Forgiveness Sunday will be special in 2023.

I woke up early in the morning, but I was not in a hurry to get up: I still have the right to take a day off. The husband from the kitchen spoke half-whispered to someone on the phone and, hearing that I was awake, walked into the bedroom saying, “Honey, I want to apologize to you.” “Changed!” suddenly struck me. And I blurted out, "How could you?" The husband began to laugh, “My love, Forgiveness Sunday is not today!” I smiled, "Sorry, I forgot!" Forgiveness Sunday in 2023, do you know? I’ll look it up on the internet because I have to prepare! And announcing that Google was helping me, she sat down at my laptop.

Forgiveness Sunday in 2023: What do you need to know about Forgiveness Sunday? Other names of the holiday are Raw Sunday, Raw Bust, Forgiveness Day, Adam’s Exile Week. Forgiveness Sunday in 2023 will be February 26th. The holiday always falls on the last day of the Oil Week (Maslenitsa), but has no exact date, as it depends on the church calendar.

From Monday begins the Great Lent, which will last until Easter. On this day, they confess, pray to the Almighty for forgiveness of sins and ask forgiveness from their loved ones, visit the graves of relatives at the cemetery. Family members go to visit, gather together at the dinner table, bow to each other, hug and ask forgiveness for the offenses caused.

In the evening, the family followed the same custom: parents bowed to each other, and then children approached them with arms.

Apologies were requested in the form of dialogue:
- Forgive me!
- God forgive!
- And a second time I'm sorry!
- God forgive!
- And for the third time I'm sorry!
- God forgives, and I forgive!

On the last day of Maslenitsa, it was allowed to eat fast food, eat dairy products and eggs. It was customary to cook dumplings, to set the table generously, but all the food that remained after the meal should be either finished or distributed to the poor. People say that on Forgiveness Sunday, even basurmans eat dumplings.

Other customs associated with this day On Forgiveness Day, mass festivities gathered, burned a stuffed carnival, sawed off winter and called spring. It was a tradition to burn old things at the stake, which symbolized getting rid of illness and failure.

The whole holiday was saturated with an atmosphere of kindness and sincere forgiveness. People believed that if on Raw Sunday to ask for forgiveness and yourself to forgive all offenses, their fate can change for the better, in their lives there will be many new good events.

On Maslenitsa adhered to the statement:
  1. Watching the hostess, we watched how many pancakes she baked. If the pancakes came out a lot, they are lush and rosy - the year is expected to be productive and prosperous. If the pancakes failed or they turned out to be few, there will be a difficult period.
  2. Mother-in-law invited her son-in-law to pancakes and tried to make sure he liked them - then they will spend a year in love and consent.

  3. If on the eve of Maslenitsa there were abundant precipitation, then in autumn a rich harvest of mushrooms was expected, if frosts - summer will be cold.
  4. If you get rid of old on this day, then you should expect new things.

From an interesting reading, I was distracted by a phone call – my mother-in-law was in touch. “Daughter, forgive me!” – heard from the speaker. Instead of saying, “It can’t be like that,” I politely and affectionately replied, “God forgives, and I forgive!” We talked nicely on the phone for a long time, and when the conversation ended, I thought about kindness, about forgiveness, about love.

And the soul became warm and calm. I went to my husband, kissed him and said, “I’m sorry!” He smiled, “God forgives, and I forgive.” Don’t wait until the 26th to ask for forgiveness. But on this day, do it for sure.


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