card in the hands of the employer.
№9 «I pay well here». H5> And this argument I do not sympathize. No matter how much money you get. If you do not get pleasure from work, no salary is not compensated.
№10 «This line ruin my resume». H5> And, in your opinion, the summary with the line that you sat for years at a job that you hate, without further prospects, looks perfect?
essence h5> Many of us would have been more satisfied with their career, if thrown a bad job before. I have met many people who finally managed to escape, and the only thing they regretted was that did it later than we had. Those who would consider that it was necessary to stay longer, I have never met.
your turn h5> What do you think? Did you have a job that you hated? What prevented you go? Why did you finally quit? Or, best way - to start a business ? Write your story in the comments, your opinions are very interesting.
Even if you madly want to leave, to escape from this terrible company, hated by colleagues and superiors arrogant, you will still linger, because immediately after the impulsive desire to quit comes a host of other thoughts that prevent you decide to take this step.
All these excuses cleverly disguised as reasonable arguments about why you should stay and wait a little. But if you listen closely, this is not the voice of reason and self-deception that makes you hold on to the place of work in which you slowly but surely wasting yourself.
We are in the Alconost Translations transferred to you an article by Alexander Kjerulf who calls himself one of the world's experts on happiness at work. He analyzed 10 of the most common excuses that prevent people throw hateful workplace.

№1 «Someday will be better». H5> This idiot chief someday be transferred to another post. That stupid colleague ever fired. These inhuman and endless amounts of processing ever end.
What if things get worse? Or no change? If you've already done everything you can to make a difference at work, and it did not work out, meaning to sit and wait until all by itself will change little.
№2 «My boss - an idiot, but if I do go, it turns out that he won i>». H5> Who cares. There are no winners and losers. It's about your life. It is time to move forward.
№3 «I'm not one of those who gives up». H5> Do you know what do these, put it mildly i>, successful people: Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Tiger Woods, Rice Witherspoon, John McHenry and John Steinbeck?
Yes, they dropped out of school at Stanford University .
Therefore, those who tell you that the real winners never give up halfway, lies - to throw the hated work is right.
№4 «I do not take on another job». H5> Of course not, if you will sit on the old, which gradually drains of you all the vital juices. Change jobs now, while self-confidence, motivation and energy are not yet exhausted.
№5 «If fired, lost wages, status, company car, the respect of colleagues and so on. N.» H5> Yes, for a change of work have to pay a price, and it's scary. We all understand that in my heart.
But not many people are asking, "And what price will have to pay if I stay on the job that I hate?»
And this price can be very high. In addition to excellent career prospects, poor performance can ruin your marriage, family, health, self-esteem and rob you badly battered psyche. This will not happen in a moment, of course, but it will happen gradually, day by day.
№6 «Well, where we do not have». H5> Nonsense. In every area there are many excellent jobs that are waiting just for you.
№7 «I have too much invested in this work». H5> You may have spent a lot of time, effort and nerves on something to improve the situation. And you will be really hard to give it up.
It reminds me of the Nigerian letters, type of Internet fraud where scammers email lure money from people on certain financial transactions, promising high interest rates in case of success. First, it is a small amount, then they start to grow. And with each step victim harder to stop, because in this case it will lose the money that has been invested.
Still throw. Stay - then continue to invest their best years in what is doomed to failure.
№8 «I lose my health insurance». H5> I am sympathetic to this argument. In Denmark, where I live, everyone is entitled to free medical care, regardless of whether he has a job or not. Therefore, it is difficult to judge how much weight this trump card in the hands of the employer.
The answer is the same: start looking for another job with the same terms and conditions of insurance.
And again, ask yourself how many of the benefits of good health insurance provided at work, which ruins your health - and a bad job doing just that.
№9 «I pay well here». H5> And this argument I do not sympathize. No matter how much money you get. If you do not get pleasure from work, no salary is not compensated.
And even more so if you are earning well, use this financial stability, to finally leave and find work for the soul.
№10 «This line ruin my resume». H5> And, in your opinion, the summary with the line that you sat for years at a job that you hate, without further prospects, looks perfect?
essence h5> Many of us would have been more satisfied with their career, if thrown a bad job before. I have met many people who finally managed to escape, and the only thing they regretted was that did it later than we had. Those who would consider that it was necessary to stay longer, I have never met.
Reasons to hold on to a job that does not like it, can be set. I'm talking about what to carefully analyze them: Is this the constraints, or maybe you just said fear.
your turn h5> What do you think? Did you have a job that you hated? What prevented you go? Why did you finally quit? Or, best way - to start a business ? Write your story in the comments, your opinions are very interesting.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/alconost/blog/230193/
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