Microsoft dismisses 18,000 employees

New CEO Satya Nadella reform continues to Microsoft. This time, it's time to radically downsizing.
A few hours ago (in the main office Microsoft was early in the morning) CEO of the company sent employees to письмо, in which he told of the coming reforms. Dismissal of 18,000 people - the largest staff reduction in 39-year history of Microsoft.
Until the end, the work will lose about 12 500 employees subdivision Nokia Devices and Services, inherited 'tied' to the brand Nokia, and along with 5500 the least efficient workers in other departments.
After uptake of mobile, Nokia staff Microsoft rose to 127,104 people, including 25,000 employees Nokia, so that the reduction will affect approximately 15% of the staff Microsoft, with 50% of the State of Nokia. Other workers Nokia Devices and Services «integrate with other teams Microsoft», writes Nadella.
This "cleansing" not spend it overnight. This year, plans to lay off 13,000 people, and it will be fully completed in 2015. That is over one and a half years, managers have to lay off approximately an average of 35 people per day, which seems quite feasible task. The vast majority of laid-off promises Nadella will receive notification within six months.
In his letter, Satya Nadella said that Microsoft will focus on "Investing in Innovation" and promises to reform "the most thoughtful and transparent." Together with the reduction of staff will be new positions in other departments.
About the impending mass layoffs became known yesterday, when HR-unit Microsoft began to massively book meeting rooms. "Today during the day your leaders will explain what to expect in your department," - writes in a letter Satya Nadella employees.
Apparently, much of the layoffs will have on middle managers. "We plan to leave fewer levels of management, both top-down and between departments to speed up the flow of information and decision-making - says Nadella. - It also means reducing the number of managers, and the weakening of control over workers from their side. In addition, our business processes become more simple and effective with a high level of trust between the individual teams. As a result of all these changes across the Microsoft team will be more productive. "
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/230259/
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