Emergency lights do not give up
Officials will still be able to enjoy flashing lights decided expert working group, headed by the Minister for Open Government Mikhail Abyzov not supporting the initiative of Society "Blue buckets" dial 100 thousand. Votes on the website of the Russian Public Initiative (ROI). This is the third initiative, rejected by government officials.
Expert Working Group on the results of the meeting decided not to send the government a petition for further consideration according to which all the cars of officials, with the exception of police cars, emergency, ambulance and other emergency services, proposed to deprive rights of priority directions. Experts group found that the number of flashing lights and so enough is regulated by a presidential decree dated July 1, 2012. "On regulation of the use of devices for feeding special light and sound signals, installed on the vehicle." Now the list of government agencies whose vehicles can use spetssignalami, the number of 572 cars. Most have flashing lights FSB (197) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (100).
During the discussion Abizov said that although ignore the initiative, supported by so many people, we can not at the same time, the most acute problem of flashing lights and generally privileged directions is in Moscow and St. Petersburg, while residents of other regions do not face it. < br />
Abizov also shared their personal experiences of driving. The Minister said that he himself in his spare time, sitting behind the wheel not only the car, but the bike. Recently, while driving one of his bikes Abizov saw through a dedicated band drove the car without flashing lights and other spetsoboznacheny. "I stopped at the post of DPS and without sounding conversation with the officer. I asked him why he did not stop the car, it is illegal to pass. And he replied: "Do you know who it is gone .." I replied that I do not know and do not want, "- said the Minister. According to him, to fight with the privileges on the roads for those who do not have permission to do so, you must.
Party "Blue buckets" represented the movement's coordinator, Peter Shkumatov. He called the emergency lights, causing among ordinary drivers "wave of hatred", "symbol of individualism and self-enrichment." Deputy Interior Minister Igor Zubov said in response that the initiative is "an attempt to ignite social hatred" and alluded to the events in Ukraine. A member of the Presidential Human Rights Council Iosif Diskin called the initiative "nit-picking", adding that in Russia there are more serious problems.
Following the discussion, the experts suggested Abizov voted not to recommend to the Government to consider a petition for legislative support and continue its discussion on the site of the Public Chamber and the governmental commission on road safety until the end of the year. Unanimously agreed with the Minister.
"We were actually sent. All work is to collect 100 thousand. Votes thrown out "bucket", - told RBC Shkumatov after the meeting. He added that today's decision means "the complete failure of the IC and the campaign promises of President of openness and democracy".
Source: RBC

Expert Working Group on the results of the meeting decided not to send the government a petition for further consideration according to which all the cars of officials, with the exception of police cars, emergency, ambulance and other emergency services, proposed to deprive rights of priority directions. Experts group found that the number of flashing lights and so enough is regulated by a presidential decree dated July 1, 2012. "On regulation of the use of devices for feeding special light and sound signals, installed on the vehicle." Now the list of government agencies whose vehicles can use spetssignalami, the number of 572 cars. Most have flashing lights FSB (197) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (100).
During the discussion Abizov said that although ignore the initiative, supported by so many people, we can not at the same time, the most acute problem of flashing lights and generally privileged directions is in Moscow and St. Petersburg, while residents of other regions do not face it. < br />
Abizov also shared their personal experiences of driving. The Minister said that he himself in his spare time, sitting behind the wheel not only the car, but the bike. Recently, while driving one of his bikes Abizov saw through a dedicated band drove the car without flashing lights and other spetsoboznacheny. "I stopped at the post of DPS and without sounding conversation with the officer. I asked him why he did not stop the car, it is illegal to pass. And he replied: "Do you know who it is gone .." I replied that I do not know and do not want, "- said the Minister. According to him, to fight with the privileges on the roads for those who do not have permission to do so, you must.
Party "Blue buckets" represented the movement's coordinator, Peter Shkumatov. He called the emergency lights, causing among ordinary drivers "wave of hatred", "symbol of individualism and self-enrichment." Deputy Interior Minister Igor Zubov said in response that the initiative is "an attempt to ignite social hatred" and alluded to the events in Ukraine. A member of the Presidential Human Rights Council Iosif Diskin called the initiative "nit-picking", adding that in Russia there are more serious problems.
Following the discussion, the experts suggested Abizov voted not to recommend to the Government to consider a petition for legislative support and continue its discussion on the site of the Public Chamber and the governmental commission on road safety until the end of the year. Unanimously agreed with the Minister.
"We were actually sent. All work is to collect 100 thousand. Votes thrown out "bucket", - told RBC Shkumatov after the meeting. He added that today's decision means "the complete failure of the IC and the campaign promises of President of openness and democracy".
Source: RBC