Satya Nadella officially became CEO of Microsoft. Bill Gates stepped down as Chairman of the Board of Directors

Yes, the information, voiced earlier confirmed: the general director of Microsoft Corporation became an employee of the same company Satya Nadella. Indian working in a corporation for 22 years while still achieving the top of a relatively young age. He himself now - 46 years. Until the moment of his appointment, the CEO Satya Nadella headed the "cloud" and corporate services, and also served as executive vice president.
It is worth noting that this is not the last reshuffle in the corporation, the fact that simultaneously with the appointment Nadella CEO, as chairman of the board of directors resigned all know Bill Gates.

He will remain in the company, but only as a technical adviser Satya Nadella.

But the chairman of the board was John Thompson.
At the moment, many expected that Satya Nadella will become CEO of the company, but few expected the departure of Bill Gates from his post as chairman of the board of directors. Despite the fact that he said this several times already.
The new CEO has already said that Microsoft - great prospects ahead, and to achieve them the company must move faster and change in motion.
Via microsoft
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/211394/
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