UKRAINE us this is no longer just
"Tell me, and me alone scared when I think of that Ukraine, the second month waiting ARMED BURGLARY Tank brotherly Slavic Russia, the second month of preparing for war, the second month in a frozen pending funerals to their sons, mothers have a second month freeze on every phone call, Ukraine already receiving zinc coffins with his officers from the Crimea, killed Russian soldiers that had passed psychological traits and understand that in the event of war it would fight - and fight to the death - and already understands that in this war, the death rate among its men will simply zaoblochnoy yet ready for it, ready to die rather than surrender ....
I am one of the terrible realization that this Ukraine we do not forgive?
We go through hell right now, when the country with which we have for hundreds of years were brothers, and turns away from us forever. As of the brothers, neighbors, friends, we just turn into the eyes of people that is now ready to fight to the death.
Well actually they are ready to die, but do not live with us anymore.
This - is not forgotten.
This is treated only for decades. If not centuries. While genetic memory will not be erased. A genetic memory is not erased even from famine.
Putin, of course, crap. But what he's doing now ... Before there were flowers.
This man wanted to go down in history?
Oh, yes. He succeeded. Certainly.
That shit that he brews now, will have to disentangle our grandchildren. »
Russian journalist, member of the I and II of the Chechen war, a war correspondent in South Ossetia in 2008,
winner of journalism awards, the creator of the "Journalism without intermediaries».