The woman selflessly saved the child from the burning building, the next day the boy’s father came to her room.
Today’s story is about courage and human kindness. Something that we all need so much sometimes. The heroine of this story is Lily. In a hurry, she had to flee her home village. Along the way, she saw a private house burning in flames. There was no time to think. Risking her own life, she saved a child who was crying for help. What led to the brave act of Lily, read further in the article.
In May, Lily was going to get married. She made visionary plans and was sure that her life would soon improve. She is from the village, but often goes to the city for work. Recently, her home came to trouble, and the woman had to just flee her native village. There was an alarming suitcase ready. It's about leaving.
A friend agreed to take Lilya to the city. And there she was going to rush abroad to her fiancé, who at that time had been working in Poland for a year. But on the way, the woman noticed a small private house burning in the fire. She used to drive past it often and knew the people who lived there. Lily couldn't believe her eyes.
She asked the driver to stop for a second. When she got out of the car, she heard a baby scream. “God, this is Vanka!” thought Lilya. She realized the boy had stayed inside the building. Risking her own life, Lily took Vanya out of the burning house. The woman saved the child, realizing that she could not do otherwise.
The betrayal of the beloved Brave heroine suffered greatly. But thanks to an acquaintance, both she and the boy quickly ended up in the hospital. What happened to Vanya's grandmother, who remained in the house, is unknown. But Lilya just couldn't have saved her. So she tried to keep the evil thoughts away. There was still a lot of pain ahead.
When the woman’s fiancé found out about everything and saw her face mutilated by fire, he simply abandoned her. The man didn't recognize his lover and refused to believe what she had done: "How could you?" Have you thought about yourself? But could Lilya have done otherwise when the life of a young child was at stake?
She accepted the betrayal of her beloved calmly. Just all the horror that she has already experienced, can not be compared to the fact that she left the groom. A long period of rehabilitation awaited her, but the woman did not worry. She was glad that Vanya was safe.
Soon the doctor informed the woman that the boy’s grandmother did not survive. It turned out that he has a father, but the man is in the service and it is unclear whether he will be able to return. Lily understood that she could not leave the boy to his fate. At the same time, she decided that she would take the baby home when they were released from the hospital.
But things changed dramatically when a stranger entered Lily's room. It was Vani's dad. Throughout the days that had accumulated, in the eyes of tears, he said, “I do not have enough words to express my gratitude to you.” If it wasn't for you, I would never have seen my son again. You're a hero! While the guys and I are on the front lines, courageous women like you are protecting us in the rear.”
Lilya burst into tears. She saw so much pain in the eyes of a man that she had never experienced in her life. The woman silently took the man by his huge rough hand and replied, “Anyone would have done the same thing in my place.” We're all one now!
Dispossessed souls sat in the room for a long time. They talked about what would happen next. Lilia offered her help in caring for Vanya. Turns out the boy doesn't have anyone else here. It was decided that Lilya would take him with him to Poland, where his grandmother Vanina lives. They had a long journey ahead and many more trials. But most importantly, they were together.
Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? In critical situations, a person can do a lot. She saved a child who would not have survived without her help. And she didn't even think about the consequences. This brave act makes you cry! I want to believe that soon Lilya and Vanya will be able to return home. We believe and know that their lives will improve!
We recently wrote about safe behavior during a fire. Be sure to read this article to be ready for anything!

In May, Lily was going to get married. She made visionary plans and was sure that her life would soon improve. She is from the village, but often goes to the city for work. Recently, her home came to trouble, and the woman had to just flee her native village. There was an alarming suitcase ready. It's about leaving.
A friend agreed to take Lilya to the city. And there she was going to rush abroad to her fiancé, who at that time had been working in Poland for a year. But on the way, the woman noticed a small private house burning in the fire. She used to drive past it often and knew the people who lived there. Lily couldn't believe her eyes.

She asked the driver to stop for a second. When she got out of the car, she heard a baby scream. “God, this is Vanka!” thought Lilya. She realized the boy had stayed inside the building. Risking her own life, Lily took Vanya out of the burning house. The woman saved the child, realizing that she could not do otherwise.
The betrayal of the beloved Brave heroine suffered greatly. But thanks to an acquaintance, both she and the boy quickly ended up in the hospital. What happened to Vanya's grandmother, who remained in the house, is unknown. But Lilya just couldn't have saved her. So she tried to keep the evil thoughts away. There was still a lot of pain ahead.

When the woman’s fiancé found out about everything and saw her face mutilated by fire, he simply abandoned her. The man didn't recognize his lover and refused to believe what she had done: "How could you?" Have you thought about yourself? But could Lilya have done otherwise when the life of a young child was at stake?
She accepted the betrayal of her beloved calmly. Just all the horror that she has already experienced, can not be compared to the fact that she left the groom. A long period of rehabilitation awaited her, but the woman did not worry. She was glad that Vanya was safe.
Soon the doctor informed the woman that the boy’s grandmother did not survive. It turned out that he has a father, but the man is in the service and it is unclear whether he will be able to return. Lily understood that she could not leave the boy to his fate. At the same time, she decided that she would take the baby home when they were released from the hospital.

But things changed dramatically when a stranger entered Lily's room. It was Vani's dad. Throughout the days that had accumulated, in the eyes of tears, he said, “I do not have enough words to express my gratitude to you.” If it wasn't for you, I would never have seen my son again. You're a hero! While the guys and I are on the front lines, courageous women like you are protecting us in the rear.”
Lilya burst into tears. She saw so much pain in the eyes of a man that she had never experienced in her life. The woman silently took the man by his huge rough hand and replied, “Anyone would have done the same thing in my place.” We're all one now!

Dispossessed souls sat in the room for a long time. They talked about what would happen next. Lilia offered her help in caring for Vanya. Turns out the boy doesn't have anyone else here. It was decided that Lilya would take him with him to Poland, where his grandmother Vanina lives. They had a long journey ahead and many more trials. But most importantly, they were together.
Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? In critical situations, a person can do a lot. She saved a child who would not have survived without her help. And she didn't even think about the consequences. This brave act makes you cry! I want to believe that soon Lilya and Vanya will be able to return home. We believe and know that their lives will improve!

We recently wrote about safe behavior during a fire. Be sure to read this article to be ready for anything!
Any cutting will instantly grow roots if you add one ingredient to the water.
The owner of the aged shared some nuances in the use of the oven, knowing which will never spoil the food