Dog rescued mistress with my life

"Steve Mason - most unusual dog I've ever met, and my best friend for the last 16 years. And this is the story of how he died saving my life ».

"Steve Mason, Mason just for friends, was a mestizo Husky, Labrador and rottweiler, incredibly fluffy ears and with the spots on the face, it seemed, he always wears glasses Harry Potter. I chose it among other puppies because until all the squeaking and play, only he stopped to smell a flower. "

"We have been together for so many adventures and get to the top of the mountains so much that I'm not all I can remember. He has always been able to draw in a special ears to make me go faster on the next ridge and cheer on the most difficult area ».

"Mason was a real support for my brother, when he has had a difficult few years. And if I could not, that Mason was always close to him. They were very fond of each other. No matter how much time has passed, he saw his brother, Mason was ready to jump into his arms like a puppy ».

"Everyone who knew Mason can confirm that he was a great dog, and maybe even the best person they have ever met».

"Over the past two years, he began to grow old. His hearing and vision gradually weakened, with the sense of smell narovne ».

By the worst nightmare for me was the thought that he will suffer from old age and suffer, and we will have it put to sleep. I even think about it could not and was not sure I could do it, even from a sense of compassion for him, after so many years of love. It was so special to me ».

"But he stubbornly continued to struggle, slower than before, but went ahead and paid no attention to old age».

"This winter I tried to hold him as much as possible, because I was sure - our days together coming to an end. March 5 we Steve Mason and 3 other dogs younger went to a short tour of our possessions ».

"We were about 2 miles from home when I noticed something that haunts us about 500 meters behind. I did not see wolves in our valley about 25 years. Typically, wolves are afraid and do not go out to meet people, especially when those with dogs. I turned back home, allowing the wolf to go their separate ways, and even forgot about it ».

"A few minutes later the smallest dog of the votes cast, I turned around and saw that the wolf stands just around the corner from us. It was huge, it was probably above the withers of my thigh. Wolf looked terrified, but focused, and obviously he was hungry. We were in trouble. Wolf attacked us. The next 20 minutes we tried to fend him off. I beat him with my ski poles, and the dog tried to bite, avoiding his terrible teeth. He was a little weak, but he was able to fight. Hunger has given him the strength to overcome his fear. Mason and I ended up fighting side-by-side. Wolf continued to look me in the eye, but it was clear that he was attacked primarily on dogs. Finally he grabbed the smaller dog. Then Mason rushed to the wolf. Suddenly my gray-haired old man turned out to be huge, more than I ever remembered it before. He pushed away from the wolf pup, but the wolf grabbed Mason's throat. It was over in seconds. I've never screamed so loud. Every cell in me screamed and asked to kill a wolf, poke out his eyes, clutching the throat. But he would have killed me and the other 3 dogs that had to withdraw from there. It was too late. Mason died, and a hungry wolf started to absorb it in my eyes. "

"I know I could not do anything, but in spite of this I can not get away from the idea that did not do anything to save him. Most dogs die at that age old age, slowly and painfully. Mason departed from this world fast as lightning, saving my life and the lives of young dogs. He was my puppy, my "bear", my brother, and he died as he lived: my hero! I love you hear ?! Farewell, my good! Farewell! »

Source: www.dogtales.ru