The government would suck the last juices
The government would suck the last juices out of motorists.
Excise duty on petrol will rise even more.
While the population of the country was returning from mezhprazdnichnoy outbreak of labor activity to the bliss of a long weekend on the occasion of May 9, the government was not asleep - it invents as if to shake off the population is still a bit of money: Moloch Russian road funds all the little!
In this regard, the government of Dmitry Medvedev gathered May 8th. In principle, this has occurred on the Kurultai quite ordinary scenario. First, "his short, forty minutes," a couple of common phrases gave the prime minister, and then came the turn of the solo part Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov.
Basically, he is believed, spreading good words on the roads of our vast, describing the undoubted achievements of departments, the steady implementation of orders himself and diehard plans for the near future. There is no sense to retell all his thoughts. To the reader did not die of boredom cloth - telegraph came only substantial.
So, for the last, in 2013 the national budget spent on the road about 555 billion rubles - for the construction of new, reconstruction and repair of old roads completely ruined the country. As a result, we added two 605 km of roads. The share of federal roads, the relevant regulatory requirements, increased compared with 2012 by 1700 km and reached 46, 5% of the total available. That is, more than half of the road we have - absolutely not "ale" and fix this thing Ministry of Transport plans until 2020, as it turned out from the minister.
As a result, share the joy of Mr. Sokolov, the number of accidents associated with road conditions on federal roads has decreased in the last year at 3, 5%, the number of victims - 9, 4% of the wounded - by 4%.
Of course, it's great that it accountable tracks live was a few percent better and more fun, but the overall bleak picture this statistic does not affect the passage absolutely! After only four months of this year (official data traffic police) because of "poor road conditions," and speaking in Russian - terrible roads - 16 829 road accidents happened. It is a record of 15, 6% more than the same period last year. However, their share in the total number of accidents has reached an unprecedented magnitude - 34, 6%! In this killed 2172 people and injured 21211. For comparison, we recall that at the end of 2013 this figure (growing from year to year, by the way!) Has reached 26%. Last year, domestic "trend" was buried 7,392 and injured 67,391 people!
In addition, the Minister of Transport said that the amount of funding the road sector in the budget 2014 is provided at the level of 507 billion rubles, in 2015 - 529, 5 billion rubles and in 2016 - 552, 5 billion rubles.
Characteristically, over 2015 and 2016, he, for some reason, clearly underestimated the expenditure budget for the roads of the country. Apparently he had forgotten that since 2015 his own subordinates from Rosavtodor invented to charge trucks for the ride on Russian roads - 3, 5 rubles per kilometer. And they have already calculated that "as a result of fee collection net present value of the budget is expected to be 384, 3 bln. Rubles per year." That is, the amount will clearly exceed the minister voiced almost two (!) Times!
It seems that the authorities of the country road that is still not enough, since it started talking about ... well, about the next increase in excise duties on fuel! In concluding his speech, Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov proposed "to increase the efficiency of road traffic activities of the funds we are encouraged to prepare proposals to increase the current rates of excise duties on petroleum products ..."! That's it! Money from the budget, as they say, not much happens! Little did that for three consecutive years for each liter of gasoline at the gas station authorities to "throw" the new excise ruble? Russian car owners have the money anyway to burn, is not it ?!
That deputy Medvedev, Arkady Dvorkovich thinks so - it podpel Minister of Transport, speaking after him. No longer "Preludes" slashed "uterus truth": "We are now considering options to modify the tax system in the industry (sale of automotive fuel - Ed.), Including possible options for reducing the export duty by increasing domestic taxes. And in the coming months will offer a balanced option. »
That is, in the coming months we will know more on what the amount the government decided to "sanded" wallet motorist.
Excise duty on petrol will rise even more.
While the population of the country was returning from mezhprazdnichnoy outbreak of labor activity to the bliss of a long weekend on the occasion of May 9, the government was not asleep - it invents as if to shake off the population is still a bit of money: Moloch Russian road funds all the little!

In this regard, the government of Dmitry Medvedev gathered May 8th. In principle, this has occurred on the Kurultai quite ordinary scenario. First, "his short, forty minutes," a couple of common phrases gave the prime minister, and then came the turn of the solo part Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov.
Basically, he is believed, spreading good words on the roads of our vast, describing the undoubted achievements of departments, the steady implementation of orders himself and diehard plans for the near future. There is no sense to retell all his thoughts. To the reader did not die of boredom cloth - telegraph came only substantial.
So, for the last, in 2013 the national budget spent on the road about 555 billion rubles - for the construction of new, reconstruction and repair of old roads completely ruined the country. As a result, we added two 605 km of roads. The share of federal roads, the relevant regulatory requirements, increased compared with 2012 by 1700 km and reached 46, 5% of the total available. That is, more than half of the road we have - absolutely not "ale" and fix this thing Ministry of Transport plans until 2020, as it turned out from the minister.
As a result, share the joy of Mr. Sokolov, the number of accidents associated with road conditions on federal roads has decreased in the last year at 3, 5%, the number of victims - 9, 4% of the wounded - by 4%.
Of course, it's great that it accountable tracks live was a few percent better and more fun, but the overall bleak picture this statistic does not affect the passage absolutely! After only four months of this year (official data traffic police) because of "poor road conditions," and speaking in Russian - terrible roads - 16 829 road accidents happened. It is a record of 15, 6% more than the same period last year. However, their share in the total number of accidents has reached an unprecedented magnitude - 34, 6%! In this killed 2172 people and injured 21211. For comparison, we recall that at the end of 2013 this figure (growing from year to year, by the way!) Has reached 26%. Last year, domestic "trend" was buried 7,392 and injured 67,391 people!
In addition, the Minister of Transport said that the amount of funding the road sector in the budget 2014 is provided at the level of 507 billion rubles, in 2015 - 529, 5 billion rubles and in 2016 - 552, 5 billion rubles.
Characteristically, over 2015 and 2016, he, for some reason, clearly underestimated the expenditure budget for the roads of the country. Apparently he had forgotten that since 2015 his own subordinates from Rosavtodor invented to charge trucks for the ride on Russian roads - 3, 5 rubles per kilometer. And they have already calculated that "as a result of fee collection net present value of the budget is expected to be 384, 3 bln. Rubles per year." That is, the amount will clearly exceed the minister voiced almost two (!) Times!
It seems that the authorities of the country road that is still not enough, since it started talking about ... well, about the next increase in excise duties on fuel! In concluding his speech, Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov proposed "to increase the efficiency of road traffic activities of the funds we are encouraged to prepare proposals to increase the current rates of excise duties on petroleum products ..."! That's it! Money from the budget, as they say, not much happens! Little did that for three consecutive years for each liter of gasoline at the gas station authorities to "throw" the new excise ruble? Russian car owners have the money anyway to burn, is not it ?!
That deputy Medvedev, Arkady Dvorkovich thinks so - it podpel Minister of Transport, speaking after him. No longer "Preludes" slashed "uterus truth": "We are now considering options to modify the tax system in the industry (sale of automotive fuel - Ed.), Including possible options for reducing the export duty by increasing domestic taxes. And in the coming months will offer a balanced option. »
That is, in the coming months we will know more on what the amount the government decided to "sanded" wallet motorist.